Godly Base

Chapter 18: Evolution

Chapter 18: Evolution

Ogre is a Spirit Warrior realm life form. If it is synthesized, will my status be raised to the Spirit Warrior realm?

Shu Fengs eyes brightened, and his heart beat wildly.

In Flameguard, Spirit Warrior realm is enough to be accepted as an official member and earn millions of credits per year.

That wont do! Although the Ogre is strong. But it has a large frame. Furthermore, it doesnt have the Hollow Invisibility ability. It will be discovered by ordinary people right away. That would quickly put me in a big debt.

Besides, even if I have an Ogre, it wont change the fundamental fact that I myself am really weak. Synthesizing an Ogre wont be of much use to me. At most, itll serve as a meat shield. I cant use it for now.

Whats more, if my ability is too strong, Im afraid itll attract the envy of others. Its better not to keep too high of a profile.

Shu Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and quickly weighed and analyzed things.

Whats the use of god force?

Shu Feng asked the Central Analyzer curiously.

A string of information appeared on the Central Analyzer: God force is a kind of high-level energy refined by god-level powerhouses. It can enable the host or Big Black to evolve!

Make me evolve!

Shu Fengs eyes lit up, and he said excitedly.

Please enter the Soldier Synthesis Nest!

Shu Feng strode towards the Soldier Synthesis Nest. As soon as he entered the semi-circular Soldier Synthesis Nest, countless mucus gushed out and formed a black egg with him in the middle.

Immersed in the strange mucus, Shu Feng opened his mouth and breathed in, and air separated from the mucus and enter his mouth. Yet the mucus didnt enter his mouth.

Please operate the Spirit Cultivation Method 2.0! This will be of benefit to your evolution!

A notification sounded, and Shu Feng started to operate the Spirit Cultivation Method 2.0.

A cool stream poured into Shu Feng from the surrounding mucus.

Along with popping sounds, the cool stream prompted Shu Fengs bones, flesh, and meridians to undergo evolution and transformation.


After who knows how long, a crisp sound rose, and the black egg split open. Shu Feng opened his eyes and got up.

So comfortable! My body feels like its full of strength! Lets see how much Ive improved!

With a flash of excitement in his eyes, Shu Feng strode to the Central Analyzer to scan himself and analyze his strength.

Host, Shu Feng.

Strength 12, agility 11, defense 12, physique 12, intelligence 13, psyche 14.

(Strength 7.1, agility 8.2, defense 7.3, physique 8.2, intelligence 10.6, psyche 8.7 previous values) 

Charm 2, spirit force 15, soul force 4.

(Charm 1, spirit force 1, soul force 1 values from the first measurement)

Ha-ha, Im a level-2 Apprentice Spirit Warrior now! I have finally surpassed an ordinary person in terms of physical constitution. At last, I can cultivate the Spirit Shield Art.

Shu Feng looked at his surging physical constitution, and his eyes flickered with excitement. He felt unspeakably invigorated.

The Spirit Shield Art is a compulsory secret method for spirit gun users. Once its cultivated successfully, the cultivator will be able to use spirit force to form a spirit shield or a spirit force membrane.

Although the Spirit Shield Art is a basic method, but it is the quintessence of the spirit gun user path.

Once a Spirit Warrior realm spirit gun user employs the Spirit Shield Art to conjure a spirit force membrane, even if they are hit by rifle bullets, they will only suffer minor injuries.

The 1st tier spirit gun, Black Fang, looks like a hand cannon and is extremely powerful. Without the Spirit Warrior realm Spirit Shields barrier, if a Spirit Warrior realm powerhouse is hit by a bullet fired by Black Fang, a large hole will appear on their body, and they will become a corpse. But with the Spirit Shield Arts barrier, they will be injured when hit, yet not killed.

Although Apprentice Spirit Warrior realm Spirit Shield Art cant resist guns, but it can strengthen the bodys defense and reduce the damage incurred by bullets. Once stimulated, it can also strengthen the bodys resilience. Its a wonderful method.

Shu Feng asked, Soul force 4? What are the benefits of raising soul force?

By raising soul force, your cultivation aptitude and evolution potential will be upgraded. It is estimated that each time Spirit Cultivation Method 2.0 is cultivated, the spirit force increment rises to 0.06.

Shu Fengs eyes brightened and surged with excitement, 0.06! Thats 3 times as much as my present cultivation speed. In this way, in 5 or so years, I will be able to advance to a Spirit Warrior! And surpass big brother Ma Jin!

Shu Feng is currently 15. In 5 years, he will be 20. If he becomes a Spirit Warrior with an annual salary of 1 million at the age of 20, he will be regarded as an elite.

Display the current resources!

A string of information appeared: Pure soul force 13.

My evolution consumed 15 points of soul force and 0.42 points of god force. In other words, every time my soul force is increased, it will consume 5 points of pure soul force.

Shu Feng continued to ask, Can the remaining soul force be injected into Big Black to make it evolve?

Big Black made great achievements in this times battle. If it werent for it, then with Shu Fengs lacking fighting strength, he would have been dismembered by the Goblins.

In addition to soul force, Big Black also requires spirit force and psionic energy to evolve! However, it can evolve in stages! For the next stage of evolution, 10 points of soul force and 50 points of spirit force are required.

Then extract my spirit force!

Shu Feng willed and let the Energy Collector extract his spirit force.

With a faint flash of light, Shu Fengs spirit force was completely extracted. He endured the fatigue that washed over him, left the base space, and operated the Spirit Cultivation Method 2.0 to practice cultivation and restore his spirit force.

When his spirit force was restored, Shu Feng fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Shu Feng went to school.

Its so simple! These subjects are so simple!

After going to class, Shu Feng felt that the things taught were really simple. As if a sponge, he quickly absorbed them and turned them into a part of his knowledge. He felt like a fish beck in water.

Through chatting with Ma Jin and them, Shu Feng learned that many top spirit users have made great achievements in other fields besides the field of spirit users. Many biologists, medical scientists, pianists, archaeologists, physicists, chemists, and top figures of other fields are spirit users.

At first, Shu Feng wondered why some of the top figures in the various fields were spirit users. Now he realized that a studious spirit user can easily become a top student and dominate multiple fields.

Shu Feng earnestly studied the different middle school subjects, all because he wanted to understand the gene map in the mysterious base. Only by becoming a top scientist, will he be able to find a way to truly master the mysterious base and become its true owner.

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