Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 231: Epilogue 21

Chapter 231: Epilogue 21


Lennox Carlyle originally didnt dream.

Youll understand me someday.

Is this a dream again?

However, for the past two days, he had been dreaming of his father, whose face he barely remembered.

His childhood was shallow, so there werent many memories to dwell on.

The memories of his parents were mostly about them harshly teaching swordsmanship, even throwing a sword.

From his standpoint, it was an unfortunate dream.

He never had good parents, and didnt know what a proper family was like.

Your Highness.

Upon returning to his bedroom after dousing his face with cold water, sir Milan, the vice-captain of the Knights, was waiting for him.

Did you get some rest?

Not really.

Milan was a long-time loyal servant and one of the few subjects trusted by the Duke. Milan smiled broadly.

You must be nervous.

He guessed that the impending wedding made him lose sleep.

Milan, who was appointed as the steward, was wearing a modest formal attire instead of the usual knights uniform.

Why would I be?

Lennox sighed with a small smile, wiping off the remaining water.

He knew why he was feeling jittery.

Its said to be bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

Lennox thought it was a damn superstition.

But it was too awkward to ignore.

He didnt want to be separated from Juliet even for a moment, but he couldnt help it with the wedding being two days away.

Due to the damn superstition, he hadnt seen even the shadow of Juliet for a full day and fourteen hours.

As someone who disliked others attending to him, he silently put on his shirt and fastened the cufflinks.

Knock knock.

Your Highness.

Its open.

The door opened and it was Jude, a young knight, with a troubled look.

Whats the matter?

Um, that is

When Milan asked instead, Jude, who was hesitating with an uncomfortable expression, abruptly opened the window.

It doesnt look like its going to stop.

On the dawn of the wedding day, a drizzle was falling outside the window.

Lennox thought it was a bad omen.

* * *

Oh my, its raining.

What do we do, Helen?

Pitter patter.

And on the other side of the castle, on the second floor of the east wing, people were also looking out the window.

Dont worry too much, Juliet. The rain will stop before the ceremony.

Saying so, entering into a spacious reception room was Helen, Juliets aunt.

Oh my.

Upon discovering Juliet surrounded by maids, Helens eyes widened.

You look so beautiful!

With a bright expression, Helen adjusted Juliets veil, continuously showing a pleased smile.

Thanks to my aunt for choosing a good dress.

With her light brown hair neatly tied up, Juliet smiled softly.

Except for hairpins and her mothers heirloom pearl earrings, there wasnt much jewelry.

However, the wedding dress, which was crafted by no less than thirteen renowned tailors of the Empire, was elegant yet flamboyant.

The twinkling pure white dress highlighted her graceful neckline and slender shoulders, and her upright posture made her look queenly.

Yes, truly beautiful

The ones shedding tears were her maternal uncles Isaac, Kailos, and Barris.

You resemble Lillian, your mother.

How happy your mother would have been to see you

The three stern-looking middle-aged men, blocking the entrance to the reception room, seemed ready to pour out tears, and Helen shooed them away.

Oh dear, gentlemen, please dont disturb us and get out!

Eventually, Juliets uncles were chased out of the room.

Dont worry about the weather. Or your uncles!

Always cheerful and positive, Helen reassured Juliet.

Did you have trouble sleeping?

No, I slept well.

Juliet grinned. Contrary to worry, she had slept soundly without dreaming for a long time.

The rain will stop as soon as the sun rises.

Dont worry, Miss.

Juliets magician friend Eshelrid spoke earnestly.

If the drizzle doesnt stop by morning, the elder will surely make it stop.

Juliet laughed incredulously.

How so?

Theres something called weather magic.

What is weather magic?

The maids asked with curious eyes.

It involves moving the rain clouds altogether.

Eshel answered seriously.

Its a highly advanced spatial magic, but any magic tower lord should be able to do it.

Can a magician do such things too?

Me? If I knew how to do it, would I be here or the Mage Tower?

Eshelrid was unfairly scolded for his meaningless remarks by the maids.

Its a magic that moves the rain clouds.

Juliet suddenly missed the evil spirit she parted with a long time ago.

Her butterflies that freely opened and closed spaces.


But even at seven in the morning, the rain clouds didnt clear.

It was clear until last night

It was just a drizzle, but there was a reason for people to worry.

The designated place for the wedding hall was a spacious outdoor hall with a small chapel attached.

They had set up a gorgeous outdoor venue, but because of the rain, they had to hurriedly clear the tables and decorations.

Well, if we watch a little more, we can move the place to the temple.

People tried to reassure Juliet. But the most composed person in the castle was Juliet.

I hope the rain stops before the reception. Right?


Juliet smiled slightly, grabbing and shaking the front leg of Onyx.

Onyx, wearing a cute bow tie and cushion on his back, happily rolled over the long and gorgeous veil.

Juliet wasnt too worried.

Lennox is he okay?

Same as usual.

Elliot replied meaningfully, but Juliet understood.

She roughly guessed the atmosphere. Lennox had been acting like a mother bird who had lost her egg she had been holding for the past two days. And although she got to sleep soundly for over ten hours after being apart for a while, but Juliet had been bothered by not seeing Lennox for quite a while.

Im fine.

Juliet was surprisingly calm, even to herself. It didnt matter even if they had the wedding in a storm.

The recent Juliet was happy and stable. To the extent that she wondered if she had ever been this comfortable in her life? She found it funny and enjoyable to see Lennox fussing over wanting to do something good for her, but she wished he was comfortable too.

But Im really okay.


Juliet grinned and looked at the awkward drawing on the table.

A quite well-drawn chapel, sunshine pouring down, and a garden in full bloom.

Juliet knew how much effort he put in to create a perfect wedding.

It was a bit of a shame that they couldnt have the small chapel and outdoor reception he had prepared.


Leisurely playing with Onyx, Juliet suddenly thought of something.

You know, Elliot.

Yes, miss.

Can you do me a favor?

Please say anything!

Elliot pledged solemnly.

But a moment later, after hearing Juliets request, Elliot looked bewildered.

No, why do you need that?

* * *

The forecast clearly mentioned it would be clear, but the capable administrators in the North had prepared for unexpected situations.

In the end, the venue was changed to the temple instead of the chapel.

It will be delayed by an hour or two, but its no problem.

No matter how great the owner of the North was, he couldnt change the weather.

But in fact, he suspected that his nerves were more on edge not because it was raining or the plans were disrupted, but because he hadnt seen Juliet in a long time.

Uh, Your Highness. Theres something I need to say.

Thats when Elliot, the chief secretary of the Dukes house, approached him.

Come with me to the chapel for a moment. Theres something you must see.

For some reason, Elliot whispered solemnly.

Whats the use of a chapel that cant be used?

Do it later.

Lennox, who was already nervous, was about to turn around.

But his chief secretary knew a magic sentence that made him stand still.

Its about Miss Juliet!

In the end, Lennox followed Elliot amidst his busy schedule.

What should I see?

Youll know when you see it.

Elliot led the Duke to the small chapel, the original wedding venue.

Everyone else had flocked to the new venue, the temple, so the vicinity of the chapel was quiet and deserted.


Come on.

Lennox thought he wouldnt let him go without a good reason.

But what the hell is here? Lennox, who just entered the chapel, hesitated.

In the quiet chapel, a soft candlelight was lit.

The guest seats were empty, but a red cloth was laid on the floor.

Marble goddess statues shining faintly were surrounded by fresh flowers and holy water symbolizing marriage.

And there was Juliet.

Lennox forgot to breathe for a moment.

Juliet was wearing a pure white dress, holding a bouquet woven with her favorite summer flowers.

She was exactly as he had envisioned for a long time, elegant and dazzling. He couldnt figure out how that was possible.


Hello, Lennox.

Juliet in a white dress looked at him and smiled brightly.

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