God of Music

Chapter 77. In a Widening Stage! (4)

Chapter 77. In a Widening Stage!?(4)

Translator: Synopsis


In a radio studio. The lights under ‘Broadcasting’ was currently red.

Jung MinAh was in this place. This programme named ‘Starry Road’ was aimed at young audiences. Next to her was the leader of DiaTeen, Kang SeGyung.

The main emcee, Kim HyoJin, asked a lot of things from Jung MinAh.

“…So even such things can happen at school. You must have had it hard.”

“Miss MinAh. You go to school too, right?”

“yes. If I don’t have a schedule, then I always do. That’s why it’s so….”

The fact that Kim HyoJin’s body was facing more towards Jung MinAh showed the reputation of the two girls. However, Kang SeGyung was no easy girl. She put a lot of effort in to join the conversation and showed a humorous side as well. Thanks to that, Jung MinAh couldn’t relax during these past two hours.

Like that, time passed and the programme finished.

“Thank you for your work.”

As she had learned from KangYoon, she politely greeted the staff.

“You too, Miss MinAh. You’re always so pretty.”

“Thank you very much.”

Jung MinAh left the studio with a smile. Kang SeGyung followed suit.

“…You’re good, MinAh.”

“What’s good?”

“Just, everything. You aren’t the leader for nothing.”

Jung MinAh and Kang SeGyung had a conversation. 22 years old, although Kang SeGyung had debuted later than her, Jung MinAh still respected her. Though, that didn’t mean she liked her….

“You too, unni.”

“Nah, I’m still ways off from catching you, MinAh-seonbae. Then see you later.”


The two ended their conversation with smiles on their faces, but there was a wall between them. Jung MinAh could feel better than anyone that the members of DiaTeen were wary against them and were trying to rise using them as the foothold.

“I think I meet them in everything I do.”

Manager Kim JiHyun clicked her tongue while watching Kang SeGyung walking away.

“It can’t he be helped. Rivals are supposed to compete against each other. But anyway, do you know what KangYoon-ahjussi is up to?”

“Do you know that you asked that 2 hours ago?”

“I’m just curious.”

Manager Kim JiHyun clicked her tongue.

Jung MinAh’s wish for KangYoon was now well known to everyone.


Large Hall of Bucheon Art Center. A fancy breakdancing performance was currently taking place.

The dancing by the Battlemonsters didn’t just grab the audience with fancy techniques alone. Even their light movements were like violent waves, and the glimpse of abs and muscles on the arms caught the attention of the female audience in the front rows. The large screen installed on the right of the stage also showed their figure. The audience on the 2nd floor was very passionate in their cheers as well.

One team member, Jeon SeungJin, threw his hat into the audience before bowing down like a gentleman’s greeting. His silent gesture triggered the audience to applaud and the lights on the stage slowly turned off.

[There’s a breakdancing concert of such level in Korea?]

Oda, who was currently watching the performances in the front rows surrounded by girl fans, could not take his eyes off the marvelous breakdancing performances. The lights, sounds, and even the progression of the performances were very much to his liking.

[A picture speaks a thousand words. Well, I guess it’s a stage in this case. But anyway, that guy is really amazing.]

Even Producer Akabashi, who heard about KangYoon to the death from JooAh, could not hide his surprise while looking at the real deal. In his and Oda’s minds, they were picturing the busy movements of the staff behind the stage.

While they were picturing such scenes, a mask appeared in the pitch-black darkness of the stage. Following that, some threads and a pair of white gloves appeared. In the darkness, they danced like pendulums before dragging out another mask from the floor.

[Whoa…. What is this now?]

Producer Akabashi widened his eyes. It was like watching some avant-garde art. A couple of hands and a couple of masks were dancing attune to the piano instrumentals. Everyone started being absorbed by their movements.

[That’s one hell of a mood….]

The stage started getting brighter. As the lights turned on, the figure behind the mask showed itself. The figure was being manipulated by another masked figure and was showing the suffering of being controlled by a dance. Numerous figures around that central figure manipulated the central figure, and the central figure showed suffering. The marvelous dancing and the emphasized dancing was enough to make the audience very absorbed.

The rhythm sped up and the mood heightened. Psychedelic lights flashed, and the dances started becoming more violent as well. The one manipulated struggled to escape control but was bound by threads. The snappy dancing and the flashing lights on top of accelerating bass rhythm was enough to make the audience clench their fists in nervousness. However, the one being controlled eventually collapsed onto the ground in confusion. Along with that, the surroundings darkened again.

However, it seemed the figure’s efforts had paid off.

The threads manipulating the central figure seemed to have snapped off, as that figure stood up as the lights turned back on. Along with the lights, the figure creakily moved its body like a broken puppet. However, once the figure confirmed that the threads were gone, it regained its smooth movements. Along with glee, the mask on the figure’s face was also thrown off.

Like that, a piece was fini-

“It…. It’s JooAh!”

Since all the figures on the stage were completely clad in black, the people did not realize that at all. Although they knew that she would be appearing, they never imagined that she would be appearing in such a form. People cheered at the unexpected appearance.

And as to reply to those cheers, the music changed for the brighter, and all members of Battlemonsters threw away their masks and ran up front.



As though to blow away the dark mood the moment before, the Large Hall was filled with cheers and passionate cries.


‘That’s one done.’

Behind the stage, KangYoon was heaving a sigh of relief after seeing the scene were white light danced around. The white light became more beautiful as JooAh threw her mask away, but he was slightly disappointed that the influence of that light didn’t continue until the end.

JooAh did another piece in succession and exited the stage. Seeing her in a completely different form, the fans were all erupting in cheers. This would become a hot issue on the internet. Also, this would become a huge profit for JooAh in the long run.

“Over there. Move the first pin slightly to the right.”

The staging room was a war zone. The lights engineer ordered the pin light manager, and people in charge of sound and special effects were all very busy in their work as well.

Since one big issue was finished, KangYoon headed to the back of the stage while being careful not to disturb them.

“Well done.”


Behind the stage, JooAh was literally lying on the ground while sweating from all over her body. This was quite rare for her, who had high stamina.

“Was I okay?”

KangYoon wordlessly put a thumbs up.

“Heh, I knew it. I’m awesome, aren’t I?”

“There you go again with your boasting.”

“What? Sheesh, you really are the only one that treats me like this. Heh, but I feel good today, so I forgive you.”

JooAh covered her exposed stomach and stood up slowly. She wiped her sweat with the towel KangYoon handed her and left the waiting room. The two headed to the audience seats to watch the remaining performances.

“Really. World class sure is different.”

KangYoon was very satisfied with JooAh’s attitude. Although it wasn’t easy to impress her, she definitely did acknowledge this team. Even in KangYoon’s eyes, their level was beyond top-notch.

“Thanks for calling me here.”

“It’s nothing new.”

“It’s usually not easy since those kinds of people are all about pride. I got to experience such a thing thanks to you. Thanks.”

KangYoon smiled, thinking that this was a good result.

The concert was now nearing its end. JooAh also went back to the stage saying that she had to be there for the final closing. On the stage, Bang SanHyuk and the others were showing off their skills one by one and the audience applauded. Finally, JooAh showed off a skill called ‘Nike’, and the cheers intensified.

Like that, the concert by Battlemonsters was finished successfully.


“Ho, it’s already the time for the first quarter’s audit season?”

Chairman Won JinMoon received a series of paperwork from Director Kim JinHo. On the paper, the title ‘MG Entertainment audit for Q1’.

“Yes. The teams under Director Moon GwangShik and Director Yoo GyungTae have finished theirs.”

“How were the results? Last time, there were parts where the budget on-paper and the actual budget did not match.”

“There was an error in the process. I have investigated what was happening, and a vice-head of a department tampered with it.”


Chairman Won JinMoon narrowed his eyes. The director talked about the details written on the documents and also handed in some papers for deduction in pay and a job suspension for the ones responsible. Chairman Won JinMoon nodded and signed the papers.

“Chairman. I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“About the General Music Team under President Lee HyunJi.”

“Is there a problem?”

Chairman Won JinMoon asked in wonder. Then, the director heaved a deep breath before carefully mentioning this topic.

“The entirety of the General Music Team is the concert team. As you know, it’s also the team that Team Leader Lee KangYoon is in charge of, and is producing results in.”

“It is indeed. What is it that you want to say?”

Chairman Won JinMoon asked for his intentions. Director Kim JinHo seemed to hesitate a little before seeming to have come to a decision and said it directly.

“Until now, the teams under Team Leader Lee KangYoon have not been audited even once. That is, under your specific orders, Chairman.”

“Yes. I did order that. Is there a problem with it?”

“Team Leader Lee KangYoon is definitely capable. He is indeed worthy of your consideration. But I think that this will be unfair to the other teams if this keeps going on.”

“Fairness, fairness, you say….”

This definitely was not wrong. Just because the achievements received every quarter were good, ‘continuing’ to not receive audits was definitely not a good thing.

“This time around, there’s a company-wide audit. And here comes my point. I wonder if we can do an audit this time at this opportunity.”


Chairman Won JinMoon fell into contemplation. KangYoon’s team was currently just growing wings. However, as the chairman, he also had to consider the equity of the company. On one side, he was also slightly wary since the team was going on a slightly different ‘route’ from what the company strived for.

After a long period of contemplation, he opened his mouth.

“The breakdancing concert will be over soon, so you can carry it out then. Do it on a small scale. So that there won’t be anything about it. Do you get what I mean?”

“Understood, sir.”

Director Kim JinHo bid goodbye to the chairman and left the chairman’s office.


Director Kim JinHo thought back to the past when he came up with the project to send JooAh to Japan, but was rejected. He was the first one to think that up in the company, but the one who succeeded in the project was some random guy from the outside – KangYoon.

Thinking about that time, Director Kim JinHo gritted his teeth.


During the past few years, a new ‘word’ was coined in Hongdae (Hongik university district).

Hongdae goddess!

Originally, indie bands in Hongdae were very rare and were treated like precious guests. This being the case, the original term was ‘Hongdae girl singer’. But with the looks to top it off, the ‘girl singer’ changed to ‘goddess’. Currently, there were quite a few ‘goddesses’ in Hongdae….

“… and I’m one of them?”

Lee HyunAh almost burst out laughing after hearing Kim JinDae say that. Then, Jung ChanGyu also chimed in.

“Well. They would never say that if they saw you picking your nose during practice.”

“When did I pick my nose? Did you see? Huh?”

“I did, that’s why I’m saying it.”


Lee HyunAh attacked Jung ChanGyu. But he had already hidden behind Lee ChaHee. When the two growled, Lee ChaHee slowly stood up from her seat and tried to mediate.

“It’s because we became more popular after our stage last time. If you become the Hongdae goddess, it will be better for our popularity. And you, ChanGyu. You shouldn’t mention picking noses in front of ladies.”


The two eventually just grumbled and ended on that note. After it became a bit quieter, she sat back down again and started replacing the strings on her bass guitar.

Kim JinDae continued to speak.

“Since she’s the Hongdae goddess now, more people will come to our performance, right?”

“Ah, that gives me the shivers….”


Although KangYoon almost never came to the company and went to Battlemonsters’ studio directly in Onsu-dong recently due to work, it was now time to go back.

Having come to the company, KangYoon organized a few documents in ready for reporting. He was very excited to tell that the work was a success and to give bonuses out to the employees.

But along with a knock, a few company employees entered his office.

“What is it?”

The fact that they entered without waiting for a reply, and their arrogant expressions made KangYoon wary of them. They showed him their company employer’s cards and approached KangYoon.

“We are from the audit team.”

“The audit team?”

KangYoon finally remembered that it was the season for audits for the 1st quarter.

“Oh, it’s the audit season.”

KangYoon took out the documents he had prepared all the time. A USB, paperwork, external hard drives – the amount of materials KangYoon took out was immense. Even though Chairman Won JinMoon put an exception on him, he thought that something may happen. And just as he had thought, such a thing happened today.

When KangYoon obediently complied and gave them the materials, they were confused instead.

“Isn’t there more?”


“Please give us the papers regarding the concert team you did in the past.”

KangYoon found this absurd. This was before the first quarter of this year. Why were they doing this now?

“Isn’t this the audit for the 1st quarter? And moreover, I’m in charge of the general music team and not the concert team.”

“I apologize, but we are only moving as we were ordered to.”

The man in the suit was firm in his actions.

“Please wait a moment.”

KangYoon didn’t try to force this. This kind of problem was supposed to be taken care of by someone higher than him. He took out papers regarding last year’s concert team along with an external hard drive. They were literally the important documents of the concert team.

“Are there any more?”

Even after taking out everything, they tried to force their way into KangYoon’s drawers. KangYoon finally exploded at their actions.

“From the concert team, Eddios, and even JooAh’s entrance to Japan – everything’s there. What more do you need from my department? Is there something lacking? What the hell do you think you are doing?”


“Is this how the audit team works?”

“We are only following orders….”

“I don’t care about those orders. Is rummaging through other people’s offices how your work, audit team?”

The audit team had nothing to say about that. Although they sometimes looked through offices under permission, this place was definitely not one of them. Moreover, they couldn’t say anything since KangYoon didn’t leave anything out.

“I gave you everything so please return. I will not sit by in this matter.”

“Well, then….”

The staff of the audit team left the office rather toned down. Even they could not force KangYoon since he received the complete faith from the chairman with his achievements alone.

KangYoon was angry himself. No matter how he thought about it, it didn’t make sense to him that those people were trying to rummage through his office.


But he still had to calm down. After settling down, KangYoon took the papers required to report and headed to the chairman’s office.

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