Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 133:

Chapter 133:

Lennox left the bedroom with his usual stride.

Marquis Guinness. Punishment room.

Words he couldnt understand floated in his head.

With a blank expression on his face, he walked and as soon as he reached the dark, empty reception room, he drew his black sword.

Wrapping the blade with his right hand, Lennox moved it without hesitation.

A chilling sensation.

Blood smeared on his hand.

However, bizarrely, instead of the red blood dripping to the floor, it evaporated without a trace. As if the sword greedily absorbed the blood.

(The taste of blood is always tempting.)

Then, the now-familiar giant black panther appeared before his eyes.

You finally show yourself.

(Its not like were close enough that I should come whenever you call. Isnt that so?)

The black panther responded with a sly smile.

(Its funny hearing this from me, but You were the one who said you refused to make a deal with a demon.)

It doesnt matter.

Lennox replied bluntly.

He was more aware of the risks than anyone else. But that wasnt the point.


The black panther swished its tail, seemingly in a good mood.

(Whats the matter?)

I have something to check.

(Look, causing nightmares or pulling out memories isnt entirely my domain.)

The black panther grumbled, understanding his request without further explanation.

(We cant infringe on each others territories.)

So, you cant?

(Why are you sounding so disappointed?)

The black panther turned its body in a slightly annoyed manner. Then, licking its front paw like a large cat, reluctantly said:

(Theres nothing a demon cant do. Just remember, causing distortions in memories or inducing nightmares isnt the extent of my powers.)

The black panther spoke with a bit of a show-off tone.

(Im far more magnificent than my siblings.)

So, whats your power?

(To devour human souls.)

As painfully as possible.

The black panther bragged as if it was a great feat, but Lennox didnt react.

So, can you show me?

(Just this time.)

The scenery changed immediately with his grumbling.

The next moment, Lennox stood in the hallway of an old and unfamiliar castle.

The sounds of clashes and screams echoed from all directions, as if a war had broken out. The scene was unfamiliar and chaotic.

Its the eighth wife of Marquis Guinness.

Suddenly, he found himself standing in front of an unfamiliar door.

It seemed to be a secretly hidden room. The scene inside, visible through the slightly opened door, was as gruesome as a battlefield.

And there was a woman inside.

Reluctantly, the servants guiding him added:

Shes an ominous woman.

It would be best if you dont get close.

However, the advice of his loyal subordinates fell on deaf ears.

As soon as he stepped into the small room, an unreal scene unfolded.

A woman, whose wrists were bound, was hanging in the red-decorated room. With a bloodied back, as if whipped, the woman with lifeless eyes looked up at him.

* * *


The capitals prison was unusually noisy.

Let me meet the Duke, or at least that Countess Monad!

Oh, for heavens sake, youre noisy!

Marquis Guinness, imprisoned, demanded to meet anyone.

The knight of the Ducal house, unable to meet his demands, was visibly frustrated.

If you dont want your neck in a noose, youd better watch your mouth, Marquis.

The knight, Jude, glared menacingly at the Marquis.

He was tired of the Marquiss constant derogatory remarks about Juliet.

You fool.

Marquis Guinness sneered as if out of his mind.

I am the great nobe of the South. Do you think your master, no matter how reckless, can handle me as he pleases?

Shut your mouth, Marquis.

Although he responded harshly, Jude was feeling uneasy inside.

Marquis Guinness appeared to be a refined nobleman, but he was rather uncomfortable.

He once had seven wives, and it was no secret that all of them either passed away early or went missing.

No one really believed that his wives died of illnesses, but no one had the courage to investigate the Marquis, a great noble of the south.

While Duke Carlyle might not enjoy a status in the north comparable to that of the king, Marquis Guinness, after all, held one pillar of the Empires power.

Of course, Duke Carlyle wasnt one to be blinded by bribes or negotiations, and he wouldnt leave the Marquis, who tried to trap Juliet, alone.

However, the Emperor and the noble council were a different story.

The other nobles of the council could be easily bought. Marquis Guinness was among the top landowners in the Empire, and the fertile lands of the south were coveted by everyone.

Jude Hayon was of noble birth.

He knew very well the way nobles thought.

If the noble council united and was bought by Marquis Guinness, even Duke Carlyle would face a very difficult situation.

However, Marquis Guinness, who appeared very calm on the outside, was also feeling uneasy inside.

Damn, how did she not fall under hypnosis?

The Marquis blamed the stupid Archbishop for the failure of the plan.

I shouldnt have trusted such an incompetent priest!

In reality, Marquis Guinness had another reason to be anxious.

If someone discovers that storage

What Marquis Guinness was worried about was a secret room hidden in the mansion. No matter how thoroughly the knights of the duchy searched the mansion, they wouldnt find the entrance to this secret room.

Inside, however, was a horrifying object.

Dahlia wont tolerate failure

Marquis Guinnesss hands trembled.

He was more afraid of the anger of the one he served than of being imprisoned.

Marquis Guinness knew that the quickest way out of this situation was to persuade Duke Carlyle.

But even when he offered all sorts of sweet terms to Duke Carlyle, he didnt relent. He even refused to let messages be taken out.

Listen, bring Duke Carlyle right now!

Marquis Guinness tried to hide his anxiety and ordered forcefully.

But Jude Hayon wasnt an easy opponent.

Ah, so noisy.


Jude, glaring at the Marquis, suddenly entered the cell and gagged him.

You, you! What are you doing?

Oh, yes, yes.

Jude acted like he didnt hear him.

Its quiet now. Sleep tight, okay?

But Judes hope didnt materialize.

Shortly after, suspicious sounds started coming from the entrance of the prison.

Clang. Creak.

Shocked, Marquis Guinness looked into the darkness.

A visitor at this hour?

Who is it!

Jude, who had drawn his sword in alert, looked puzzled the next moment.

Release him.

The approaching man commanded.

The prison was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly. But Marquis Guinness saw the arrogant knight swiftly undo his gag.

Jude Hayon.


Stay outside for a while.


Jude left, taking the other guards with him.


A torch was lit at the end of the long corridor.

Only then could Marquis Guinness recognize the face of his visitor. It was Duke Lennox Carlyle.

Hmm, so, Duke Carlyle. Its easier to talk if youre not restrained, right?

Of course.

No matter how powerful the northern Dukes family was, in a situation where he had bought over a significant number of the nobles, there was no way he would dare make them his enemies.

Marquis Guinness overestimated this.

Lennox didnt reply.

Furthermore, his cold expression made Marquis Guinness uneasy, but he tried his best to look arrogant.

You made a wise decision, Duke. Well thought.

No matter how strong Lennox Carlyle was, he couldnt ignore his offer. The fertile lands of the south would be tempting even for a northern Duke.

Marquis Guinness felt entirely relieved and became smug.

We wont regret joining hands. Now, lets discuss specifics

But something was off.

Since entering the prison, Lennox Carlyle hadnt said a word to him.

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