Global Fog Survival

Chapter 120″ Lord-level Mutant-Terbidard

Chapter 120″ Lord-level Mutant-Terbidard

[“The Sleepless Terbidard”]

[Quest Description: He was once a high-ranking priest of the Church of Suffering, but after a certain mission, he found himself repeatedly dreaming of a gigantic antlered monster formed from thorns and roots.]

[This monstrous antlered creature roams the dreamland, constantly tormented by the agony of black steel nails piercing its body, its heart thundering like a storm, and roaring wildly like a beast.]

[In his dreams, the creature’s body is filled with rage and pain, desperately yearning for the peace of eternal sleep.]

[One day, after repeatedly dreaming of this majestic monster, the high-ranking priest awoke only to discover that his soul had transformed into a twisted, antlered beast made of tree roots, flesh, and bone…]

[From that day on, he endured the same agony and unquenchable fury as the creature, forever unable to rest peacefully.]

[His soul was completely twisted into chaos by his torment.]

[Quest Duration: Unlimited.]

[Quest Objective: Grant “Mutant-Terbidard” eternal rest (kill him).]

[Quest Reward: “Dream Candle,” Light Mark x1, 500 Fog Points.]

“‘Light Mark comes from this guy, huh…” Colin unfurled the parchment, reading the mission details. “What’s this ‘Dream Candle’? Let’s take a look…”

[“Dream Candle”: This allows you to enter the dreams of others, granting you the advantage of being in your own domain. You can kill enemies within dreams, and dying in the dream will not severely affect your reality.]

“This…” Colin started to understand how this “lord-level mutant” might have come into existence.

It probably involved seeing something he shouldn’t have.

[Hint: If you approach within 100 meters, it will awaken immediately from a shallow dream state.]

Colin dismissed the hint. “So, turning into a monster through a dream… and a lord-level one at that? What kind of dream could do this…”

The thought of this creature in a dream filled Colin with dread.

“It’s likely a ‘Great Miracle,’” Russell speculated.

A “Great Miracle” appearing in dreams—witnessing it long enough could transform someone into a similar monster…

Everyone shuddered at the thought.

Does this mean that even dreaming could be dangerous in the future?

[You speculate that this likely relates to a past encounter he had and will not randomly happen to others.]

“No need to worry about this for now…”

Colin shared the monster’s information with the others, and to avoid disturbing the creature, they retreated to the back of the mountain.

Colin carefully peeked over the desolate slope, glancing toward “Terbidard.”

The area spanned about a thousand meters, allowing only a vague view of the creature’s outline—enough to trigger another hint.

[You suspect that “Terbidard” has some form of leaping mobility, allowing it to cover distances of up to 500 meters quickly, though it cannot use this ability consecutively.]

[Its mental influence will spread rage like a plague, causing those affected to lose their sanity and become its minions…]

[Within a 300-meter range, your heartbeat will become uncontrollable. If you fail to leave its influence quickly, your heart will eventually explode in 30 seconds to three minutes, depending on your physical condition.]

“…Teleportation within 500 meters, mental corruption, heart explosions… Lord-level mutants are as terrifying as ever…” Colin muttered, unsure if his newfound strength or something else was improving the quality of his hints.

“What if I don’t fight it and just go around? Seems like there’s only one lord-level mutant here.

Colin contemplated taking a detour around the High Court, hoping to avoid the creature altogether. But surrounding the rest of the High Court was a foggy barrier, reminiscent of the edge of the “Olive Witherland,” suggesting a similar setup.

“When I capture this place, I’ll crack this ‘labyrinth’ technique wide open!” Colin thought to himself.

He shared the information with his team, and they began discussing ways to blow it up.

Currently, without vehicles and relying only on explosives, their strategy was limited to bombarding it to death.

The key was to significantly weaken its mental influence during the initial attack phase; otherwise, the tier-three minions wouldn’t stand a chance in battle.

The mutants’ greatest weakness was their lack of intelligence.

Apart from “Kimino,” Colin and his team hadn’t encountered any mutant with a functioning brain… Although Kimino was labeled a “mutant,” it leaned more towards a “miracle” that hadn’t fully twisted yet.

If these lord-level mutant didn’t have fancy tricks up their sleeves, they weren’t particularly difficult to handle.

“The No-Conscience Cannon should only be used when its mental influence has been reduced by at least seventy percent…”

Otherwise, simply approaching such a powerful lifeform would result in mental collapse and death.

They needed to start with a heavy blow, like during the fight with the “Mourning Watcher,” for their combat strategy to work.

After an intense hour of planning, the group finalized their tactics and prepared for any unexpected scenarios.

The key was to bombard it in waves until it died.

Once their discussion ended, everyone memorized their roles and held off on immediate action.

“I finally understand why you guys could kill lord-level mutants so early…”

This was Russell’s first battle alongside Colin’s team, and he finally grasped the reason behind their consistent victories. Back in the day, fighting lord-level mutants only became manageable once all team members reached full attribute scores and had tier-three chariots.

With tier-one chariots, they could barely cause minor damage or slow it down.

But with Colin’s help, every aspect of the enemy was laid bare—right down to the smallest detail. Planting explosives along the way, setting up precise bombardments, and employing strategic layouts made even miracles seem possible…

As Russell pondered, he couldn’t help but marvel, “We used to have some crazy analytical tools too, but they either killed their users mysteriously or came with severe limitations like usage counts and accuracy…

“But your ability doesn’t seem to have any of that—it’s practically a cheat…”

Colin hadn’t disclosed the finer details, but anyone could guess…

If his power didn’t help him avoid pitfalls, Colin would’ve died long ago.

After another half hour of preparation, the battle plan finally commenced.

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