From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 127: Fighting for Food in the Pigsty, the Birth of an Evil Species!

Chapter 127: Fighting for Food in the Pigsty, the Birth of an Evil Species!

TL: Sungmin

Upon hearing this.

Fiona and the others’ expressions changed.

Since they could reduce the suffering of some of their people, it was better than having everyone suffer.

It just so happened that in their many years of wandering, they knew of a place with a Goblin King.

“We can tell you, but at least let us go inside first, okay?” Fiona said distrustfully.

Lin Tian merely chuckled, “You are not in a position to negotiate.”

The centaurs were filled with resentment.

But they could only hold it in, not daring to speak.

They were afraid of displeasing Lin Tian.

Fiona had no choice but to speak first, “There’s a Goblin King residing in a super-large goblin tribe in the Wild Cave, at the border of the Sword Kingdom.”

Wild Cave?

Lin Tian was taken aback.

Alice explained, “I know that place, it’s an abandoned mine, very large, a common gathering place for monsters.”

Upon hearing this.

Lin Tian believed them this time and didn’t play any tricks on them.

He gestured for Gobu Kuang to open the large gate.

The two massive gates, each ten meters high, were easily pulled open by him alone.

Standing at the entrance, the oppressive atmosphere made the centaurs hesitant to enter.

“What are you waiting for?” Lin Tian said irritably.

With tears in her eyes, Fiona turned excitedly and said, “Everyone, hurry inside!”

As they stepped through the city gate.

The centaurs, who had been wandering for decades, finally felt a sense of safety akin to coming home.

They could finally sleep without having to stand guard and wake at the slightest noise.

Lin Tian walked at the front, instructing, “Come on, I’ll find you a place to stay.”

“Gah gah, if you can gain the boss’s approval, it might be the luckiest thing in your lives, so make sure to perform well.” Gobu Kuang laughed slyly.

But the centaurs didn’t feel the same way.

They only sought temporary shelter to develop their strength and re-establish the Centaur Empire.

Fiona’s stubborn eyes were full of defiance.

She did not feel humiliated, but rather proud.

The valiant centaur tribe lowered their heads for the first time, and it would be the last time!

Previously, they had been willing to fight to the death with the Sword Kingdom rather than compromise.

Because the centaur tribe would never let anyone ride on their backs.

They were free.

Witnessing this, Lia could deeply empathize; Fiona’s age was unknown, but she seemed relatively young among the centaurs.

To bear such a heavy responsibility was very commendable.


The surroundings began to grow noisy.

Fiona and the others were shocked, “So many goblins!”

Inside the city, goblins filled the streets.

There were also a few humans, seemingly selling goods.

“Humans dare to sell things in a goblin territory?! How is this possible?” A young male centaur exclaimed in shock.

He looked like a boy of sixteen or seventeen, full of youthful vigor.

“Fiona, didn’t you say goblins were…” The young centaur boy didn’t finish his sentence.

Fiona hastily interrupted him, “Mario, hush…”

Ahead, goblins passing by bowed deeply and greeted Lin Tian.

Lin Tian, having overheard their conversation, explained, “These humans mostly sell things we can’t produce or gather ourselves, such as oil, salt, clothing, blacksmith goods, and alchemy items.”

To live well, these things were essential.

Low-level goblins born from humans, combined with their father’s intelligence, were also highly capable.

With a diet that developed their brains.

Even the lowest-level goblins had intelligence close to that of humans.

They could adapt to a society more advanced than a primitive one, engaging in work, trade, and so on.

This was the level of a slightly advanced society.

Previously, goblin tribes were equivalent to a primitive society, focused solely on survival and eating.

Upon hearing this.

Mario was excited and amazed, “I’ve seen many goblins, but never ones like these! Incredible!!”

“Mario, stop talking and just follow Goblin Majesty.” Fiona cautiously advised, fearing he might cause trouble.

Lin Tian said nothing more and continued to lead the way.

After all, this was now the Goblin Empire.

If it had remained a primitive, barbaric tribe, it wouldn’t have been able to hold its ground. Even if you had an army of millions, other empires would only scoff.

At this moment,

Even Fiona couldn’t help but exclaim in shock, “You! What are you doing!”

“Huh? Are you blind? Can’t you see I’m feeding the pigs?”

By the roadside, a small goblin glanced at her, cursed, and then dumped the sweet potatoes he held into the pigsty before walking away.

Mario couldn’t resist and jumped straight into the pigsty, using a crude spear to skewer a sweet potato.

He began to eat it on the spot.

As he ate, he exclaimed, “So delicious! Sister Fiona, this is real sweet potato!”

Hearing this.

Many of the centaurs couldn’t help but salivate, gathering at the pigsty.

They shared the sweet potatoes that had just been dumped in.

A few piglets made aggressive noises at them; if they could speak, they would have cursed their entire families.

“Are you all starving? You’re even snatching the pigs’ food. They’re still growing, you know.”

Lin Tian couldn’t help but comment when he saw this situation.

Even Fiona, the leader, disregarded her status and started eating.

In the decades of wandering.

Not a day went by without competing with low-level beasts for food. Sweet potatoes were an absolute delicacy for the herbivorous centaur tribe!

It was like a gourmet delicacy to humans.

Moreover, during this period, they were extremely hungry, constantly evading the Sword Kingdom’s pursuit, and had no food.

They were forced to consider joining the Goblin Empire.

“This is so delicious, the taste of sweet potatoes! You should try it!”

“Could we have entered paradise? They’re actually feeding these damn pigs sweet potatoes!”

“Oh my, Odyssus, God of Centaurs, let me stay here forever!”

The centaurs each took a bite, savoring it with tears in their eyes.

Some were even reluctant to chew, letting the sweet potato chunks dissolve in their mouths, savoring the sweet juice.

This scene.

Lin Tian didn’t know if it was expected or unexpected.

He knew that outside, whether human or demi-human monsters, many struggled with intermittent food supplies.

Especially the demi-humans.

In this region, with scarce monsters, survival was tough. Only a few herbivores barely managed to survive.

The centaurs were one of them.

Though herbivorous, they were unlike real horses. They used to eat corn, beans, pumpkins, eggplants, and other staple vegetables.

Forced to the brink, they had to survive on roadside weeds.

After finishing, Fiona savored the taste and said, “Goblin Majesty, I’m sorry, we were too hungry to resist.”

“We heard your country is abundant in food, but to think you’d feed sweet potatoes to pigs, it’s unbelievable!” Fiona continued, feeling more justified in her sacrifice.

Lin Tian shrugged, having nothing more to say, “Don’t worry, as long as you obediently produce a cavalry goblin army for us, you won’t lack food.”


He led them to an area surrounded by empty houses.

No goblins lived here, to avoid conflicts.

But the houses were simple.

Or rather, this was once the stables of the Lionheart Empire.

Perfect for the centaurs’ height and build.

Mario was the first to excitedly lie down in the hay.

Fiona was overjoyed, “Your Majesty, our centaur tribe will remember your kindness!”

“Hmph, save the pleasantries. I know what you’re thinking. The rest is up to you. I’ll have someone bring you food later. In a few days, you can start breeding.”

With that, he left.

There were thousands of centaurs, about a thousand of them female.

The production speed was decent, and soon they would have a cavalry.

The centaurs were all brave and battle-hardened.

Combined, the goblin offspring they produced would be unimaginably powerful.

Moments later.

Seeing baskets of sweet potatoes being brought in, all the centaurs were moved to tears!

What difference was there between coming from hell to heaven?

They couldn’t finish the food, there was so much!

Mario was deeply touched, “Sister Fiona, I’ll always remember your sacrifice. When I grow up, I’ll protect you well!”

“Eat up. As the leader and daughter of King Chiron, this is nothing.” Fiona forced a smile.

Her father, the former king of the centaur empire, was named Chiron.

In the Goblin Palace.

Lin Tian gathered everyone to discuss dealing with the Goblin King of the Wild Cave.

Based on estimates, a regular Goblin King had a power level of around 5,000.

Given that they now possessed world-class magic items, this wasn’t considered strong.

A Goblin King’s tribe usually numbered around ten thousand goblins.

Few were high-tier.

It was very easy to handle; they could wipe them out without even sending troops.

Gobu Kuang was very excited, “No need for everyone, I can handle it myself! I can take them down!”

“No, to be safe, I’ll go with Gobu Kuang and a few others. The rest, follow my instructions.” Lin Tian finally ordered.

Gobu Yue, Lia, and Goblin Slayer would handle the centaur tribe’s reproduction issues.

Alice would train the troops.

Katheryn usually visited nearby human cities, having no real duties.

Gobu Jian still guarded Veronica.

Lin Tian stood up and added, “Before we go, let’s check on Rebecca’s situation.”

Previously, the unformed embryo from the Black Goat’s egg was hosted in her body.

It hadn’t been born after a year.

This was quite surprising.

Given the goblin genes, she should have given birth quickly.

Even with the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother, it took several months to give birth to the Black Dragon because of the dragon’s inherent strength, which resisted goblin genes.

But this had been a year.

No signs yet.

Reaching the dungeon, Lin Tian spoke through the wall with a mocking tone, “Lady Rebecca, long time no see. How’s your health lately?”

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