Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 70.1

Chapter 70.1

Lin Shiheng, who liked being a father, looked at the general plot of the world.

The novel from the perspective of female lead mainly tells that the female lead, the daughter of a general, was born in a chaotic world. Although she was a daughter, she had a smart head that is more than that of a man. Because she has been with her father since she was a child, she was very talented in military fighting by experience.

Since there was chaos in the world, all the Princes rebelled in succession. The Emperor became perverted, and the people were unhappy. After the uprising, the Emperor, who only wanted to enjoy himself, worried about the betrayal of his underlings, and couldnt wait to tie his underlings in the same boat. Then the Emperor of the harem of three thousand beauties, came up with a bad idea.

Marry the Generals daughter, the female lead, as a concubine.

Originally, it was a good thing to have an Imperial concubine as a family member. In most cases, the General should agree. Unfortunately, in this book, the girl is the only daughter of the General, and she was held in the palm of his hand from an early age. Their father and daughter have a very good relationship. How could he let the apple of his eye marry an Emperor who was nearing the end of his life?

The Emperor was going to die, but still thinking of harming his daughter? The female leads father was also in a rebellious state of mind, but he had been a courtier for a long time, and he didnt think of becoming Emperor. So, he simply took refuge in the Third Prince who was in the lime light at the time.

The content of the plot was probably the story of how the female lead personally led the troops to fight as a daughter, assisted the Third Prince to sit on the throne with her father, and incidentally married the son of the Third Prince and had a happy family.

In this story, the son of the His Highness the third Prince was naturally a General, brave, extraordinary, and had never lost a battle. In the later stage of the plot, he was crowned as the Crown Prince when the Third Prince became Emperor, if there were no accidents.

In this perfect happy story, Lin Shihengs body original owner only took up a word.

He was the father of the Third Princes son.

To be precise, the father who was happy in being a father.

When the world wasnt in chaos, the Third Prince pretended to be flirtatious in order to hide his true self from the Emperor, falling for love everywhere. While pretending to be a wealthy young gentleman, he had a romantic relationship with a woman. He even gave her the jade pendant close to his body.

After having enough fun, the Third Prince disappeared into the vast sea of people without saying goodbye. The woman had been wholeheartedly waiting for her lover to marry herself. She gave him her body out without thinking, but her lover just disappeared. She cried and didnt know what to do, and she found herself pregnant.

Paper, after all, couldnt suppress the fire. Her unhappy appearance still attracted the attention of her family. After being asked, she couldnt resist telling the whole truth. Her parents were almost going to kill her, but she was their own biological daughter. They bought an abortion medicine to let her abort the child, just as nothing had happened.

(TNote: Paper, after all, couldnt suppress the fire = facts cannot be concealed.)

The daughter was reluctant, and her parents said that if she refused to abort, the child would be born without a father and would be drowned in a pig cage with her.

(TNote: drowned in a pig cage = punishment for people having extra marital affairs/ having children out of wedlock, in ancient times.)

In desperation, she found the original owner who longed for her.

The original owner was a carpenter, he was fatherless since childhood, and has been living as a carpenter in the village. Although his family was poor, he had a good appearance. In addition, he had a strong body after working for a long time. This made many women in the village who wanted to find a son-in-law to bring into the family pay attention to him.

He only devoted himself to the woman who had a love affair with the Third Prince. He was ecstatic after a close encounter with the person he liked in an accident, and quickly took all the money he had to the womans house, to ask for marriage.

Things went well. She married him and gave birth to their eldest son 6 months later.

To the original owners puzzlement, his wife was very uninterested in the matter of husband and wife. He loves her and doesnt want to force her. So, he obviously married his wife, but lived in abstinence for 5 years.

Unfortunately, until the child was 5 years old, the woman who had been waiting for the Third Prince couldnt wait for her lover to pick herself and the child up. She eventually died of depression. Before she died, she spoke to the child alone and left the jade pendant to him.

A 5-year-old child shouldnt have understood anything. But he actually memorized his mothers story to him, and the jade pendant never left his body.

1 year after his wife died, the original owner saw his son become skinny because he wasnt good at cooking. He married a woman from a foreign country when she fled to his doorstep, and together they had three more sons.

After that, the eldest son grew bigger and bigger, and was determined to join the military. The original owner couldnt let go, however he also couldnt stop him. He was worried that he would have an accident when he went, then no descendants would be there to pay tribute and burn incense. So, he spent what little rice and grain the family had, to buy a daughter-in-law from a neighboring village.

The two hastily married, and the eldest son left home to join the army. The bought daughter-in-law was pregnant, but she didnt expect the trip would last 7 years.

7 years later, as soon as he came back, he broke off his relationship with his unrelated father, divorced his wife on the spot, and didnt recognize his daughter. After leaving 1,200 silver taels, he left and never came back.

The son who has been raised for so many years was not his own, which was a bolt from the blue for the original owner. The 1,200 pieces of silver was like a reminder of the white eyes wolf he raised. The original owner who was stimulated too deeply, took away the 1,200, crazily ran away that night, and went to the river. Then he dumped it all in.

When family found that 1,200 silver taels and their father were missing, they rushed to look for him. Only to find that he had gone crazy.

Of course, a madman couldnt tell them where he the 1,200 taels went.

It goes without saying what 1,200 taels meant to this family.

But the three sons in the family couldnt blame the father, and continued to take care of him honestly. The original owner went crazy for 10 years. Although the family was poor in these 10 years, he was taken care of by his sons and daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law who was divorced by the eldest son stayed because of the kindness of the three sons. The daughter who was abandoned by her father was not related by blood with the Lins, but in this situation, she was actually taken in. She was grateful and took care of the original owner carefully with them.

The original owner was crazy for 10 years and was taken good care of for 10 years.

Until the tenth year, the Third Prince began to reign, and the matter of finding his own son who lived among the people as Prince was also passed down as a beautiful story. Even if he was crazy in these 10 years, he still got up in the middle of the night and drowned himself in the river.

His wish was simple. To make that rebellious son regret, and make it so that his real relatives, including his eldest daughter-in-law, can live better than that rebellious son.

After checking the memories of the original owner, Lin Shiheng somewhat understood why he was so obsessed with this son.

Because that son was his beloveds child for him. He loved this eldest son very much; the specific level of love could probably be described by the words: bias.

If there was money in the family, the eldest son would have to go study. As for the remaining three sons? Just have enough food to eat.

If there was enough money to buy clothes, he wouldnt buy them for himself but for his eldest son. Like the rest of his family, he wore clothes riddled with holes, clothes that even he didnt know how many layers of patches were sewn on.

Every time the family ate meat, 80% of it would fall into his eldest sons bowl. Even if the eldest son ate normal food, the eldest son who didnt have to work in the fields, ate more than the three sons who bury themselves in farm work every day.

For the three biological children, the original owner wasnt a good father. But for this unrelated eldest son, the original owner really put him at the top of his heart.

Maybe at first it was because his son was his and his beloveds own blood. But when you deeply care about someone for 20 years, you would care about them deep into your bones.

Even when he found out that he wasnt his biological son, the original owner would be sad and angry, but he never thought of giving up his son.

As a result, it was the other party who gave him up first.

He went crazy. The biggest blow to his mind wasnt my eldest son is not my own, but my precious child never saw me as a father.

It wasnt until the moment before his death that he suddenly realized, in his whole life he had wronged his wife, he wronged his three sons, and he never cherished the people that were good to him. Instead, he hollowed out his heart to the white-eyed wolf, and even went crazy for the white-eyed wolf.

If he were to do it again, he would make up for those family members he had let down.

The Lin family, his second wife and three sons. It also included the eldest daughter-in-law and granddaughter, who had nothing to do with the Lin family. As well as several young grandchildren.

The Lin familys children have always been considered quite flourishing. The grandchildren in the second, third and fourth houses were sons. Its just that the original owners most beloved and most desperately desired grandchild was the granddaughter in the first house.

This also made the original owner very dissatisfied. After all, there was no news of his beloved eldest son now. Whats the use of a granddaughter? If something happened to the eldest son, she couldnt even throw a drop in the pot for her father, not to mention the problem of incense worship in the future.

This dissatisfaction in the late return of his son turned into anxiety. Although anxious, the eldest daughter-in-law and granddaughter lived fairly well, without any special treatment, just like any other daughter-in-law and grandchildren in the family. Until one day, the original owner was so worried about his son that he couldnt help but spend money to hire a traveling fortune-teller to calculate when his son would return.

The fortune-teller calculated with his fingers and said: Your son is very good everywhere, but he is unlucky to have married a wife who is incompatible with him. If you want your son to return safely, you should let your eldest daughter-in-law kowtow one hundred times a day, and you may be able to resolve the fate of this incompatibility.

What he said was actually vague.

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