Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 140:

Chapter 140:

* * *

Youve found it!

The evening when Lennox and the Dukes knights retrieved the heirloom from the south.

It was in the residence of Count Monad where Juliet, who had already returned to the capital, first heard the news.

Because of Juliets mysterious relatives from her maternal side visiting, she decided to stay at the Counts residence instead of the Dukes for a while.

Thank goodness.

Yes. Theyre planning to return to the capital straight away.

Elliot conveyed the news with a happy expression. In his hand was a short letter brought by a courier that had just arrived.

This loyal secretary of the Duke had rushed over to the Counts residence as soon as the courier arrived to personally convey the good news.

We must inform the Dukes residence in the North!

It was natural to be happy since they had retrieved the heirloom that had been missing for over twenty years.

I Elliot.

However, Juliet hesitated a little next to the elated Elliot.

Was that all the news?


I mean

Juliet wanted to ask about Dahlia.

It was clear that Dahlia had been behind Marquis Guinness, and since the tiara should originally have appeared in Dahlias possession, Juliet thought that when they found the tiara, they would naturally find Dahlia too.

Was there any news about finding a woman or something like that?

A woman?

With a puzzled look, Elliot glanced over the letter the courier had just delivered.

No, there was no mention of bringing a guest or adding someone to their group.

I see

Juliet felt somewhat deflated.

After all, Dahlia is a person; she couldnt be locked up in that secret room.

Even if Dahlia was truly an accomplice or the mastermind behind Marquis Guinness, it would have been a natural assumption that she would have fled the moment the Marquiss house collapsed.



Will you continue to stay at the Counts residence?

Elliot, the Dukes secretary, asked in a hushed voice.

Wondering why he suddenly asked that, Juliet blinked.

Because my grandfather and uncles are still staying in the capital.

Juliet also lowered her voice and cautiously replied.

Isnt it quite awkward for a niece and granddaughter to stay at her former lovers house?

While thinking about it, Juliet realized that the reason for Elliots discomfort was because of her family members.

I see.

Elliot nodded with a gloomy expression.

Yes, youre right.

Because from the other side of the reception room, her legendary grandfather was slowly approaching.

Greetings, elder.

Every time I see them these Carlyle are here.

With a displeased look, Lionel Lebatan sized Elliot up.

Haha, elder. I am not a Carlyle but the secretary serving the Duke.

Whether youre a secretary or a subordinate, isnt it all the same being associated with that Duke? So, dont just loiter around someone elses house.

No, elder! Our Duke is very diligent and hardworking


All of Juliets relatives, starting with Lionel Lebatan, clearly disliked Lennox Carlyle. They would stare coldly at anyone remotely related to the Dukes family.

It wasnt this bad with Roy.

Juliet tilted her head.

It seemed Lennox had quite a bit of negative sentiment against him.


To help the flustered secretary of the Duke, Juliet deliberately greeted Lionel Lebatan with a big smile.

Juliet made a suggestion Lionel Lebatan couldnt refuse.

Lets go see mom together.

The cemetery was quiet without a soul in sight.

Hello, Mom. I came with grandfather today.

After walking for a while, Juliet stopped in front of a tombstone and greeted with a smile. It was a modest but neatly maintained altar.


When Juliet stopped, Lionel Lebatan, who was following her, also stopped in front of the altar Juliet pointed to.

He carefully placed something from his pocket onto it.

Only then did Juliet realize what her grandfather had secretly brought. It was a bouquet of white lilies and blue asters, flowers that are hard to find in this season.

Lionel Lebatan cleared his throat awkwardly.

Lily loved these flowers.

Yes, I know.

Juliet smiled.

The two, who looked alike yet not quite, silently gazed at the grave.

So that Marquis Guinness was the real culprit behind Lillians death.

Yes. As I mentioned in the letter.

Lionel Lebatan asked dryly, and she calmly replied.

Not long ago, right after catching Marquis Guinness, Juliet sent a letter to the East.

Upon receiving the letter, Lionel Lebatan immediately rushed to the island.

Juliet confessed everything that had happened.

About the time when Marquis Guinness tried to curse her and the fact that he was the mastermind behind sending Baron Gaspar to steal the key.

I found out then.

Juliet briefly described what had been happening that she couldnt convey entirely in the letter. By the time she finished her explanation, the sun was almost set.

Its hard to believe.

Lionel Lebatan sighed with a more stoic demeanor than ever before.

Is that key really such a big deal?

Im not sure.

Juliet guiltily fiddled with the small silver key hanging around her neck.

But I think the reason Marquis Guinness is after this key might be because of a spirit or demon that can be summoned with it.

You mean the butterflies?

Im sorry. Its a far-fetched story, isnt it?

Is it related to what the top magicians are investigating?

You already know.

Juliet sighed lightly.

Yes. I asked Eshelrid to investigate.

Though there wasnt much information yet.

All Eshelrid could tell was that her butterflies were close to demons.



Do you believe in demons?

Of course, everyone in the East believes.

To her surprise, his answer was full of conviction.

Ive heard countless rumors about cursed treasures. So many that its hard to know which is true.

Lionel Lebatan smirked with a meaningful look.

Ive never seen it myself, but theres a saying in the East. The thing a demon fears most is its name being revealed.

Name? Juliet seemed to recall a fleeting memory for a moment.

Snowdrop is the only artifact whose name is known.

She remembered hearing that several times.

And also, theres a saying that the two things you need to catch a demon are pride and deception.

Juliet looked up quickly.

Pride and deception?

Yes. Theres an old tale. They say that demons are arrogant, but they cannot lie

As she gleamed with the excitement of hearing an old tale, Lionel Lebatan chuckled warmly.

Im not sure how these stories will help.

No, theyre interesting.

Juliet smiled gently.

Actually, I hesitated to tell you.

She had been considering how to approach this topic.

After all, it was a tragedy where the innocent Count and Countess Monad lost their lives over this mere key.

She was concerned that revealing Marquis Guinness as the mastermind would further torment her grieving grandfather who had just lost his daughter.

But I thought it would be better for you to know.

Why do you think so?

Because Im like you, and I would have wanted to know if I were in your shoes.

You did well.

Lionel Lebatan suddenly asked with a grin.

So, is the reason youre staying by that Dukes side related to the cursed key?

Juliet hesitated.

Did you know?

Itd be stranger if I didnt.

It was the first time Lionel Lebatan had directly mentioned Duke Calyle. Hence, his voice seemed a bit gruff.

I kept your uncles in the dark

Juliet seemed unsure of what to say.

Im sorry.


For the first time, Lionel Lebatan frowned.

Its that thief who kidnapped my precious granddaughter who should apologize, isnt it?

Juliet, not knowing what to say, laughed.

You resemble Lily. Thats why Im worried.

Lionel Lebatan comforted his granddaughter with a gentle smile.

But, Juliet.

His smile faded as he spoke seriously.

If he ever bothers you, kick him in the solar plexus and come back.

Yes, I will.

Juliet responded with a big smile and nodded.

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