Harem Reborn

Chapter 96: Shocking Revelations

Chapter 96: Shocking Revelations

I was frozen in place as the girls spread away from me in a half-circle. Kyrina stood in a beautiful short white dress that went just below her knees, and I could see the exposed gears on her legs. Her hair had been done up in a fancy bun, and she was now wearing make-up.

"You... Your beautiful Kyrina," I was able to say as I regained control of my motor functions and walked to her.

Kyrina blushed and smiled at me as I got closer, but she didn't look away. When I stood in front of her, I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. This was too perfect, and she was also perfect, so I took a breath and spoke.

"I know that your the person I want at my side, and I love you, Kyrina. I'm not good at expressing myself through words, but your amazing, and I care about you. So, will you marry me?"

"Yes! I'm really excited and worried about everything to come, but I think we will make it!"

My heart was racing in my chest now, and Kyrina dabbed her eyes with a cloth Maxine passed to her. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but I didn't want to move. Luckily, Dresnal walked over to us, shaking his head.

"You kids are sure something, well let get this show on the road! So, Dave, while I got you here! And you Kyrina, locked in his hands, for better or worse! Do you each promise to love, cherish, and protect each other for the rest of your lives?"

"Yes!" We both said at the same time.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Kiss the damn girl!"

I had a few weddings in my time, but Dresnals short and sweet version of the ceremony was great. It was just one step above going to Cityhall, but it was my favorite! I leaned in, and our lips pressed together as we kissed.

This moment was short-lived as an explosion and an ear-shattering *POP* destroyed our calm. To perfect, I knew it, there was no way this lull could stay, but what happened? I looked to Dresnal, but he was already gone, so I tried to look up, but the sun and sky were blinding to my eyes now.

"What happened to the dome?" I asked, pulling away from Kyrina.

People were starting to yell and panic, but I couldn't figure out where all the noise came from. That's where Dresnal would be, so instead of waiting for an answer, I asked the girls to help get the people out of here and to escape, and we would follow. I grabbed Kyrina's hand and ran back to the hut with her.

The wind had started to pick up inside the camp now with the barrier gone, and the sun was hot coming down. When we got to the hut, I grabbed my suit and went inside, letting go of Kyrina's hand. She still followed me in and asked if I could help her get out of her dress by pulling it up over her head.

I helped her, and as I did, her naked body was revealed as I pulled the dress up and off her. The way Kyrina's breasts bounced and jiggled made me ready to do terrible things to the people that interrupted me from getting to experience this moment properly.

Once I got the dress all the way of, I started to strip down quickly. Kyrina shifted, but once I had my suit fitted on, I grabbed a pack and stuffed it in her suit just in case and the red cloak. I tied it and then slung it over my shoulders by the straps and used another cord to connect the straps in the front.

Once I was done, I ran outside with Kyrina following close.

"Do you know where that sound came from?"

Kyrina put her nose in the air and sniffed, immediately turning north. Both of us ran to see what was going on, but we started hearing fighting when we got closer. Suddenly I stopped from a shock on my wrist, and Kyrina stopped as well.

I light flashing red and blue on the golden bracket that Jill had given me before we had left the ship. The light reminded me of cop lights before I came to this game, so I figured it must be severe, so I tapped the light. Suddenly a distorted image of Jill appeared as a three-dimensional image floating above my wrist.

"Dave? Are you ok?" Jill asked in a panicked voice.

"The settlement we have been staying at was just attacked!"

"You all need to get away from there; your MAS suits have been activated and are on autopilot to your signatures. We have been betrayed!"

"What? By who?"

"Irellia and Kyrin left the ship with both large MAS units. That was three days ago; somehow, they rigged the cameras and sensors to fool even Alta! They also stole the last four crystals, so they will be able to upgrade each once with two gems. You need to run; it will be them attacking; retreat through the portal and take it with you, but hurry!"

"What about Sasha's father, Dresnal?" He left right when the explosion happened; he will be in danger! He can't fight those giants alone!"

"Dave! Snap out of it! Dresnal can take care of himself! Your job is to keep our people safe, understand?"

"Yes, Mam!"

The image cut off, and I turned to look at Kyrina, who hadn't said a word.

"Are you okay?"

"I knew he wasn't my brother, even before something always felt off about him, but to betray us? Why?"

"Irellia, that's why. It all makes sense now."

"What do you mean?"

"A couple of games ago, the same thing happened, and I was betrayed, but she was there with me at the end. Then somehow, in the last game, fate could track us down at the restaurant, living me into a trap, another thing she could have set up. Now, this with a clear sign, those two aren't normal players, and they have been using us."

"What are we going to do now then? We can't fight those things."

"We listen to our superiors and get these people to safety. Our suits will meet us on the way."

I turned to go, but the sound of fighting had stopped. I looked at Kyrina, but she was frozen in place. The familiarity of the situation was confirmed by the sound of Simon's voice coming from behind me.

"Do you know nothing about running a harem, Dave?"

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