Harem Reborn

Chapter 136: No, Really, Thanks

Chapter 136: No, Really, Thanks

I stepped outside of the cave and looked around, but I was perplexed by the assault to my senses. 

Saltwater, sand, and tropical weather greeted me as I stepped out of the mouth of the cave. What the hell? I was just in a forest when I had fallen asleep, wasn't I?

I stopped trying to think around the problem and just let my brain fall into the mindset of, 'this is all just a game'-mode. No point in trying to overthink anything; I would just have to deal with this as it was. Thinking about how things were made me check my status bar, and my hunger was in the red.

Well, time to forage; I stepped out of the cave and walked out on to the beach, and started to look around. The area seemed to be a cove of sorts, so I turned back to see what was past the cave, but the cave was gone. Also, there was only a tall cliff wall behind a sparse amount of palm trees, but the cliff face seemed to go on forever.

So, I'm on a beach, a wall behind me, the ocean in front, and no land in sight. Oh, and I just got these new wings that would do me no good now, or would they? I hadn't really seen winged fish, but maybe if I got gills, my wings would turn to flippers? But then what do I do get back to land?

Food, that was what I needed first; I would just have to wing the rest of it, so to speak. I looked around, and I was pleasantly surprised to see trees with fruit on them; the only strange thing was that each tree bore different kinds of fruit. Some of the fruit wasn't even grown on trees, but low and behold, hanging strawberries and watermelons. 

Again, I reinforced the Game-mode mindset; games like this that repeatedly broke the normal in different ways were more straightforward and more problematic at the same time. It was easier to identify it as a game, but that seemed to make my brain work harder to rationalize with the worlds.

I shook my head, walked over to the hanging fruit, and pulled a couple of strawberries off the palm tree. I was about to pop on in my mouth when I stopped, Trinity's voice echoing through my head. 

"But be careful! You are what you eat!"

What would happen to me if I ate a strawberry? Or any of these fruits, for that matter? Could I become weaker, maybe? Too many questions with no one to ask, so I popped one of the larger strawberries into my mouth and chew. 

Once I swallow the tasty thing, nothing happened. I popped another one in and chewed, but still, nothing happened. Maybe it wouldn't work for fruit, and I had to eat meat? That didn't make sense, I wasn't going to kill something and eat it raw unless it was tuna, but I wasn't getting any on that onshore.

I decided to eat some more strawberries and not switch food until something happened or my hunger bar moved. I grabbed some more of them and started to eat; finally, after the tenth one, the bottom of my screen started to flash red. I wasn't full, but my hunger had moved into orange from red, so I decided to check out what happened by opening up the screen and selecting the same flashing option.

Evolution Choice: 



It looks like im going to be doing a lot of swimming, so this is my best choice. Plus, it was never bad to have extra Stamina, considering I would need armor, hehe. What pervert put this system in place? I wasn't arguing, but I just wouldn't want my name on the idea.

I looked back at the tree and went back to one of my original questions, did it matter what fruit I ate, or was it just a matter of how much of it I ate? I grabbed an orange, apple, and banana, pealing the other two and then eating all three. A new menu popped up, but this didn't really help with my previous question about cause and effect.

Evolution Choice: 



This choice was a pretty easy pick since I could get strength and speed from the next person I fought. That thought turned me back to the water, giving it a long look. There wasn't anything left on the beach, and all I had was my spear and no clothes.

I started to walk to the water, spear in hand. I stepped into the warm water and started to move faster before diving in. The water was excellent, and I was about to start swimming when I heard a noise from behind me. I had only just dove in, so standing on the ground below the water still left my chest exposed. 

I turned to a female voice, but something about it didn't sound friendly. I looked at a female lizard woman with green scales and blades for arms; wow, kinda sexy, but the look on her face to it all away. This...thing looked pissed, and I noticed another cave fading into the background behind her. 

"Running away, Hero?"

Wait a minute...that voice...no way.


"In the flesh, Dave! Sorry, I had to leave so quickly last time, but you know how it is!"

"Out of all the people they could send here, you are the one? Well, this will be easier than I thought."


"No, really, thanks. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better opponent."

"What do you mean? Aren't you mad at me for taking all your stuff and then getting you fired? Don't you care that I used you and then threw you away like trash?"

"Mad? At one point, I was disappointed that you would stoop so low, but seeing you like this and everything else that has happened since then has made me think. No, I am thankful because if it were any other girl, I would have to make up an excuse in my head for why im going to kill you."

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