Gate of Immortality

Chapter 93: White Fang

Chapter 93: White Fang

" My grandfather lost a wager to Liu Jie Grandfather and promised to marry a direct descendent with the eldest daughter of Liu clan. Fuck, How can he choose a wife for me? He fucked up my life." Mo Yi cursed.

" That old man of mine also agreed on it. I and my elder brother are the direct grandsons of the Mo clan's main patriarch. I thought it would be the elder brother, Who will marry her. But then, He suddenly went to join a sect and didn't come back for 2 years. Fuck, Then my old man changed his decision and picked me instead of the elder brother."

" I was only five years old at that time. My elder brother was a cultivation genius, so he didn't come back to the clan for a few years. So, I become the scapegoat instead of him. I thought Liu Jie was a very gentle and loving girl. But when we met first, She challenged me for a duel. I lost miserably." Mo Yi continued his story.

" She said- If you are unable to beat me, I would never accept you as my husband. I tried hard, Cultivated like crazy, But she defeated me every time. Not to mention she became much more powerful than before. Thus, I ran away back then." Mo Yi's face became embarrassed.

" Well, Brother Mo Yi, Don't take things on your heart. Sister-in-law is doing all these things for you. She wants you to get powerful as soon as possible. And about duel, Aren't brother Mo Yi is underestimating yourself?" Yang Shi said after sipping some wine.

" Underestimating myself?" Mo Yi became confused. Yang Shi smiled.

" Brother Mo, You have awakened your clan's bloodline and Primordial Spirit of top Royal grade. You found your ancestor's True grade weapon with a mythic rank sword art. You have a Sky enchantment Pill to breakthrough to the next stage. Al you need is just time." Yang Shi calmly elaborated.

The deadpan eyes of Mo Yi lit with hope. Yang Shi added, " Brother Mo, As you can see, Sister Liu Jie is far beautiful than any other woman you have slept with. You got what I am saying?" Yang Shi gave an evil grin. Mo Yi suddenly thought about the scene where he and Liu Jie tangled in bed and Liu Jie asking for forgiveness, While panting loudly. A fire burned in his abdomen.

" Thank You for boosting my morale, Brother Yang. I will definitely defeat that tigress. Hahahaha." Mo Yi finished his cup as he stood up.

" Well, Brother Yang, I have a favor to ask." Yang Shi said with a hesitant tone. " What is it? Brother Yang?" Mo Yi asked. Yang Shi told him about Bai Ruxue and asked Mo Yi if Bai Ruxue could stay here for a few months.

" No problem, Brother Yang. This is not even a favor. Protecting my sister in law is my duty after all. Moreover, I don't like the Second prince at all." Mo Yi laughed.

As they both came out, They saw Bai Ruxue coming back with Liu Jie. Mo Yi's face turned serious as he looked Liu Jie.

" Liu Jie!." Mo Yi shouted. Liu Jie, Who was chatting with Bai Ruxue became surprised. " Two months. After two months, We will have a duel." Mo Yi said with confidence. Liu Jie's eyes flickered with a strange light.

" Since When you got this brave?" She asked with a surprised tone. " You don't need to worry about it. Just wait and see, How I will make you cry." Mo Yi snorted as he turned and left.

Seeing the back of Mo Yi, Liu Jie gave a rare smile of satisfaction. " Finally, You grew your backbone, Like the past. I will wait to get defeated." She murmured. She looked at Yang Shi and cupped her palms, " Brother Yang, I am very grateful for making Mo Yi confident again."

" Nono, Sister in law, It's my duty to help my brother." Yang Shi shook his head. " Hahaha. No wonder, Why Sister Ruxue's heart is captured by you." Liu Jie laughed. Bai Ruxue cheek turned red by hearing this.

From afar, Mo Shan smiled after looking at the young people. " Mo Yi made some good friends."

" Ruxue, listen to me carefully. Here, Two bottles of Spirit Nurturing pill and Spirit Gathering pill. Both pills would help you in regarding your cultivation. Since you are cultivating a special cultivation technique, Try to refine your Yin energy as possible. When you would reach the peak of the Ninth stage of the Spiritual Ascension Realm, I would help you to breakthrough the Primordial Spirit Awakening Realm." Yang Shi instructed Bai Ruxue. 

Bai Ruxue was only at the sixth stage of Spiritual Ascension Realm. To change her physique in Nine Yin Empyrean Physique, She needs to nourish her Yin energy through her Jade Empyrean Heavenly Art and reach the Primordial Spirit Realm.

" And inside the Jade Empyrean Heavenly Art, There is a sword art called Jade Lightning Sword Technique. It's the perfect technique for you. Practice it well. I will be back in a few days." Saying that Yang Shi left the Mo clan.

He thought about training and breakthrough to the fifth stage as soon as possible. Bai Ruxue would be safe in Mo Clan estate.

" Hmm, Quite some time since I accepted any commission. Time to check it out." Yang Shi headed towards the Blood Moon Hall.

As he arrived at the mission desk, He was obstructed by someone. It was a Young man, the same age as Yang Shi. H wore a white mask, Only covering around his eyes, Looked like a fancy party mask. His hairstyle was a bit strange, as, amidst his black hair, Two thin streaks of white hair was presented.

Yang Shi wore his usual demonic mask, Hee didn't recognize the youth. " Are you perhaps Evil Shadow." The youth asked with a smile.

" And you must be White Fang?" Yang Shi could guess his identity from his unusual hair. This White Fang has been a popular young assassin for quite some time.

" Aha, It seems Brother's mind is very sharp. Indeed, I am the White Fang." The youth nodded. " What do you want from me?" Yang Shi got straight to the point.

" Brother Evil Shadow is quite straight forward, eh? So, I won't go in a roundabout manner. I want to know If you want to co-op with me for a mission?" White Fang asked.

" Cooperation for a mission?" Yang Shi's eyes narrowed. Generally, the Assassins of Blood Moon Hall rarely cooperate to complete the mission. Unless danger and rewards are quite big, They don't cooperate.

" What is the danger? And What about loot?" Yang Shi didn't decline as he probed further. Hearing Yang Shi, The youth's smile became bright.

" Don't worry, Rewards are ample."

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