Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Arc 5 Deadly Thief

Chapter 96

In the early morning of March 22, 3021, Ling Huaan and Jiang Chengyan listened to the news while eating breakfast.

Yesterday, a VB article titled Return My Organ broke the internet. It is said that a patient in a municipal hospital was confirmed to have died a few days ago. His parents suspected the cause of his death and asked the forensic doctor to intervene. During the autopsy, the forensic doctor found that One of the patients kidneys was missing, and the cause of death was not due to illness but was poisoned. Now the criminal investigation team has been involved in the investigation, and the suspected target is Zhang Wei, a cardiac surgeon at the Municipal Hospital

Hearing this, Jiang Chengyans face suddenly became ugly. He took out his mobile phone and started to search for news, and then a call from Li Tong came.

Captain, its not good. Have you seen the news? Ma Donghai posted the truth about Ma Xiaohans death on the Internet, causing an uproar. Now, Zhang Weis information has been exposed to the public. He and Liu Meijuans information has also been posted on the Internet. Many netizens have left messages on the Internet, asking Liu Meijuan to return Ma Xiaohans kidney. Whats more troublesome is that the gate of the municipal hospital was blocked, saying the hospital was doing human trafficking. Also, many patients who died in the hospital requested an autopsy. The phone of the forensic department was blown up.

Ive seen the news, Ill go there right now.

Jiang Chengyan finished the bowl of porridge quickly, stood up, and said, Huaan, Ill go to the team first.

Ling Huaan frowned slightly and asked, Whats going on? Who disclosed the case information?

Jiang Chengyan said while putting on his clothes, It is said that Ma Donghai made a VB article, and the municipal hospital became a mess. The families of many deceased patients requested a forensic autopsy. Huaan, the impact of this incident is too bad, I must go there immediately.

Ma Donghai? Isnt the case still under investigation? How did he know?

Jiang Chengyan was stunned and immediately said, The autopsy report was indeed shown to Ma Donghai, but he didnt know how far the case had gone and never told him about the suspicions about Zhang Wei, so how did he know?

Its better for you to make sure if Ma Donghai himself made the VB article.

Okay, Ill go to work first. See you in the evening. Jiang Chengyan took a few steps to Ling Huaans side and kissed him on the lip. Then he turned and walked out of the door.

Ling Huaan raised the corner of her mouth and continued to eat breakfast. After breakfast and cleaning up, Ling Huaan went out and released Ma Xiaohan.

Uncle, that bell is too small. Can I stay outside instead? Ma Xiaohan followed Ling Huaan into the taxi and looked at him aggrieved.

Can not. Although Ma Xiaohans resentment is weak, he is still a ghost with heavy yin energy. It doesnt matter with Ling Huaan, who has a special physique, but not Jiang Chengyan. Not to mention that theyre always doing stuff that is not suitable for children. It was inconvenient to have a ghost beside him. Moreover, he was still a kid.

Whats the inconvenience? Didnt Uncle say that you wanted me to be your eyes? Ma Xiaohans face wrinkled into a steamed bun.

When I need you, I will let you out.

Uncle, its called unloading and killing a donkey1!

To kill the donkey when the grinding is done? Do you understand what this idiom means?

Ling Huaans words couldnt be suppressed, which led the taxi driver to look at the rearview mirror frequently. When he saw the headphones stuffed in his ears, he couldnt help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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Ma Xiaohan didnt dare to lose his temper at Ling Huaan. He grinned at the taxi driver and said, What are you looking at? Drive your car well.

Ling Huaan said in amusement, Do you know which idiom you should use for your current behavior?

Ma Xiaohans small mouth pouted and said, Hmph, uncle is bullying people with his power!

Ling Huaan was amused by Ma Xiaohan and laughed lightly, Yeah, Im a bully. What can you do?

Hmph, Im ignoring you! Ma Xiaohan turned around angrily and turned his back on Ling Huaan.

Ling Huaan still wanted to speak but was interrupted by the driver, saying, Sir, the municipal hospital is here.

How much is it? Ling Huaan took his wallet out of his pocket. The driver looked at the faremeter and said truthfully, 28.

Although Ma Xiaohan was still angry, he always remembered his task. He glanced at the parameter and said, He didnt lie; it shows 28 yuan.

Ling Huaan opened the wallet and paused deliberately, There are three ten yuan in the wallet. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th from the outside.

Ling Huaan took out the money as he said and handed it to the taxi driver, sir, here your money.

The driver took the money, took out two coins from his wallet, and handed them to Ling Huaan, Here is your change.

Seeing Ling Huaan raising his hand to touch it, the driver realized something was wrong with him. He held Ling Huaans wrist a little embarrassedly, shoved the coin into his palm, and said, Sorry, I didnt know your eyes cant see. Here are two coins. Take it.

Ling Huaan put the coin into his wallet, smiled, and said, Its okay, thank you, sir. Goodbye.

You get off slowly and be safe. Forget it. Ill help you get off.

Without waiting for Ling Huaan to stop him, the driver got out of the car, opened the rear door, and reached out to help Ling Huaan.

Ling Huaan got out of the car and thanked the driver before turning around and heading towards the municipal hospital. The gate was noisy. Even if he cant see, he can understand the situation by listening to the sound.

Huh, why are there so many people in front of the hospital? Ma Xiaohan blinked his big eyes in confusion.

Its because of you. Ling Huaans footsteps did not stop as he continued to walk towards the entrance.

Because of me? Ma Xiaohans eyes become more suspicious.

 Im afraid that everyone already knows about you. Ling Huaan looked up in the direction of the hospital and suddenly stopped as if shrouded in powerful energy.

Seeing Ling Huaans expression was not right, Ma Xiaohan curiously asked, Uncle, whats wrong with you?

Ling Huaan shook his head, continued walking, and said, Its okay, lets go in.

Hey hey hey, young man, are you going into the hospital to see a doctor? An old man stopped at Ling Huaan.

Ling Huaan was stunned and replied, No, Im going to visit a patient.

Young man, havent you heard that this hospital is short of morality and is engaged in the business of buying and selling human organs? You also advised the patient you visited to transfer to another hospital.

Yes, yes, its all spread on the Internet. Its said that Whats the name of that seven or eight-year-old child?

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Its called Ma Xiaohan. That child was not yet eight years old and was killed by someone. Those murderous doctors killed a life for a kidney, really sinful, ah!

Yes, people say doctors are angels who save peoples lives, but now they have become demons who kill people. My aunt passed away in this hospital two days ago. I dont know if its the same as Ma Xiaohan. She is already dead. We cant keep her body here.

This hospital is too shady. We cant just let it go. We must draw the governments attention!

Yes, yes, we cant just let it go. Today, its Ma Xiaohan. Maybe tomorrow, its us. We must draw the attention of the government. Otherwise, who would dare go to the hospital to see a doctor?

Ling Huaan looked around and found that these people were entwined with traces of resentment. This resentment would not hurt people but would be used by resentful ghosts as their best supplement. It is common for ordinary people to have resentment, but it is very rare to form an energy like this. Since the bad feeling just now, Ling Huaan is sure someone is messing with it.

Ling Huaan smiled politely and said, Sorry, I must see a patient. Please give way. Im blind; please dont bump into me.

Although the crowd did not want Ling Huaan to go in, they still made way for him in the end.

Ling Huaan smoothly passed through the crowd and entered the hospital gate. Under the guidance of Ma Xiaohan, one person and one ghost walked towards the ward building.

Uncle, are they telling the truth? Was my kidney stolen?

Ling Huaan nodded and said, En, the autopsy report issued by the medical examiner is written like it.

Then how did I die? Ma Xiaohans face is not angry or sad but surprisingly calm.

The inference from the police station is that someone mixed foxglove into your injection. They poisoned you and led you to death. The symptoms are no different from your heart attack, so the doctor has no doubt. Ling Huaan has no intention to hide.

Who is the murderer? What did he take my kidney for? It is really for money like they said? Ma Xiaohan still had no anger on his face, only full of confusion.

Ling Huaan asked instead of answering, Ma Xiaohan, why arent you angry or upset at all?

Although I havent recovered my memory, I can still recall some pictures. I was in the hospital for IV drips or taking medicine, and it felt very painful. Uncle, Im actually very afraid of pain.

Although Ma Xiaohan did not say it very clearly, Ling Huaan still heard his underlying meaning. He could not help but sigh, Xiaohan, everyone born in this world will encounter various suffering, whether they are sick, poor, or lonely. But this cant be why we give up life, because its too valuable. Do you know that many people cant even ask for it? Do you understand?

Ma Xiaohan blushed and lowered his head, saying, Uncle, Ill remember your words.

No matter how many hardships the culprit has, it cannot be a reason to murder you. So when he sows evil causes, its destined for him to bear evil reap, and what awaits him will eventually be judgment.

Ma Xiaohan nodded and said, Uncle, I know, I will be a good person in the future.

The two dont talk anymore and take the elevator directly to Yan Yus ward.

Ling Huaan raised his hand and knocked on the door. Immediately afterward, he heard someone answering and it was Sister Zhangs voice.

Mr. Ling is here, come in.

Zhang-jie. Ling Huaan greeted him with a smile.

Huaan, why are you here? Yan Yus voice was filled with concern and disapproval.

Ive come to see you. Dont worry, my injuries are almost healed.

Sister Zhang picked up her handbag and said with a smile, Yan Yu, Mr. Ling, you guys talk, Ill go buy some fruit.

Sister Zhang turned around and walked out of the ward, Ma Xiaohan also playfully wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ling Huaan, saying, Stay here. Do not go anywhere.

Ill just walk around in the hospital and promise to be back soon. Ma Xiaohan begged.

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No, this hospital is not the same as usual, I cant guarantee your safety if you run around.

Different? Whats different? Ma Xiaohan asked curiously.

Ling Huaan ignored him, looked at Yan Yu and asked, How is your injury? What did the doctor say?

The doctor said that the recovery is very good. I need to stay a little bit before going home to recuperate.

Ling Huaan warned, Take the pendant I gave you carefully, and dont take it off from your body, okay?

Huaan, what happened to this hospital? What did you find?


  1. To get rid of someone once he has ceased to be useful
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