God Simulator

Chapter 124: Era updating

Chapter 124: Era updating

From the mouth of the tyrant Sarina, Lu Yao filled in the part of Isabella’s dark history in the abyss.

It’s time to talk about this matter.

Lu Yao clicked on Isabella’s avatar, and she was riding a magic wand patrolling in the air.

At this time, he noticed that Isabella’s level had increased to level 30. Undoubtedly, the previous fierce battle in the abyss had given her a lot of experience, but unfortunately, the created creatures of the Sword of the Forest did not trigger.

After activating the Sword of the Forest, Isabella’s data was updated again.


[Apostle Lv30] Sword of the Forest · Isabella

HP: 8404/8404

MP: 1089/1089

Damage: 52

Defense: 50

Speed: 20


In addition to the direct improvement in the data on the battle panel, two abilities have further grown.

[Intelligence] has reached level 30.

[Sword of the Forest] has also been upgraded to level 3, increasing the attributes by damage +25, defense +25, speed +5, and the mana consumption for each spell has also become 150.

Isabella landed on the ground and knelt down to salute, "My lord."

Lu Yao typed a line of words, and then deleted them all. He typed another paragraph, but still felt that it was not accurate and appropriate.

As a god, giving orders is easy.

But talking heart-to-heart with subordinates is truly Lu Yao’s blind spot.

Isabella took the initiative to speak, "My lord, I’m very sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"Before, I also doubted that my identity seemed unusual. I have a special forest elemental ability and a very keen perception of many things, which is significantly different from ordinary apostles."

"Now it is finally confirmed that I am the divine body separated from the Forest God."

"Please destroy me."

"Only in this way can the hidden danger be eliminated."

"Now you have several apostles under your command, most of whom are stronger than me and can definitely provide great assistance to the fire of your faith."

Lu Yao’s heart was filled with mixed feelings.

The past Sarina was a bad witch who was good at sweet talk.

Now Isabella is a diligent and serious apostle who does things carefully.

One must look forward in life.

Moreover, the three-in-one plan of the Forest God has been destroyed by himself and the White God, and this matter has already turned the page.

Lu Yao typed quickly, reprimanding Isabella’s suicidal nihilism.

He said that as a model apostle under his command, she must shoulder her responsibilities and do well in further enhancing the fire of faith.

"My lord, please punish my ignorance."

Isabella immediately admitted her mistake.

- This is not to be repeated. Let’s get to the point.

An exclamation mark appeared above Isabella’s head, and she suddenly said, "My lord, I have been observing in the air recently and found that there have been some changes in this world."

"The world is expanding at an accelerated pace."

"Some parts of the boundaries have already shown the outlines of land and floating islands, but those areas are protected by the boundaries and cannot be seen clearly or approached."

Lu Yao immediately clicked on the mini-map to switch the perspective.

He first selected the northern boundary.

As Isabella said, the boundaries of the fragmented world have pushed out a big step. A white and blurry substance is appearing from the boundary zone, which looks like land or a group of islands.

Lu Yao was somewhat excited about the new continent and islands.

Perhaps, new populations or transcendent beings will be born there.

These are all about population and faith.

Lu Yao overlooked the boundaries of the entire world.

Not only the north, but the edges of every direction, east, south, and west, are rapidly moving outward and evolving. For some reason, the speed of world evolution has obviously accelerated.

- Continue to observe and find out the cause of the changes.

Lu Yao gave Isabella the order.


When Lu Yao was about to go to sleep, a reminder suddenly popped up in the simulator.

[The power of the rules enters the acceleration cycle, and this world is about to undergo an epoch update. All the gods in this world will be forcibly ejected and put to sleep. The estimated update time is 72 hours.]

[Countdown to update: 60:00.]

A hourglass appeared in the center of the screen, and a countdown started next to it.

Lu Yao was stunned when he saw this.

This is... a world version update?

He switched the perspective and asked Sarina, whose memory was relatively intact.

"My lord, an epoch refers to the world’s succession. Different epochs will have different world forms."

Sarina said, "After the epoch changes, the world usually undergoes a series of changes. The climate and geography will change, some powerful tribes may decline, and weak tribes may enter their prosperous period."

"New races will be born, old forces will perish. These are the situations that accompany the epoch changes and cannot be predicted..."

Lu Yao understood as soon as he heard it.

The pixel world is about to start a new version.

Speaking of which, the Earth version is also similar: the Cambrian explosion, the extinction of primitive organisms in the Ordovician period, the extinction of a large number of marine organisms in the Permian period, and the dominance of dinosaurs in the Jurassic period...With each version comes a new deity, and the survivors must quickly understand the world’s version. The competition is about who can adapt to the version the fastest.

With only an hour left, Lu Yao quickly made arrangements.

He first assigned a task to Sarina.

"When the deity is absent, you are the chief Apostle, and all other Apostles will follow your command."

Lu Yao asked her to maintain the stability of the believer community as much as possible to minimize the losses that might be caused by the change of eras.

Sarina, who was favored, showed a smile on her face.

"Rest assured, my lord, I will fulfill your command!"

Then came the troop deployment.

The world update would take three days, during which it might be impossible to log into the Simulator.

So, Lu Yao used the temple to summon Isabella and the Blood Knight to the real world to ensure his safety. Although there seemed to be no danger at the moment, having two bodyguards made him feel more secure.

In the last half hour, Lu Yao was closely watching every move in the pixel world.

He always suspected that something had been overlooked.

This reminded Lu Yao of the feeling when he left the house, always feeling that he hadn’t locked the door, sometimes he couldn’t help but come back to check. But basically, this was all overthinking, muscle memory had done everything.

As the countdown on the screen hit zero.

The entire Simulator automatically shut down.

Lu Yao tried to click on the client of the "Deity Simulator", which could open the initial interface. He clicked on "Continue Game", and after entering the interface, it turned pitch black.

There were two lines of text on the screen.

"Era updating..."

"Update countdown: 71:50:44"

Back to the initial interface, there was also the option of "New Game".

Lu Yao tried to move the mouse over it, but found that "New Game" was grayed out, indicating it was unavailable.

Being forcibly disconnected, the burden on Lu Yao’s shoulders suddenly lightened.

No longer having to stare at the pixelated characters of the entire world, he was suddenly less troubled.

Lu Yao opened Stephen Chow’s "From Beijing with Love", planning to watch the classic comedy to relax. But he couldn’t concentrate on the film he used to enjoy, his thoughts were drifting.

Would there be volcanoes and earthquakes during the era update?

Or would it directly enter the Ice Age, with a massive drop in temperature?

Or even more drastic, meteorite transformation...

Just a slight move from nature, and humans would struggle.

Modern society struggles to cope with natural disasters, the pixelated characters would probably suffer heavy losses...

What am I thinking?!

Lu Yao rubbed his face with his hands.

This was probably the feeling parents had when they sent their child to kindergarten for the first time.

At first, they were happy, then came the worries.

He decided to find something to do to distract himself.

As Lu Yao paced around the room, his gaze suddenly fell on the window.

The letter was still hanging on the street lamp in the parking lane, swaying in the wind.

Lu Yao looked at Isabella: "Take the white horse. Bring that letter here."

"Yes, my lord."

Under the advanced disguise of the "Ghostly White Horse" prop, Isabella flew up into the sky on her wand and deftly took down the letter.

For safety’s sake, Lu Yao had Isabella open the letter outside the house, and he watched remotely through Isabella’s eyes.

The envelope was ordinary kraft paper, and inside was a piece of white letter paper.

The paper read—

"Miss Mary:

There have been reports of lingering crossbands in the vicinity, with ordinary citizens disappearing after mistakenly entering them. I sincerely hope that you can lend a hand and join me in searching for the missing persons. Your help would be greatly appreciated. If you are willing to volunteer, please contact me.

Wishing you all the best and good health.

-Song Shiyi "

Lu Yao remembered the paper posted downstairs.

From childhood to adulthood, Lu Yao had seen many missing person notices, and disappearance seemed to be a common occurrence.

Because there is usually no process or reason, it’s hard to get a real sense of a person completely disappearing or being killed. It’s like every worker, you don’t know why they left, nor do you know what their outcome will be.

To Lu Yao, Song Shiyi was a human-shaped guidebook about the Simulator. Many questions might only be answered by her.

For example.

What is a crossband?

Lu Yao decided to make contact first.

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