Harem Reborn

Chapter 138: Electric Fire Viper Mantis Archer Stone Blue-Ringed Cheetah Ape

Chapter 138: Electric Fire Viper Mantis Archer Stone Blue-Ringed Cheetah Ape

Evolution Choice:

{Crab Claws}{Shark Fins}{Frogfish}


Another one was coming at me as I made the selection; I would have to be fast with these choices to stay ahead. The other monsters that were starting to tear into the crowd were getting a lot bigger. The Man coming at me had a swordfish's nose, bear face, and other things, but I had to dodge him or get skewed, but then he slowed down a lot.

//NEW SKILL UNLOCKED: [Dialed up Frogfish]: Increase reaction time from 200 milliseconds to 6 milliseconds

"It's is on now; LET'S GO!"

[Hammer Fist]

The head exploded and filled the water there with red mist, but I was gone, using the dead remains to push off. I starter to kill my opponents, streaking through the water like a demon streaking through the water, evolving with hardly any thought.

{Viperfish Fangs}

{Cheetah Sprint}

{Electic Eel Doublet}

{Ape Strength}

{Archer Fish Stream}

{Eagle Eyes}

{Fire Coral Invisible Arms}

{Dragon Charged Breath}

{Stone Fish Venom}

{Mantis Shrimp Jet Punch}

{Blue-Ringed Octopus Deathcloud}

As I progress through the list, it causing me to kill faster then I could evolve. The water was making it hard to see with all the blood, so I started down to the light and seen about ten Monster's fighting. I was sure that I was a monster of such a disgusting variety by this time; I had kept the menu open and selected evolutions as fast as the system would allow.

Each time I made a selection, I would gain a new skill, or one would change. The overload of evolutions should have bombarded me with skills, but the only thing that was overfilling was my mating skill. Who wrote all these? Afriggin pervert, that's who! I would have to give Simon shit about that one.

Some of them were entertaining, but laughing at them would make the author of this crap think they were actually funny. Then who knows what lewd comments might turn up in the next game? Still, some of my skills had changed dramatically, and according to my name, I was as big of a mess as I thought I was.

Current Evolution: Electric Fire Viper Mantis Archer Stone Blue-Ringed Cheetah Ape

[{Unified Evolution Ready}]

Current Combat Skills:

[Stone Jet Venom Sting]: 3/3 -Death, recharge 1/day

[Electric Jet Blade Punch Doublet] .25s

[Deathcloud Archer Grenades] 30s

[Charged Fire Arm Sprint] 30s

[Bionano Coat](Passive): Coat body in Impact-resistant nanoparticle coating. Gain 95% resistance to non-magical attacks and 30% resistance to magical attacks.

[Dialed up Frogfish]: Increase reaction time from 200 milliseconds to 6 milliseconds.

Survival Skills:

[Heat Sense] 5s

[Danger Sense](Passive): Sense incoming threats.

[Hunter Sense](Passive): Sense targetable opponents.

[Light Absorption]: Activatable: Absorb 99% of light, coating body in darkest black. 

Mating Skills:

[Fox]: Fox-like charm: You attract females with your charm and have an increased chance for mating.

[Wolf]: Wolf-like Olfaction: Your sense of smell is increased to help you better understand when a female is in heat, increasing your chances of mating

[Dragon]: Dragon-like Reproductive Organ: You have been endowed with a sufficiently sized reproductive tool to help satisfy your mate, Increasing my chance of mating.

[Scorpion]: Scorpion-like Mating Armaments: Create Spears and Chiton Shields. 

[Viperfish]: Viperfish-like Mating Armaments: Create Daggers and Kunai.

[Cheetah]: Cheetah-like Mating Speed: Decrease the total time needed to mate.

[Electic Eel]: Electic Eel-like Mating Communication: Increase the chance of mating.

[Ape]: Ape-like Mating Display: Bravado and displays of strength will increase your chance of mating dramatically.

[Archer Fish]: Archer Fish-like Ranged Insemination: Increase mating range.

[Eagle]: Eagle-Like Mating Identification: Track and Mark potential mates.

[Fire Coral]: Fire Coral-like Invisible Ticklers: Increase mating pleasure and weapon strength.

[Stone Fish]: Stone Fish-like Potency: Craft legendary and Epic Rank weapons.

[Mantis Shrimp]: Mantis Shrimp-like Mating Armaments: Create Pistols and Rifles.

[Blue-Ringed Octopus]: Blue-Ringed Octopus-like Mating Armaments: Create ranged ammunition with poisonous AOE.

I noticed another option at the top that was where my Evolution choices usually sat, Unified Evolution Ready. I tried to select it after activating [Light Absorption], but nothing happened. I must have to wait until after; I turned back and focused on the group fighting before.

Two Sharkmen, Two octopus...things, four fish type things, and one Jellyfishman...no, that's one less jelly boy, but the strange thing was the last one in the middle. It was a Tigerman, with gills, but mostly tiger, like he hadn't evolved yet, but he defended all the attackers.

As I got closer, I noticed he was protecting a bubble in the sand. I sped up when I saw what it was, racing into the light. Suddenly, as I got closer, I burst through an air bubble and into the open air.


I tried to flap my wings that were now gone and opted to try landing on my feet, but that proved far more straightforward than I had imagined. Between what I gain from the Mantis shrimp and Frogfish, I was already unstoppable at it was, unless someone else had the same...

[Danger Sense]

[Electric Jet Blade Punch Doublet]

[Electric Jet Blade Punch Doublet]

[Electric Jet Blade Punch Doublet]

Three of the four Fishmen had tried to attack me before I could land, but I watched them come at me in slow motion, my adrenaline boost giving me that familiar feeling of being back inside Diamond Edge. My attacks cut the three bodies to pieces, but the blood boiled out of them, and they still discharged an electrical current between the other pieces. [Electric Jet Blade Punch Doublet] caused this effect by using the electric eels doublet effect, new information coursing into my brain.

I watched the last Fishman try to rush me through the charged body parts only to be electrified and have the blood boil out of this eye's ears and skin. It was a horrifying thing to watch, so I tracked the rest of my opponents as I finally hit the ground and land smoothly. There were only five of us left now, Two Sharkmen still and one Octo-mon; Tigerman had killed the other. 

The Tigerman was being circled by the last three, ignoring me altogether. Oh, boy, time to spank some stupid fish!

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