Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 220: Epilogue 10

Chapter 220: Epilogue 10

* * *


The scene witnessed by the knights who hastily arrived at Lucerne was bizarre.

[Its my first time seeing something like this.]

Even the battle-hardened knights couldnt suppress their astonishment on the battlefield.

Trapped within the underground magic circle was a snake spirit that had taken on the appearance of a young girl.

Golden hair with a hint of crimson, and purple eyes.

After years of pursuit, Lennox finally found the demon that had fled from his family.

In the Carlyle family, the snake spirit was not just an old tale. It was a monster that could deceive people, steal appearances, and move and speak like a human.


When they arrived, the evil spirit was devouring the undecayed corpse of a saint.

[It would be wise to be careful, Duke.]

Despite the long-standing grudge, the high priests of Lucerne earnestly advised Duke Carlyle, who was taking the captured snake to the north.

[Its a demon that ensnares the human mind.]

The heads of the Carlyle family knew this best.

The knights who brought the snake in alive confined it in the eastern tower and kept a strict watch.

Though very few knew, the eastern tower of the Dukes residence itself had a barrier that suppressed the spirits power.

[Ohh, whos this?]

The demon, captured after several decades, was highly agitated.

[Young Carlyle, so it was you who captured me this time?]

The priests said that the corpse devoured by the snake belonged to a girl named Genovia who died decades ago.

[Shall I guess? Youre begging to save your human woman and her brat too, arent you?]

Despite being bound by the towers barrier, the venomous snake showed no signs of weakening.

[Nothing surprising. Youre not the first. Your ancestors also came begging to me, its not a shameful act]

[Shut up and lift the curse.]

[A blood-soaked fledgling dares to talk big. Still fit to live oh.]

The flickering purple eyes suddenly lit up.

[This is rather enticing.]

[Shut up.]

The snakes attitude changed slightly from then. Initially showing intense hostility as if it would devour him at any moment, it now tried to provoke his anger through words.

[Really, I dont understand. If your wife dies, get another. If your child dies, have another. Why bother lifting the curse?]

Even while trapped in the barrier and screaming, it seemed like the snake was trying to elicit some reaction from him.

Its voice, despite the cockiness, seemed to hiss.

[Showing off all you want, but cherishing my bloodline like other humans?]

Lennox chuckled.

Not knowing that the bloodline is nothing special. Well, thats why its a demon after all.

Throughout the struggle with the captured snake, Lennox tried hard not to face Juliet.

[Shes been crying a lot these days.]

But having to listen to the snakes curses all day, he somehow wanted to check on Juliets well-being, and late at night, he secretly went to see her.

[Hello, darling.]

Through the slightly opened door, he saw Juliet sitting by the window with a gloomy face. Staying only in her room, Juliet no longer smiled.

Her routine was either walking around the empty castle or spending time in her room.

He didnt have the courage to face her, so all he could do was watch her from a distant corridor or quietly leave when she fell asleep tired.

He wished Juliet knew nothing.

The snake vehemently refused to be locked up in the storage.


It took some time because it had swallowed the remains of the saint, but thanks to the strict barrier, the snake was becoming weaker day by day. It was only a matter of time before it would be sealed again.

Even with its physical strength sealed, the snake didnt stop its rant.

[Theres no intention of lifting the curse, so decide quickly to kill the human woman who will be killed by your offspring.]

He already had a hunch.

This snake had no intention of lifting the curse, it was just biding time to see him suffer.

[Neither you nor your bloodline will escape from my curse.]

The taunting face of the snake, or rather the face of Genovia, the girl who was eaten by the snake, strangely had round eyes that slightly resembled Juliets.

* * *


It was the next day when a knight from his family hurried to him.

[How did it break the barrier?]

[I, I dont know.]

It was said that Juliet, who used to take a walk near the eastern tower, encountered a snake.

He knew Juliet walked around the castle every evening, but it was a mistake to be careless.

The boundary of the eastern tower is such that it couldnt be entered by anyone other than knights with emblems or high priests or magicians with strong magical powers. It was a peculiar event.

[I knew she was coming near the tower because she said she wanted to see it up close just once]

The issue was what the snake whispered to Juliet.

As he hurriedly moved, an aide grabbed him.

[Your Highness, Juliet is requesting a meeting with you now.]

[Tell her Ill come later.]

[She will wait until you come.]


It didnt make sense to say that.

He headed to the annex reluctantly, but Juliet was not there.

[Long time no see, Your Highness.]

Instead, she was sitting elegantly in his reception room, greeting him.

[I greet Your Highness the Duke.]


Although it was informal, Juliet greeted him with impeccable manners, and then took a seat.

[Would you like some tea?]


Before even hearing a response, Juliet, who was pouring tea, looked at him and smiled.

[Why are you looking like that?]


Lennox sat down scanning Juliet with unfamiliar eyes.

Its been a long time since he saw Juliet awake or not crying.

The well-dressed Juliet looked quite strange.

Instead of her usual plain pajamas or modest indoor dresses, she was wearing the best dark blue outfit she had.

Seeing her light brown hair slightly braided and neatly twisted up, and her pale cheeks hidden with peach-colored makeup, he somehow felt an unexplainable anxiety.

[I heard you found Dahlia.]

He flinched. He never told Juliet what Dahlia was.

So, she had no way of knowing about the curse of the Dukes family or the true identity of Dahlia. Yet, he sensed anxiety instinctively.

[Well, I went to the eastern tower yesterday and met someone.]

It was true that Juliet had been to the eastern tower.

[I met a lady there, and we talked.]

[You talked?]

His heart sank.

The woman Juliet saw was undoubtedly the snake.

The snake, tied up and its magic sealed, was too weakened to physically harm Juliet, but the really scary thing about the snake was that it got into peoples minds.

A healthy person wouldnt be enchanted by the snake, but Juliet was visibly physically and mentally exhausted.

He was terrified. That snake might have done something to Juliet.

[What did she say?]

You had a conversation?

Seeing him ask fiercely, Juliet remained silent for a moment.

[Im asking what she said.]

[Just, exchanged greetings.]

When asked hastily, Juliet gave a faint smile.

[Dont worry. She didnt speak ill of you.]



It cant be.

Even a high priest was easily enchanted and had his memory manipulated by the evil spirit. Its clear that the snake spewed nonsensical nonsense.

But Juliet was surprisingly calm and composed.

[She say you found it after 20 years.]

[Did she say that?]

The snake?

[No, I heard it from the maids. These days, thats all they talk about.]

Juliet spoke calmly, as if talking about someone else.

20 years ago, the servant couple ran away with Dahlia, and theres talk that Duke Carlyle finally found her and she has returned.

Was the unrest in the castle due to this?

Lennox frowned, thinking he should tighten security.

[I have something to say, Your Highness.]


[I, always keep my promises. Im not talkative either.]


[So please let me go.]

Lennox doubted his ears.

[I wont tell anyone. Ill just go far away, live quietly in hiding. Just ]

[Where will you go?]

He was out of breath.

[I wont ask for anything.]

At the same time that everything started to feel dizzy, everything also became clear.

[I will live as though I am dead. So that you will never hear from me again.]

[What are you saying?]

He wished this was a threat.

If you dont accept my stubbornness, Ill leave you far behind forever, he wished Juliet was just throwing a tantrum.


Unfortunately, Juliet didnt back down.

She was serious. She would really leave.

Juliets pale lips trembled, and then she forced a smile.


She took off the small gold ring on her ring finger and placed it in his hand.

[Its not worth much, but I hope you accept it.]

It was a thin, plain ring.

Probably worth about ten gold coins.

[You can throw it away if it upsets you but Id appreciate it if you sold it instead, thats all I have.]


[You could get five deep gold coins.]

Juliet said cautiously, but he didnt understand right away.

Why is she giving this all of a sudden? As a noble Duke, it was an incomprehensible act.

No one had ever handed him such a small amount of money.

[Of course, it falls far short of covering the costs of looking after me for all this time but this is all I have now.]

Finally, he barely understood Juliets intentions.


And he deeply despaired.

Juliets words were that she would pay for the cost of her upkeep until now.

[Where do you plan to go?]

[To repay the debt-]

[So youll repay the debt, and insist on leaving?]


[With my child?]

Juliet, who had been staring at him with indifferent eyes, corrected quietly.

[Its my baby.]


[I dont ask for anything. I wont talk about Your Highness, to anyone. Just let me go.]

[Just let you go?]

Even if you die?

Then what was I to you?


Does she even know what shes talking about?

[If you want to calculate, do it properly, Juliet.]

Touching his lips, he coldly scoffed.

Why didnt he realize sooner? Falling in love on a whim, hoping on a whim.

It was not her, but he who was recklessly captivated.

[Your life is mine, where can you go?]

[Your Highness?]

[If you want to die, die in front of me.]


He locked the door and finally let out a harsh sigh.

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