God Simulator

Chapter 114: The local deities are very polite

Chapter 114: The local deities are very polite

Lu Yao picked up the cup and took a sip of hot tea.

There was a lot of information on the Divine Body.

He needed to sort it out.

First was the Godhood.

The Divine Body said that the Godhood was hidden deep beneath the sea in the decaying corpse of a dead tree person.

Tree person, underwater, Godhood.

These series of keywords immediately made Lu Yao think of the Forest God.

She was the one who had separated the Godhood and hid it underwater.

After thinking it through, this seemed to be the only possibility.

Who would hide the Godhood inside a tree person? And the fall of an apprentice god would not release the Godhood, that was the previous combat experience.

The Divine Body said, "That tree person is not completely dead yet. It is in a half-dead state and claims to be a servant of the Forest God, asking me to follow the Forest God."

"The Forest God has long fallen... I ate the tree person."


This was the Godhood left behind by the Forest God.

She planned it well.

After Isabella woke up, she walked around as an Apostle. The Godhood, Divinity, and Divine Body attracted each other, so she gradually discovered the other two and gradually merged them, reading and inheriting the memories of the past... trying to be reborn in this way.

Unfortunately, the world is constantly changing.

The Forest God would never have thought that it was Lu Yao who obtained Isabella.

She couldn’t predict that the Book of Memories would be burned by Lu Yao.

Of course, she couldn’t have guessed that the Godhood she deliberately hid underwater would be intercepted by a white wild boar.

The plan for rebirth was completely ruined.

Only the Divinity remained, which was the flame of faith left by the Forest God in the Golden Plains. This was an extremely rich inheritance - all faith!

Now that the hidden dangers in the Golden Plains had been eliminated, the output inside could be gradually considered.


Lu Yao temporarily put aside these follow-up matters and focused his attention on the present.

He needed to solve the problem with the Divine Body.

This local god had brought many new inspirations to Lu Yao.

"I only know that I can build a divine statue without affecting my Divine Body. If I want to, I can also merge with the divine statue, which would exempt me from most damage..."

"But in that case, if the divine statue is damaged, I will also be injured and unable to move. The loopholes and weaknesses will become greater."

The Divine Body honestly said, "That’s why I didn’t do it."

Lu Yao asked for more details.

The Divine Body cooperated and answered one by one.

After a preliminary understanding, Lu Yao opened a new document on the computer.

"Differences between Local Gods and Foreign Gods"

Local Gods are movable gods who inherently possess a Divine Body. They have their own unique miracles, such as the Divine Body’s "Trample" and "Intimidation".

As natives, local gods are very familiar with the entire fragmented world.

Foreign gods usually descend into this world through simulators.

As an outsider like Lu Yao, he possesses unified miraculous abilities, a total of five: Rainfall, Lightning, Scorching Sun, Hurricane, and Earthquake. At least that’s how it is for human players.

Due to the existence of divine statues, foreign gods have a higher reliance on apostles, heroes, and prophets. They must carry out their will through these believers and cannot be like local gods, being both a god, an apostle, and a prophet.

The Divine Body didn’t have a stable plan. It took advantage of its mobility and only thought about how to quickly obtain faith, deceive, steal, and plunder...

Foreign gods are difficult to move, so they must focus on the construction of faith and population. They directly or indirectly drive the development of the local pixel people’s civilization to obtain more population, faith, and sacrifices.

Lu Yao continued to analyze.

Within the group of gods, there are also different components.

The Forest God and the Divine Body have already appeared as local gods. According to the "Book of Memories," the one who fought against the Dark God in the earlier period, the "Dam Builder," is also basically confirmed to be a local god in this world.

Lu Yao connected various clues.

During the time of the "Dam Builder," this was an ownerless world. After the invasion of the Dark God, the "Dam Builder" fell, and the Godhood was passed on to the Forest Witch, who then separated the Godhood and passed it on to the current Divine Body.

The connection became clearer.

Now, there was only one final question: how to deal with the Divine Body.

Looking at the white wild boar on the screen, Lu Yao made up his mind.

He clicked on the Apostle Mark in the upper left corner and dragged it onto the head of the white wild boar.

The simulator displayed.

[Unable to take effect]

The plan to demote failed.

Lu Yao tried again to have the Divine Body separate the Godhood.

"I cannot separate the Godhood... I will only fall." The Divine Body’s head showed a frightened expression.

What should he do then?

He couldn’t let it roam around causing trouble for him, right?

Lu Yao pondered and decided to kill it without hesitation.

He couldn’t keep staring at the Divine Body, and there were no reliable restraining measures. If this pig god caused any trouble, the losses would be great.

As if realizing some kind of danger, the Divine Body suddenly said, "If you agree, this humble god is willing to shape a divine statue and become a subordinate god in your divine palace... to serve as your subordinate god."

"Your command is the most important mission for this humble god!"


Can you have a subordinate god without entering the Hall of Gods?

Lu Yao was a bit skeptical.

The Divine Body explained, "These are all things that this humble god suddenly understood when inheriting the Godhood. This humble god used to hear the believers say that you have a divine palace, so I dared to hope to become your subordinate god."

Lu Yao thought for a moment.

Divine palace... should the divine temple count as a divine palace?

Let’s give it a try, it won’t hurt to try.

Besides, he had sufficient faith now, and the Divine Body only had 300 health points left. Even if it secretly kept some faith, it couldn’t pose any threat.Thus, the White God followed the Apostles all the way to Yao City.

Wherever it went, the pixelated little people around it gathered to watch.

"Is that the White God? Eh, I can’t see clearly at all, it’s like a ball of white fog."

"God Yao is truly omnipotent, even other gods have to come to the temple for pilgrimage."

"Those heretics who worship the White God, they must be submitting to God Yao, right?"

"Make way, let me get a closer look at what the god looks like."

"Hisss! My eyes hurt so much!"

"You can’t look directly at the god! Close your eyes quickly!"

"Ah! My eyes, I can’t see anymore!"

The little people didn’t know yet.

When a god doesn’t want to be seen, it cannot be gazed upon.


The White God turned a blind eye to the discussions of the little people along the way.

When it saw the temple, an exclamation mark popped up above its head.

"This... is not an ordinary divine palace!!"

Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s fine if the temple is considered a divine palace.

As soon as Prophet Yao saw several Apostles appear at the same time, she immediately understood it was the will of the gods. So she immediately got up and retreated outside the temple.

The White God carefully walked up to Lu Yao’s statue, a dialogue box popped up above its head: "Great God, the lesser god offers you infinite loyalty!"

A reminder popped up in the Simulator.

【The god ’White God’ worships your mighty power and wishes to become your subordinate god. Do you accept its allegiance?】


Lu Yao clicked yes.

Immediately, the White God emitted a white light.

This white light condensed into a majestic beast-headed sculpture. Apart from the two clear boar tusks, the sculpture’s head and torso were very vague, like a thick beast-headed stone pillar.

The beast god statue was fixed to the left rear side of Lu Yao’s main god statue, looking like a guardian.

The statue had the words "White God" on it.

Lu Yao clicked on the "White God" statue, and he could immediately check the other party’s population, faith, and items.

Population: 21 Faith: 0

Items: 0

Only then did Lu Yao know.

The faith of the White God was indeed all handed over to him, not a drop was left.

Thanks to Mr. Wutong for the very satisfying support of 100 starting coins, and to the illiterate chicken for the support of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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