Global Fog Survival

Chapter 88: Rat in the Walls

[Quest trigger condition met, issuing task “Rat in the Walls.”]

[Quest issued, please check.]

“Rat in the Walls…” Colin squinted, glanced at the giant rat’s corpse, and took out the scroll.

[“Rat in the Walls”]

[Quest Description: In the Watt Manor1沃特庄园 with 沃特 being probably the surname and 庄园 translated to manor, a ritual was held in disappointment with the Church of Suffering. No one knows the outcome of this ritual, but afterward, sharp, piercing noises often came from the walls, followed by the first rat plague…]

[During this disaster, the young Kaidish revealed his ‘miracle,’ single-handedly suppressing the rat plague.]

[Everything was sealed at the bottom of the manor, but later, the seal seemed to loosen.]

[Years later, when the second rat plague broke out, the church concealed the disaster here for unknown reasons. It wasn’t until the priest escorted the last batch of children through this place that he realized what had happened and understood that the situation here needed to be suppressed.]

[In the end, he mostly quelled the second rat plague, but this left him near death and unable to reinforce the seal.]

[Quest Duration: 1 day, 23 hours, 56 minutes.]

[Quest Requirements: Reinforce the seal to prevent the ominous entities from leaking out.]

[Hint: You guess that reinforcing the seal will require a large amount of Condensed Light Stones, and the task itself is not difficult; you just need to place a large number of Condensed Light Stones in the seal.]

After reading the quest details, Colin rubbed his chin, finally understanding why the rat looked so familiar.

In the “Twisted Souls” scenes involving the priest, he had killed a large beast and then stumbled away, mentally unstable…

“I didn’t expect the place where he killed the monster to be in the underground area, but how did he get out of here?”

The white fog had disappeared, and now there was no way to turn back. Colin still didn’t know how to leave this place.

However, it seemed that neither the priest nor the Mourning Watcher left through tunnels but directly appeared outside after leaving here.

“When I find that light source, I should be able to figure out how to leave here. As for this quest…”

Colin shook his head. Seeing no custom design drawings mentioned, he had little desire to complete it.

The priority was quickly reaching the High Court and gaining extraordinary abilities to face upcoming troubles.

But when Colin paused for a few seconds on the quest rewards, he was stunned.

[Quest Rewards: Raw Potatoes*30, Recovery Card*1, Polluted Eyeball*1.]

“Raw potatoes…”

Colin’s breath hitched, suddenly realizing the system offered an irresistible reward.

Li Chou noticed his reaction, glanced at the quest list, and was equally stunned:

“Did I read that right? Raw potatoes? Is the system broken? Shouldn’t it be ’99 hardened black bread’?”

“Is this food… very important?” Sanna asked, intrigued.

She was always interested in food and was the only one Colin knew who recognized edible roots and gathered them for reserves.

Even with sufficient food, she’d still pull out withered roots occasionally, clean them, and stuff them into the Bible…

“Very important. If the system can issue this, it might be trying to reduce survival difficulty…”

Colin’s gaze fixated on the potatoes. A raw potato, with its sprouting “eyes,” could be cut into small pieces and planted—an easy method.

Although there were only thirty raw potatoes…

Once they sprout and are planted, they could fill all the fields in his territory.

A third-level territory’s fields had a “growth acceleration” function. Using fog points could speed up crop growth; if willing to spend, he could harvest in a very short time.

The main issue now was the lack of seeds.

Or rather, there were seeds, but mostly wild grass seeds with little nutritional value…

It seemed the upgraded territory’s functions were just for show.

Colin initially thought they were meant to explore and find suitable wild seeds for cultivation.

After all, that fits the “survival” concept.

But he didn’t expect the system to provide seeds, and such a game-changing one—potatoes!

When planted and accelerated with mist points, he might harvest within a day, then massively sell sprouted potato pieces…

Perhaps, in a short time, everyone could eat his potatoes…

Just like they ate black bread to the point of nausea!

Frankly, these potatoes might solve the survival issues of many across the globe.

“Initially, the cost of accelerating potato growth from sprouting to maturity with fog points will be high…”

But so what if it’s costly?

At this moment, Colin’s compassionate eyes saw those green leeks…

No, those struggling survivors, scrawny and barely surviving on hardened black bread…

With great power comes great responsibility…

How could he enjoy it alone while people suffered?

These potatoes’ significance was immense, potentially easing survival pressure for all.

“Tomorrow, the leeks will have grown again, right?” Colin mused.

Today was the third day; those who survived had learned some survival techniques.

Many areas had formed alliances, with numbers even surpassing his, reaching dozens.

This meant faster resource gathering and more supplies being carried.

And sharing was a virtue. If the quest went well, Colin would personally lead the sharing tomorrow.

Just as he did yesterday…

“Boss, isn’t the field function exclusive to third-level territories?”

Colin glanced at Li Chou and said, “With so many survivors in an area, they can pool resources and collectively fund one.”

Third-level territories were expensive, but with about ten survivors pooling resources, it was manageable.

“And this would force survivors to band together, despite potential conflicts, making humanity stronger overall…”

Colin explained. A third-level territory that produced food versus one that didn’t had vastly different value and influence.

Once he spread potato seeds, humanity would surely gain another boost in strength.

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    沃特庄园 with 沃特 being probably the surname and 庄园 translated to manor

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