Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 131:

Chapter 131:

Countess, please take the glass.


Juliet, already thirsty, didnt decline the drink offered by the Viscount and Viscountess of Dulton.

She wasnt particularly fond of alcohol. However, the clear honey wine tasted sweet and smooth on Juliets lips, making it easy for her to swallow.

Roy sneaked glances at Juliet, but her attention was solely on the Dulton couple.

Juliet asked calmly:

The tiara that Marquis Guinness had, what did it look like?

Ah, yes. It was a very beautiful jewelled treasure.

Ive never seen such a thing in my life.

The Dulton couple eagerly chatted away to Juliet.

While they were being treated as vassals of Marquis Guinness, they were feeling honored that Juliet, known as the lover of Duke Carlyle, showed interest in their tale.

It was a gold tiara engraved with blue-purple gemstones.

This is a secret, but that tiara is still likely in the Marquiss house.

Viscount Dulton boasted as if revealing a significant secret.

Only the Marquis knows how to enter that secret room, and hes locked up in the capitals prison. So, it cant be found even if searched for.

Yes, it seems so.

Juliet tried to remain calm, but she couldnt help but smile.

In reality, there was another person who knew how to access that secret room. Juliet knew both the location of the tiara and how to enter.

I can send knights to the south right away to find it.

And perhaps she might also meet Dahlia.

Trying to hide her trembling hands, Juliet gently probed:

Viscountess Dulton, could you tell me in more detail when you last saw the tiara?

* * *

Lennox didnt really pay attention to the chatter inside.

My lord.

Standing outside on the terrace, a knight approached him with news.

Marquis Guinness has asked to meet you.

His absurd proposition was to settle matters by compensating and handing over half the Marquiss assets.

Marquis Guinness was persistent, begging to meet Juliet in person to explain that everything was a misunderstanding.


Lennox scoffed openly.

The one who first endangered Juliet by resorting to suspicious magic was Marquis Guinness.

While Juliet seemed content with imprisoning Marquis Guinness and bringing down his house, Lennox had no intentions of sparing the Marquis or allowing him to meet Juliet. He was pondering the most painful way to exact revenge.


Hadin hesitated before speaking.

Miss Juliet has called for Lord Halbery.

Lennox paused for a moment. Lord Halbery was the Dukes personal physician.

Why would Juliet call for Halbery?

Hadins report didnt end there.

She also seems to have requested a copy of the family lineage from secretary Elliot.

Then give it to her.

After a brief hesitation, Lennox turned his attention elsewhere.

Between the family lineage and the family doctor, he felt like he understood what Juliet was thinking.

Give her whatever she asks for.


With an inscrutable expression, Lennox briefly gazed outside before returning inside.

However, as soon as he left the terrace, he was met with an unpleasant welcome.

Oh, Your Highness the Duke!

We are grateful for the kindness youve shown us.

Heavily drank nobles rushed towards him, obsequiously bowing. These were individuals who would have ordinarily averted their eyes in fear.

Feeling perplexed, Lennox noticed the scent of alcohol on them.

You dont have to worry about the noble council!

We all will support you!

Yes, we swear loyalty to the Duke of Carlyle!

Seeing the low-ranking nobles pledging inexplicable loyalty, Lennox was flabbergasted.

What are they blabbering about?

Looking around, he saw his secretary flinch under his gaze, admitting his mistake.

Ive made an error, Your Highness!


It seems Miss Juliet about the noble council

Without waiting for further explanation, Lennox quickly descended to the lower floor.

Juliet stood at the center, beaming. Observing the crowd around her, Lennox frowned.

Oh, its hard to bear.

While the atmosphere was amiable, the faces werent friendly.

The majority of the elderly nobles surrounding her claimed to be acquaintances of the deceased Count and Countess Monad.

Weve greatly misunderstood Countess Monad all this time.

Have you heard shes inherited the title? And shes still unmarried?


Juliet answered cheerfully and seemed to be in quite a good mood.

Cant believe such a refined lady is still single?

I know a suitable groom for you, Miss. Would you like to meet him?

Yes, I would.

Oh my, really?

Whats going on?

Listening from a distance, Lennox was taken aback. He had forgotten that matchmaking was common at such aristocratic gatherings.

Perfect! Viscount Schnabel is a fine young man.

Oh, of course, he might not have much now, but with a decent foundation in the capital

Juliet, ever polite, attentively listened to all the chatter.

When they noticed her receptive demeanor, they began recommending potential groom candidates from their families. All of them seemed to have no merits other than being well-behaved.

Apparently, thats their only redeeming.

Now, please take my glass too.

What was even more fascinating was Juliet, who took the glasses offered to her with a bright smile and drank them with ease.

Lennox, who had been staring at the spectacle with a fierce face, hesitated.

Something was off. Juliet had been smiling all the while.

While were on the topic, let him introduce himself!

Ah, hello. My name is Arthur Schnabel

Yes, hello.

Even though she was swaying to the point where she couldnt even control herself, Juliet looked overly smiley.

How do you find him, Countess? Isnt he a splendid groom?

No, hes not that impressive.

And she was too honest.

Seeing Juliets smiling face, Lennox suddenly realized something.


It was the behavior of someone completely drunk.

Without even checking the surroundings, he immediately went downstairs. Lennox swiftly crossed the floor.

Had he known this would happen, he wouldnt have left her alone.

Hey, whats going on?

As she bumped into someone, one of the men surrounding Juliet turned around with a fierce look.

Who ah.

Oh, Your Highness?

The guys who were mimicking being drunk scattered like water, making way for him.

As people parted like the sea on both sides, Lennox gritted his teeth.


Your Highness?

Come here.

Luckily, Juliet tilted her head once and obediently took the hand he offered, following him out.

During the short time they exited the ballroom, he became worried about who might see her.

Lennox wrapped Juliet in an overcoat and put her in the carriage of the Dukes house that was waiting outside.

Once he sat Juliet inside the carriage and closed his coat, he quickly realized what had caused this situation. The moment he embraced Juliets shoulders, a unique sweet scent wafted.

It was the scent of a honey wine, which often appears at weddings.

The first sip is sweet and light, but if you drink this intoxicating honey wine thoughtlessly, youll end up very drunk.

Juliet must not have been familiar with this drink.

Lets go.

As the carriage started moving, Juliet blinked and asked:

Are we going home?

Stumped by her innocent question, Lennox momentarily lost words.

Seeing Juliet drunk for the first time was both unfamiliar and amusing. He felt a tingling sensation near his heart even though he thought it was awkward. However, he also wasnt fond of the particularly bright-eyed Juliet.

He asked with a frown:

What were you talking about?

We didnt talk about much

Juliet sighed, seemingly a bit hot. Her cheeks were flushed.

Excluding her reddened cheeks, Juliet looked rather fine. She spoke animatedly about various conversations she had.

Lady Dultons husband made a fortune by selling stolen treasures. Oh, he also sold jewels to Marquis Guinness.

More than the content of the story, Lennox was intrigued by Juliets reaction and remained silent for a moment.

And the son of Marquis Schnabel is still single but reputable.

It had been a long time since Juliet, with blushing cheeks, spoke so casually in front of him.

Lennox felt this side of Juliet was familiar. In the distant past, before Juliet got hurt and closed off her emotions due to a man named Lennox Carlyle, she might have been like this.

Juliet answered his questions straightforwardly like a good child.

Of course, the content was mostly about the repertoire of scoundrels who shamelessly approached her. Lennox remembered each of those names.

And also

Why did you drink?

Lennox asked bluntly.

According to Elliots confession, Juliet tried to entrap the nobles in preparation for the nobles council meeting.

But instead of being touched by Juliets efforts, Lennox was rather annoyed.

He had clearly observed the conscienceless noblemen who were shamelessly pushing their sons and grandsons onto Juliet.

Do you not have better things to do?

You shouldnt say that, Lennox.

Despite his snarky comment, Juliet courteously pulled out a fan.

Whats that?

She inspected the fan without responding to Lennoxs question. A small card was attached to the end of the fan.

What are you looking at?

Lennox snatched the fan to flip the card.

It was filled with names written in a portable quill pen.

It was a card for recording the names of partners requesting dances at the ball. It was an old-fashioned trend where one dances with partners according to the order listed on the card.

Just by seeing the card filled with names of vain nobles, Lennox thought he had faced the worst of the evening.

But Juliet had an exceptional knack for further upsetting him.

Give it to me. I havent finished writing yet.

Juliet stubbornly added another name to the card.

Lennoxs temper flared suddenly.

Was she really drunk? Does she want to upset him right now?

Of course, Lennox knew Juliet had no such intentions.


He asked calmly as usual. But Lennox felt embarrassingly petty.

Are you going to dance with the polite and respectable partners listed there? And whats next, marriage?

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