Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 157:

Chapter 157:

* * *

After finishing her meeting with the Pope, Juliet emerged outside to find Fatima waiting for her by a small boat.

Did you enjoy your audience?

Fatima greeted her with a formal greeting.

Yes, thanks to you, Princess.

Lets head back then.

Seemingly half-listening to Juliets response, Fatima climbed into the boat first.

As they crossed the lake in the small boat, Juliet took in her surroundings.

Thanks to the Pope, she had the chance to see the violet lake, and she somehow felt reluctant to leave it so soon.

As she looked around, she noticed a small building set up on the lakeside.

It was a pavilion with a pumpkin-like yellow roof.

As Juliet leisurely admired the exterior of the pavilion, she suddenly noticed a group of people entering the building.

From their extravagant clothing, they seemed to be nobles with permission to enter. And the person in the front was


It was Cloff, Fatimas husband and the Second Prince.

Cloff with nobles in the secluded lakeside pavilion

Recalling a rumor shed heard from the nobility, Juliet blinked a few times.

The Second Prince volunteered to investigate the incident.

Hadnt she heard that Cloff, along with a few nobles, had formed an investigation team to look into the sudden disturbance caused by the beasts?

It was suspicious that the Second Prince, who usually had no interest in other peoples affairs, had volunteered for this task.

Juliet asked one of the palace guards casually.

Is that the Amber Palace?

Yes, it is.

It would be good to know what theyre discussing inside

Moreover, if the Second Prince was collaborating with Dahlia, she would have to be even more suspicious.

Ahem, we will soon arrive at the shore. Please get ready to disembark.

Perhaps noticing Juliets intent gaze on the Amber Palace, the palace guard spoke in a cautious tone.

The Amber Palace, like the sacred lake, was in a controlled area.

Only direct descendants of the Emperor or previously approved nobles could enter.

Isnt there any way?

As Juliet pondered, she alternated her gaze between the clear lake and her outfit.

The necklace made of small diamonds immediately caught her eye.

She hesitated for a moment.

This necklace, one of the gifts from Duke Carlyle, was too valuable to use as bait.

But she felt like this might be her only opportunity.

I have no choice.

Otherwise, the only thing she had left on her was a silver key.

Juliet sighed softly and discreetly hid the silver key, making sure she wouldnt lose it.

She then discreetly dropped the necklace into the lake.

After confirming that the diamond necklace had sunk below the surface of the lake, Juliet quietly approached Fatima, who was on the opposite side.

Princess Fatima.

W-What is it, all of a sudden?

Remember you owe me?

H-Huh? I dont recall

Fatima flinched and avoided Juliets gaze. It was clear that she felt guilty about something.

Both Juliet and Fatima knew. In their youth, Fatima had done something unforgivable to Juliet, which had been a longstanding grudge between them.


Juliet grabbed Fatimas wrist, forcing her to meet her gaze.

Im about to do something crazy

There was an irresistible force in Juliets smooth voice.

You need to play along.

What do you mean?

Fatima saw the mischievous glint in Juliets eyes.

Moments later.



Soon after, a commotion erupted on the tranquil lakeshore.

Those present were witnesses.

Suddenly, Princess Fatima and Countess Monad had an argument. It was well-known that the two didnt get along, so that was not unusual.

The real issue happened next.

Juliet Monad fell into the lake.


Fortunately, they were near the shore, so the water wasnt very deep, and the shocked onlookers quickly rescued Juliet.

Princess, what happened?

I-I dont know! Suddenly, Countess Monad said her necklace was stolen. And then she started the quarrel!

Fatima, the Crown Princess, also looked greatly surprised and seemed nervous.

For some reason, Juliet Monad couldnt regain consciousness.

And at the lakeside, her knight escorts, who had been waiting, became furiously angry. They insisted that Juliet needed to be taken to the nearby palace and that a doctor must be called.

Hold on!

As they tried to hurriedly enter the Amber Palace with the collapsed Juliet, the guards blocked their way.

Only the royals can stay in Amber Palace! Without His Majestys permission

No, the Countess has fainted!

Jude, who had come as Juliets escorting knight, faithfully performed his role.

A person has collapsed, and youre saying this? If something happens to Countess Monad, will you take responsibility?

Jude shouted vehemently.

The palace guards then remembered that this lady was the lover of Duke Carlyle.

Well, then move her somewhere else quickly

What? Dont you know that you shouldnt carelessly move an unconscious patient? Are you even a doctor?

Im not a doctor.

What? You havent called a doctor yet? Our lady has fainted!

Then quickly call a doctor!

The situation was chaotic.

And how far is it to the Empresss palace? Where exactly do you suggest we go?

Calm down, lets first bring Countess Monad inside!

Due to the rage of the Dukes knights, the unconscious Juliet was safely able to enter the Amber Palace.

However, other than Fatima and her maids, the other knights were denied entry.

Shortly after, the maids left to call the doctors from the palace.


The door closed, leaving only Fatima and the unconscious Juliet in the room.

Everyones gone.

Fatima, looking around with a frightened expression, whispered softly.

I did as you said. But

Fatima left Juliet, who was lying on the bed, and rushed to close the curtains tightly.

Really is this okay?

Blocking all outside views, Fatima turned around to see Juliet, who had been unconscious, now blinking her eyes.

Yes. You did very well, Your Highness.

As if nothing had happened, Juliet, now fully awake, smiled sweetly at Fatima.

* * *


So the princess and Countess Monad were arguing, and the Countess fell into the lake?

Sitting in the real world, the Emperor asked incredulously.

The incident at the sacred lake had reached the Emperors ears in less than an hour.

So why did the two of them fight?

In response to the Emperors question, the chamberlain looked uncomfortable.

It seems the valuable necklace that Countess Monad had is missing.

A necklace?

Yes. The Countess claimed she lost the necklace, and the princess started an argument, suspecting her maids

Just compensate her for the damn necklace!

The Emperor was visibly annoyed.

It was shameful for the imperial family to get involved in such a petty dispute between young ladies.

It was unprecedented to admit non-royals into the Amber Palace.

This is such a disgrace.

However, Your Majesty, the necklace that Countess Monad lost it was a gifted diamond necklace. She was very adamant about its importance.

Just send the guards to find it!

After a brief contemplation, the Emperor shouted in frustration. He couldnt waste time on such trivial matters.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The guards then left with bowed heads.

The chamberlain cautiously said to the Emperor:

Your Majesty. According to the law, outsiders without permission shouldnt be allowed into the Amber Palace

Is that the most important thing right now? Just do as Countess Monad wishes!

The Emperor responded angrily, and the chamberlain quickly nodded in agreement.

But just as he seemed to be leaving, he suddenly called out to the Emperor again.

Uh Your Majesty.

What now?

When the Emperor turned his gaze, he froze in place, recognizing a man standing at the entrance.

A handsome man with black hair, who looked like he stepped out of a painting, stood there.

Duke Carlyle has arrived.

The chamberlain announced with a slight delay.

Du Duke

Your Majesty the Emperor.

There was just one small issue; the painting seemed to depict the king of hell.

What did you just say?

With a voice as cold as the biting northern wind, Duke Carlyle inquired.

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