Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 69: Sad past

Chapter 69: Sad past

Chapter 69 The Sad Past

In the next three days, Liu Rulong went to Zhongwu Shiyao once, but was rejected by Rong Rong on the grounds that Zhongwu Shiyao was in retreat.

Now that ten days have passed since the trial qualification battle, Linghu Changkong handed over 98 million low-grade spirit stones to Murong Kun as promised.

Murong Kun noticed that Linghu Changkong's face had obvious bruises on his five fingers. He didn't need to think about it to know that Linghu Changkong was bestowed by his great-grandfather.

This is the case. Linghu Changkong's great-grandfather, the chief elder of the inner sect holy soul lineage, heard that his great-grandson was actually gambling with others to kill and owed gambling debts. Disappointed with this great-grandson, he slapped his face hard and took out the spirit stone.

Moreover, he told Linghu Changkong to be more restrained, and to kill people without leaking, how could he still blatantly gamble to kill people? Once this matter is exploited by someone with a heart, and spreads to the Sect Master, even though he is the chief of the inner sect holy soul lineage, he cannot save Linghu Changkong...

At the same time, within these ten days, the battle for trial qualifications has come to an end, and only hundreds of disciples who had reached the Great Perfection of the Spirit Embryo Realm defeated the lower-ranked disciples on the Qianlong Ranking and replaced the trial qualifications.

In the days that followed, among the 3,122 strong men named on the list, those who touched the fetal soul barrier, while recharging their batteries, borrowed enough spirit stones from relatives and friends, and went to the outer market to buy one. Low-grade spirit weapon flying sword. After wanting to advance to the Fetal Soul Realm in the Canyon of the Meteorite God, Yujian used it for flying.

Those powerhouses who haven't touched the fetal soul barrier are also raising money to buy low-grade spiritual weapons flying swords, as well as elixir to improve their realm. Desire to be able to perceive the fetal soul barrier before the trial...

While protecting Tan Yun's law, Mu Mengji found a blank jade slip. According to his memory, he painted the appearances of Linghu Changkong, Murong Kun, Liu Rulong, and Wang Futong's subordinates vividly on the jade slip.

I thought that after Tan Yun left the customs, he would give the jade slip to Tan Yun, so that Tan Yun would know what his enemy looked like and knew what he was doing.

When painting the characters, she also marked the characters' ranking on the Qianlong list below the characters...

Time flies like an arrow, the eve of the trial.

The silver moon is like a sickle, and the stars are dotted.


The door of the practice room opened gently, and Tan Yun walked out full of energy.

Mu Mengji in the boudoir obviously heard the sound of the door opening, and happily stepped out of the boudoir, looked at Tan Yun, and said softly, "Have you been promoted?"

"Although I haven't been promoted to the Great Perfection yet, I have already touched the barrier of the Great Perfection. When I arrive at the Meteor God Canyon tomorrow, I will hit the realm." Tan Yun said with expectation.

"Well." Mu Meng nodded slightly.

"Did you miss me?" Tan Yun took a step forward and put his arms around Mu Mengyu's waist.

"No." Mu Meng sighed and smiled shyly.

"Hey, I don't believe it." Tan Yun smiled, hugged Mu Mengji tightly, bowed his head, and when his lips moved towards the beautiful red lip print, the door of the other bedroom suddenly opened, and Xue Ziyan hit him right in the face. .

"Ah... I'm sorry, you continue." Xue Ziyan opened her eyes wide and turned around to enter the room.

"Junior Sister Xue is here, please let me go." Mu Meng licked her cheeks, and pushed Tan Yun away, her heart pounding. The charming and shy appearance made Tan Yun a little absent-minded.

"I'm not here, just treat me as the air!" Xue Ziyan laughed.

"Okay, you dare to make fun of me."

"Senior sister, I was wrong, wrong, I surrendered!"

Afterwards, Mu Mengjia and Xue Ziyan frolicked together, laughing and laughing, filling the entire pavilion.

Late at night, ugly time. The moonlight became clearer and clearer, the bonfire swayed on the pavilion tiles, and Tan Yun, Mu Mengjia, and Xue Ziyan sat around.

"Wow~ tsk tsk!" Xue Ziyan ate the roasted rabbit meat in her hands, gave Tan Yun a thumbs up, and said in admiration, "Good boy, you have a hand! Senior sister often tells me that you have a good barbecue. I still dont believe it, tsk tsk, today I believe it!

"You, you can't stop your mouth when you eat." Mu Mengji was still the same as when Tan Yun first met, tasting the delicious food without showing his teeth.

After Xue Ziyan finished eating with a satisfied expression, she stood up and clapped her hands, looking at Tan Yun and Mu Mengyu sitting side by side, "A spring night is worth a thousand dollars, I won't hinder you."

Xue Ziyan swept down the pavilion without waiting for Mu Mengjiao to break out.

"This Zi Yan is becoming more and more open-minded..." Under the moonlight, Mu Meng's voice stopped abruptly, but Tan Yun suddenly kissed her lips.

Mu Mengji's beautiful eyes widened, and after struggling slightly, she let Tan Yun hold her...

After a long time, the four lips parted, Mu Mengji looked at Tan Yun with a moving expression, "I want you to treat me like this in the future."

"No!" Tan Yun shook his head, just when Mu Meng was confused, he said again: "Not in the future, but in this life and this life."

"Yeah." Mu Meng's bleak face was full of happiness, snuggled in Tan Yun's arms, and whispered: "You are so good, there must be many women who will adore you in the future, I just hope that no matter how many you have in the future. Women, you must always be there for me."

"Silly girl, it's enough to have you in my life." Tan Yun stroked Mu Mengjia's hair, as if thinking of something, and whispered, "Mengjiao."

"What's wrong?" Mu Mengyu didn't look up, but buried his head in Tan Yun's chest.

"When I become a real powerhouse in the future, after I rescue your mother, I will propose to your mother, and of course, I will avenge your father." Tan Yun said firmly: "This is my promise to you."

Mu Meng's delicate body trembled suddenly, and she raised her head to look at Tan Yun, faintly visible in the moonlight, two tears came out of her eyes, "Okay, I promise, I will marry you then. But, how did you know my life background?"

Tan Yun raised his hand to wipe away the tears from Mu Mengji's eyes, and said, "You said it when you were ecstatic and lost your mind. Silly girl, tell me, what's going on?"

Mu Mengji was silent for a moment, then said with tears in his eyes: "In our vast Continent of Heaven's Punishment, there are currently fifteen major forces known to everyone."

"They are the Six Sects, the Second Palace, the First Pavilion, the Four Great Sacred Dynasties, as well as the Demon Domain and the Beast Domain."

"The four great sages are based on their strength: Huangfu Sacred Dynasty, Tuoba Sacred Dynasty, Nangong Sacred Dynasty, and today's Tang Zun Sacred Dynasty."

"Eight years ago, there was no Tang Zun Dynasty. At the end of the power ranking was my Mu Feng Dynasty. One night eight years ago, Tang Yongsheng led many great powers and suddenly killed the imperial city. They were too powerful, so powerful. unimaginable.

"My father took the powerful men of the Holy Dynasty, fought **** battles, and finally died. Tang Yongsheng was ruthless and would slaughter tens of millions of strong men loyal to my father!"

"At the beginning, the three thousand strong people took the eight-year-old me to escape from the Mufeng Holy Dynasty. We fled for five years before we avoided the pursuit. The three thousand strong people who protected me were also killed for protecting me. ."

"Actually, when I was eight years old, I had already entered the seventh level of the Spiritual Embryo Realm. After five years of escape, I spent it in fear and fear, and I did not cultivate for a day."

"After I escaped to the Huangfu Sacred Dynasty, I came to Huangfu Sacred Mountain, and knelt in front of the mountain gate for a month, until the elder found me when he went out to leave the sect."

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