God of Music

Chapter 173. Reinterpretation Of A Great Classic (5)

Chapter 173. Reinterpretation Of A Great Classic (5)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan

‘Unni, what is it?’

When Kim JiMin asked in worry, Park SoYoung returned to herself.

‘Ah, it’s nothing. It was just too much of a shock… that someone that amazing is going to be playing my song. You’ll be standing on stage with her, aren’t you nervous?’

‘I’m nervous as well. I’m still thankful though, that he gave me this chance…’

Kim JiMin was touched since she was going to play with one of the highest authorities in this industry.

Actually, she was almost thinking that KangYoon had just dumped everything to Park SoYoung and did not do anything himself, but he did not disappoint her after all.

After looking at the score for quite a long time, Gye HyoMin put the score down with a satisfied smile.

“I’ll have to play this to be sure, but I think the melody is quite good. ‘Streetlight’ is one of my favorite songs, so I would have been really sad if she ruined the song.”

“Didn’t I tell you that you can look forward to it?”

“Indeed, that was the case.”

With Gye HyoMin’s compliment, Park SoYoung loosened a little.

Seeing her satisfied, KangYoon spoke.

“Let’s pause here and why don’t we go out for a meal? They say a full stomach makes everything better.”

“Fufu, is that so? Then what about the keyboard…”

“I’ve readied one already.”

When KangYoon said in confidence, it was Lee HyunJi that asked him with a confused expression.

“Wait, weren’t you going to do the practice at the studio? I’m not sure if a grand piano can fit in it.”

KangYoon shook his head at those words.

“I had the piano placed in Lunas.”

“Oh, so that’s why Lunas’s schedule was empty for today and tomorrow…”

When Lee HyunJi realized what was going on, KangYoon smiled in satisfaction.

“Yes. It’s for JiMin’s practice.”

“Oh, so today is the practice with Miss HyoMin, and tomorrow, the rest of the orchestra is coming?”

“Yes. I think we will be able to do enough practice like that. Though, it will be a little tight.”


KangYoon’s house.

Kim JaeHoon’s room, shut tight, leaked a faint melody and some high-pitched notes.


High notes that were very difficult for men to sing, kept flowing out.

However, Kim JaeHoon turned his head to the phone on his desk with dissatisfaction.

“HeeYoon, the pitch is a little too low. Can’t you raise it a little?”

When he said that, a surprised tone replied to him.

[What? Isn’t this plenty high? This is C5 you know?]

“It’s lacking a little power. Or just raise the key by one tone. The melody and the rhythm are really good, but I think it’s lacking a little substance.”

Kim JaeHoon expressed his disappointment with the music. However, HeeYoon’s words from the phone weren’t that positive about his opinion.

[Being capable of singing high pitch was a standard of skill only in the early 2000s. It’s no longer the standard of singing skill anymore. I’ll try to look into other ways rather than raising the pitch.]

“No, I think it will be better for this song to raise the pitch a little. It’s not like I’m asking you to switch to a different key.”

[Oppa, I heard from my oppa that you’ve injured your throat before at your previous company.]

Despite HeeYoon’s reluctance, Kim JaeHoon did not relent on his decision. No, he went even stronger.

“It’s fine. I did C5 in the last song as well. It will be fine as long as it’s not an F or a G.”

In the past, he did F5s and G5s as well. However, he had to sing those notes constantly at every event, so his throat naturally couldn’t take it.

[My brother will definitely say something about this when he’s doing the arrangement. I don’t want to agree to this…]

KangYoon knew of Kim JaeHoon’s condition better than anyone else. There was no way he would allow such a high-pitched song.

Then, Kim JaeHoon thought about it for a moment before speaking with a grin.

“I’ll tell him that I’ll do the rearrangement for this song. He won’t be able to help it if the song is finished.”

[Oppa, that’s not good. Even if you do that….]

HeeYoon tried to restrain him, but Kim JaeHoon shook his head.

“It’s a digital single anyway. Both JiMin, Eddios, and White Moonlight are doing something, so I should do something on my part as well. Shouldn’t I tell the world that there’s Kim JaeHoon at World Entertainment?”

[Ah, oppa. But this still is…]

“Trust me for this one thing. Please? I beg you.]

HeeYoon was in a dilemma.

‘I’ll have to tell oppa about it.’

“Okay. Please wait for a little.”


Kim JaeHoon, unaware of what HeeYoon was thinking, was all smiles.

However, HeeYoon, who was on the other end, felt a heavy burden on her shoulders.



Gye HyoMin was surprised when she entered Lunas, or to be exact when she saw the grand piano that was in it.

“Starshures? This is the piano I use.”

Walking around the glossy black grand piano, Gye HyoMin couldn’t hide her smile. She was worried that she may have been given a crappy piano since this was an urgent call for her. She was planning to have her own piano at her residence delivered if that was the case, but now, it seemed like her worries were for naught.

KangYoon smiled as he looked at her satisfied.

“I’m planning to send this over to the TV station the day before the recording and tune it there. It will be used on the program itself.”

“You’re the best, team le, no I guess you’re the president now? Hahah. This is great. I was worried for nothing.”

She cheerfully sat down in front of the piano. She lightly stretched her hands and wrists before beautiful sounds started filling Lunas along with a bright white light.


Kim JiMin and Park SoYoung gulped. Although they did not know much about classical music, her elegant hand movements and the beautiful sound were enough to mesmerize them.



Kim JiMin approached KangYoon and whispered.

‘Thank you.’

He shrugged his shoulders at her thanks.

‘Miss HyoMin is quite picky, so you’ll have to try to get along with her. Do your best.’


Soon, Kim JiMin stood next to Gye HyoMin who had just finished her warmup. Now, Gye HyoMin spread out the score that Park SoYoung had created and was waiting for her.

“You ready?”


“Here we go then.”

Gye HyoMin’s eyes gleamed. Her hands slowly and softly started to move.

The intro of this song was rather calm. However, her song hit one bass note before powerfully pressing on with the rest of the music. Then finally, she pressed both bass and treble notes powerfully to create a grand effect.

After that, the piano sounds died down and Kim JiMin started singing.

“The unforgettable memories – when I walk down that road – I remember you under the sunshine –”

Kim JiMin’s note and Gye HyoMin’s piano intermixed to create white light. However, something else could be seen within the white light.


Something similar to grey, but something that shined.

It was a sign of silver. Seeing that after a long time, KangYoon’s eyes shone.

“The autumn with the falling leaves – my memories blur with the cold wind — but I will remember — the time with you –”

The faint piano sounds slowly climbed up the scale.

Park SoYoung was surprised at this part.

‘Wow, she’s improvising.’

‘That’s right, you rearranged for an orchestra so that shouldn’t usually happen, right?’

‘Yes. World class… truly is different.’

Park SoYoung exclaimed. She even wondered if her song was really this beautiful.

“In the shade – oh -the memories of love with you — under the streetlight –”

The piano resonated loudly and added power to Kim JiMin’s song. Gye HyoMin also seemed empowered by her singing as she put more and more emotion into her playing.

Although the original plan was to just try singing the first verse, the song continued until the end.

“Your fragrance — the nostalgic streetlight — I – still remember –”

Kim JiMin became deeply immersed in the song and cried a little. Her husky yet clear voice filled the stage and the piano sounds empowered her voice.

“I remember —”

Again, the simultaneous play of low and high notes resonated within before the piano sounds died down. Like that, the sounds slowly disappeared.


Park SoYoung clapped unknowingly. This was the best piano playing she had ever heard in her life. It enveloped Kim JiMin’s singing softly at times and powerfully led it at other times.

KangYoon and Lee HyunJi clapped as well.

“Thank you.”

Gye HyoMin said thanks before standing up from the piano. She took the score and approached Park SoYoung. Seeing that, Park SoYoung gulped nervously.

“Miss SoYoung was it?”

“Y, yes!”

“You don’t have to be so nervous. Why don’t we talk a little?”


Park SoYoung was still stiff since this was one of the greatest pianists in the world about to discuss music with her. KangYoon burst out laughing.

“Learn a lot from her.”


Gye HyoMin grinned hearing the exchange.

“There’s nothing much to change. It’s just that the intro needs to be a little more powerful and the later parts should be a little softer. We need to get the balance right, so why don’t we have a talk?”

It wasn’t every day where she would have the opportunity to learn from one of the greatest musicians in the world.

Park SoYoung became nervous but headed to another room along with Gye HyoMin while feeling appreciative.

“Well then. What do we do now?”

Hearing Lee HyunJi say those words, KangYoon smiled as he replied.

“Well, work of course.”


Lee HyunJi’s face looked as though she was about to cry.


A high-class Japanese restaurant with faint music in Gangnam.

It was one of those restaurants that lots of people wanted to visit due to it being well-known because of a famous chef but was too expensive to afford.

President Han YoungSook of GNB Entertainment and President Kang ShiMyoung of Yerang Entertainment were having a meal together.

“Thank you for this one. I’ll definitely repay you later.”

President Han YoungSook spoke softly as she put down her chopsticks. President Kang ShiMyoung waved his hand though.

“I’m thankful instead for you for preparing such a wonderful meal.”

“This is nothing much compared to what you did, preparing over 30 dancers in such short notice. All of them were very skilled. They all belonged to a famous team.”

Famous dance teams within the country all gathered for one purpose. There was no need to mention their skills. Unless someone had a special relationship with the industry or the teams themselves, it wouldn’t be easy hiring those teams on such short notice.

“I hope I see something good tomorrow. Leaving business aside, I have high hopes for Miss Nael.”

“Fufu, thank you very much.”

The atmosphere was very bright.

Though, the two were thinking completely differently on the inside…

‘I hope he doesn’t ask me for something too big.’

Although she was indebted to him, she didn’t want to give up too much in compensation. President Han YoungSook became wary.

‘There’s nothing good trying to get anything with this. The real deal is World. I have to take Eunha down with Nael. World’s momentum is too fast.’

MG, YoonSeul, Yerang, and finally GNB Entertainment. Kang ShiMyoung thought that these four should be the only big companies in the industry.

He did not want an uncertain element like World Entertainment joining the group.

Hiding his intentions, he calmly spoke.

“I heard Kim JiMin was appearing in this week’s Birth of the Masterpiece.”

“So I hear. This Eunha is an obstacle wherever we go. Every single time, she’s…”

President Han YoungSook shook her head.

Eunha the singer. She was an existence that blocked Nael’s path ever since the two debuted, and she didn’t like this a lot.

Feeling a change in her mood, president Kang ShiMyoung spoke in a soft tone.

“World Entertainment, the one Eunha belongs to, is small, but powerful. They should have prepared something this time. The president there is quite capable.”

“This time, we won’t be losing out either. Although we were defeated unknowingly when the two girls debuted, it will be different this time. You’re helping me out so much, president Kang, so I need to show everyone that Nael is better than Eunha.”

“Hahahahaha. I hope that happens.”

President Kang ShiMyoung laughed heartily. However, he felt something tugging at his heart.

‘I don’t know what that Lee KangYoon guy will do… This is very important.’

He worried about what to do with World Entertainment as he listened to president Han YoungSook’s confident words.

The war between two artists belonging to GNB Entertainment and World Entertainment respectively was about to begin.


After the rearrangement was done, time flew.

Kim JiMin practiced with Gye HyoMin on the day she got her hands on the score and had a rehearsal with the orchestra that KangYoon had hired the next day.

“I heard Miss Gye HyoMin was coming.”

“Yeah, I’m so nervous.”

The people in charge of violin 1 and violin 2 exchanged nervous conversations in their rest period. They looked forward to their performance this time. Although this was a pop song rearranged into an orchestral piece, the weight of the name Gye HyoMin was heavy.

Park SoYoung’s palms were sweaty as she watched all of Kim JiMin’s practice.

“Your fragrance — the nostalgic streetlight — I – still remember –”

Kim JiMin also became more and more immersed in it as the violin and the cello became more powerful.

The pleasure of having one’s music be played by a grand orchestra was indescribable.

KangYoon also had a look at the magnificent array of white light in front of him absentmindedly.

‘I wonder what would happen if Miss HyoMin is added to this.’

KangYoon made a satisfied smile.

The next day, AKA the D-day.

KangYoon and Kim JiMin headed towards KS TV’s public hall early in the morning. They had a lot of things to do regarding delivering the grand piano as well as other things.

When they arrived, the grand piano that Gye HyoMin would be using had arrived already, and the tuner was tuning it. As the tuning for this instrument was very important for today’s piece, KangYoon focused most of his mind in this.

KangYoon and Kim JiMin were watching over the tuning of the grand piano when the producer for ‘Birth of the Masterpiece’, named Lee TaeSung, approached the two. He was wearing horn-rimmed glasses that hid his sharp eyes.

“Welcome, Miss Eunha. You too, president.”

“Hello, producer.”

Producer Lee TaeSung spoke seriously as he looked at the grand piano.

“As you requested, the orchestra and the grand piano CAN be used, but the piano needs to be removed right after the stage is done. Your slot is also the first…”

“I am aware of that. We can accept it after all that you’ve done for us.”

“Thank you. For the rehearsal, we can just push it over to one side, but we can’t do that for the real thing. Once the stage is over, I’ll have my men take it out immediately.”


They got the disadvantage that they were up first due to the presence of the piano, but KangYoon gladly accepted. The fact that they were first put a little pressure on them, but the usage of the grand piano was much more important than that.

After the conversation with producer Lee TaeSung and the tuning of the piano, the two walked towards the waiting room.

Kim JiMin was getting ready for the rehearsal while exercising her voice when the door opened and a group of people entered. It was Yoo NaYoon, who was going to be on stage as well today.

“Hello, president KangYoon. Oh, JiMin!”


Yoo NaYoon greeted KangYoon with a bow before grabbing Kim JiMin’s hands cheerfully. Although they were going to be competing today, the two atmosphere between the two wasn’t bad at all.

“JiMin, have you prepared a lot?”

“I didn’t have the time to. How about you?”

“Me? Just so-so. Fufu, I’ll definitely win this time.”

Yoo NaYoon glanced at Kim JiMin with a confident expression. Kim JiMin also strained her eyes so as to not lose out.

“Let’s do this then.”


The two girls burned their fighting spirit.

The recording would begin at 5 in the evening.

The time allocated for the girls and the other cast for today’s recording flew by. After one mock rehearsal and a camera rehearsal, the designated time soon came.

The assistant host that brought up the mood exited the stage and the main host for the program entered the stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 14th stage of Birth of the Masterpiece!”


Loud cheers erupted and the recording that would bring a wave to the internet began.

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