Game Making: Start By Healing the Player

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

So it wasnt Johnny who got hit by the car, it was his twin, Joey. 

Did Johnny actually have a grandfather named Joey? We dont know, but we can assume Johnnys mother sees him as a replacement for Joey after the grief of killing her own son drove her mad. 

She gave him the beta-blockers around this time. 

So many questions were answered now. 

Why did Johnny always sleep on a bunk bed?

Why did his mother keep calling him Joey?

The comics he read, the pickled olives. They were all things Joey once loved. Perhaps his mother pushed these onto him while she was raising him as Joey, or perhaps he picked these things up himself due to lingering subconscious memories. 

But there are still a few doubts: Where is River in all this? Does his wish to go to the moon have something to do with River? 

As the game progresses, Dong Zhen arrives at the time before Joeys death. 

The two brothers were having a heart-to-heart talk, and Joey expressed his love for his brother. 

The scene then changed to take place at a carnival of sorts. Joey managed to win himself a toy train, while Johnny got a platypus doll. 

Johnny was whining about wanting the train, but his mother stopped him. Perhaps she really did favor Joey. Luckily, Joey was willing to share. 

Later on, Johnny, who was feeling a little glum, wandered off into the forest behind the carnival, still holding on to his platypus doll.

Seeing this, Dong Zhen got a jolt of energy, his previous gloom lifted. 

Yes, that platypus doll! Its the same one River carried throughout her life! So it was won by Johnny?

Does that mean

The next scene confirmed his suspicions.

Johnny found his way to a cliff, and gazed upon the starlit sky. His original misgivings melted away as he was enraptured in that beautiful cosmic sea. 

He made his way further up the cliff and found a fantastic little spot, hidden away from the noise of the carnival, with a fallen tree stump as convenient seating. 

Eventually, after a little banter from the two doctors, a little girl appeared on the screen. 

Dong Zhen jumped in his seat, there was only one character with such red hair in the entire game! That has to be River!

So this, this is where the two met for the first time! Not in high school, but here, as children. 

Noticing her, Johnny greeted her warmly, but River turned to leave. This was prevented by the charming little boy who successfully invited her to enjoy the stars together. 

At this point, soothing piano and violin music filled the background. 

Under the sea of stars, Johnny and River sat down and shared a moment. The scene then cut to a beautifully animated close-up shot as the two had a conversation. 

[ Just look at em Did you know there were so many lights in the sky? ]

[ Yes ]

[ Oh Uh, I did too. You said this was your spot, right? ]

[ Only during the carnival ]

[ Not a fan of the crowds? Me neither. Yknow, you still havent told me your name yet ]

[ Im not telling you Everyone makes fun of it in school ]

[ Why? ]

[ They say it makes them want to go to the washroom ]

[ Uh Okay, then. Well, it cant be worse than John. I mean, everywhere in the world, nearly everyones named John! ]

[ Even in India? ]

[ Probably! ]

[ Whats wrong with that? ]

[ Hm? ]

[ Whats wrong with having a name that everyone has? ]

[ Well Its boring, I guess. I mean, if everyone has it, then whats the point? ]

[ I wouldnt mind. Just for one to have the same name everyone else has ]

[ Its like those lights in the sky. They all look the same from here, but that doesnt make them any less pretty ]

[ Eh, I suppose What do you think those stars up there are anyways? ]

[ My dad said theyre giant burning spheres of gas ]

Johnny and River continued to chat, until River asked him, [ Have you ever made an Easter Bunny out of stars? ]

[ Like a constellation? ]

[ Yes ]

[ Um, of other things Never tried a rabbit though ]

[ Do you want to make one? ]

[ Yeah, well make the bestest constellation ever! Lets see who makes one out first! ]

[ I see it ]

[ Er Where? ]

Johnny was in a daze at her speed, and the camera slowly panned upwards, focusing on the full moon. 

[ In the sky ]

[ Um, but where in the sky? ]

[ Think big ]

[ Eh ]

[ Bigger than all the others ]

[ I dont know. Wait a minute Wait a minute!! I SEE IT ]

[ Tell me what you see ]

[ There, right?? Therere the two ears and head! ]

[ What else? ]

[ And there Therere its two feet! ]

[ Yes. What else? ]

[ And And the moon!! The moon is its big round belly! ]

The scene faded as simple lines gave the stars around the moon a shape, the form of a cute rabbit with a yellow belly. 

At this moment, the previous contents of the game flashed in Dong Zhens mind. 

Why did River start making origami rabbits like crazy after Johnny told her about their first meeting?

Why did River keep asking Johnny what the rabbit with the yellow belly was? 

Why could Johnnys answers never satisfy her?

Now Dong Zhen sees clearly, now he understands! This was Rivers own way of reminding Johnny. 

Reminding him that their true first meeting was under the stars and moon, so very long ago. 

As Johnny continued talking to River, she confessed that she had always secretly believed that the stars in the sky were lighthouses. 

She believes these lighthouses want to communicate with others, but have no way of doing so. They can only shine their lights to others from afar. 

So Rivers attachment to the lighthouse named Anya is also explained, as she plans on befriending one of them in the future. 

Then came a scene that moved countless people.

Johnnys mother was calling for him, so he had to go. But before leaving, he gave his platypus doll to River. 

[ Keep it, its yours! ]

[ Mine? ]

[ Yeah, I can always get another. I dont like to brag, but Im totally the best at that game! ]

[ Will you be here next year? ]

[ Yup. Will you? ]

[ Yes ]

[ Same place. Same time? ]

[ Yes ]

[ What if you forget or get lost? ]

[ Then we can always regroup on the moon, silly! ]

With Johnnys words, countless players who were trying this game out could not help but feel their eyes hurt.

The image of the game before them is suddenly becoming blurry. Why is it raining indoors?

All their questions.

Here it is finally answered. 

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