Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 129:

Chapter 129:

* * *


Out of the blue butterflies fluttered around, disrupting her thoughts. The attentive butterflies acted extra fragile.

(We tired.)

(Exerted. A lot. Tired.)

(Praise, give.)

For once, they had a task, and the butterflies whined as if it were an opportunity.


However, under the table, a small pumpkin-eyed hatchling raised its head and stared hungrily at the butterflies.

As Onyx perched on the edge of the table swung his forepaw, the butterflies recoiled in disgust.

(Lowly creature.)

(Stupid. Annoying.)

They grumbled with disdain, but to the baby dragon, it was a rather sophisticated vocabulary.



The butterfly creatures flapped their wings irritably and moved away from Juliet, but the baby dragons eyes lit up when he saw that they werent easy prey.

Watching this, Juliet thought for a moment, It seems that the butterflys illusions doesnt work dragons.

Just like when Onyx casually ate the curse, he may have seemed like a kitten most of the time, but the baby dragon was subtly competent.

Come here, Nix.

Juliet split an apple in half and offered it to the baby dragon.


Onyx was immediately distracted by the apple, and the butterflies moved out of his sight.

Knock, knock.

Someone lightly knocked on the reception room door.

Come in.

The one who entered after opening the door was Duke Carlyles doctor.

Hello, Miss Juliet.

The Dukes doctor greeted Juliet warmly.

Welcome, Lord Halbery.

Juliet also smiled and invited him to take a seat.


When the doctor sat across from the table, Juliet handed him a teacup.

Please, have some.

Thank you. Its good tea.

While the baby dragon nibbled on the apple under the table, the two of them enjoyed their tea for a moment.

Secretary Elliot said you were looking for me. Is there anything wrong?


Is there something troubling you?

Its not that. I just have a question. May I ask?

To me? Haha.

The Dukes doctor chuckled for a moment and then nodded readily.

Yes, feel free to ask anything.

Thank you, Lord Halbery.

Juliet smiled. Then, with the same smile, she asked:

What was the reason for His Highnesss mothers passing?

Cough, cough!

The doctor coughed loudly and seemed startled. With a worried expression, he asked:

Oh, Miss, where did you hear?

Seeing his troubled expression, Juliet was sure that the Dukes doctor also knew.

But all the previous Duchesses didnt pass away after giving birth, did they?

The doctor hesitated as if his words were blocked for a moment but then hastily got up from his seat.

I apologize, Miss. I have some urgent matters to attend to

Lord Halbery.

Juliet spoke firmly, without a smile, and continued in a matter-of-fact tone.

Sit down.

* * *

To celebrate the second princes wedding, the Emperor declared a grand festival lasting for a week.

It was a splendid festival, extravagant enough to strain the national treasury. Rare and exotic magical creatures imported from foreign lands were exhibited, and expensive magicians provided rare entertainment day after day.

Some people voiced concerns about overdoing it, but the Emperor paid no heed.

Marquis Guinnesss rebellion hasnt even been resolved yet.

So, His Majestys overexerting himself because of that?

Fearing a weakening of the imperial family authority, perhaps?

Despite the nobles whispers from behind, the festival garnered an enthusiastic response from the commoners. Moreover, when the usually reserved Duke Carlyle appeared at the festivities, the Emperor became even more pleased.

There were many foreign guests at the banquet table, and the Emperor proudly showed off Duke Carlyle as if he were a wonderful decoration.

Indeed, Duke. How do you plan to deal with Marquis Guinness?

The Emperor asked casually in a hushed voice, but the banquets fell silent at his words.

I havent decided yet.

Lennox responded, feigning indifference despite everyone clearly understanding the unspoken request.


Of course, a wise discussion is in order, considering that Marquis Guinnesss situation originated from a dispute between noble families.

However, everyone knew that Marquis Guinnesss authority over the fertile Southern estate was now in Lennox Carlyles hands, as per the principles of noble disputes.

Still, Lennox Carlyle hadnt uttered a word about what he intended to do with Marquis Guinnesss property.

If Lennox Carlyle didnt assert his rights and yielded, it would open up possibilities for other noble families.

During the time of Marquis Guinnesss rebellion, as the incident was nearing its end, other nobles who had hastily brought soldiers with them or those who had invested substantial sums in Marquis Guinnesss favor could also claim their rights.

Thats why everyone was eagerly waiting for Lennox Carlyles words.

However, Lennox didnt care about what they were gossiping about. His attention was entirely focused on a woman on one side of the banquet hall.

Juliet was under bright lighting, engaging in a conversation with someone. The person she was having a secretive conversation with was Elliot, the Dukes secretary.

Elliot spoke in a hushed tone, somewhat discreetly:

I safely placed the item you requested in your room.

Elliot looked somewhat anxious and glanced in the direction where Duke Carlyle was.

Please make sure His Highness doesnt find out.

Thank you, Elliot.

Juliet smiled warmly.

But why do you want to know about the family tree of the House of Carlyle?

I just want to look into it a bit.

Juliet casually shrugged.

What Juliet had asked Elliot for was none other than a copy of the Carlyle family tree.

Compared to its long history, the Carlyle family didnt have many descendants. Therefore, their lineage wasnt as extensive as other noble families, and they didnt have volumes of genealogical records. Nevertheless, they boasted quite a complex history due to their unique customs of not distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate children.

In other words, anyone born was recognized as a potential successor. Their descendants were considered precious within the family.

Starting from the founder of the family, Eleanor Carlyle, they had a long history.

Juliet had questioned the Dukes doctor during the day, but he had suggested that it might be better for her to examine the family tree herself.

By the way, Miss Juliet.


It may be a bit unusual, but have you had a disagreement with His Highness?

Juliet looked at Elliot in silence for a moment and then countered with a sly smile:

No, why do you ask?

However, the Dukes secretary cautiously brought up his original concern.

Its because of the matter of Marquis Guinnesss disposal.

Oh, that.

Juliet vaguely understood.

In other words, Lennox Carlyle hadnt yet voiced his opinion on what to do with Marquis Guinnesss property.

But weve gathered all the evidence! So, His Highness should rightfully take Marquis Guinnesss property, shouldnt he?

Well, yes.

Think about it, Miss Juliet. The fertile lands in the south and Guinnesss extravagant jewelry collection, Elliot enthusiastically persuaded Juliet and then proposed. Is there any jewelry you would like to have? If there is, I will tell His Highness

No, its not like that.

Did she have anything she wanted? Not really. Most of the Guinness Marquiss wealth consisted of Southern lands, and what would she do with more land? She wasnt going to farm it.

Marquis Guinnesss gems arent that appealing either

Juliet suddenly felt like she was missing something.

What was it?

While Juliet pondered for a moment, Elliot continued speaking.

In fact, there is a situation where the disposal rights of the Marquiss property could be transferred during the nobles assembly.

Elliot murmured anxiously.

They claim to have contributed a lot to the estate and have a say in its management

Is that so?

Yes. However, as you can see, His Highness doesnt seem particularly interested in the Marquiss property.

Elliot sighed.

Juliet glanced around the banquet hall for a moment.

Unlike usual, she felt free from annoying gazes. This was partly because foreign envoys, all dressed extravagantly in exotic clothing, were taking center stage, but it was also because there were no nobles openly challenging or provoking her.

Only the foreign delegates occasionally regarded Juliet with curious eyes.

What if Duke Carlyle devours Marquis Guinness?

And there were imperial nobles who kept an eye on Lennox Carlyle.

So its important that we act together. If Duke Carlyle, too, asserts his rights, he wont be able to monopolize the property.

His Majesty should be more cautious about the Duke as well.

While they didnt openly oppose the Duke, they didnt hide their concerns.

With public opinion as it is, itll be a headache if the matter goes to the nobles.

Elliot whispered seriously.

Of course, its commendable that you exposed the true nature of the fake magic stone mine.

Elliot praised with a proud expression.

Thanks to that, the market share has shifted to our side. However

Wouldnt it be even better if we could secure Marquis Guinnesss property?

Elliots face lit up with enthusiasm as he nodded vigorously.

Thats exactly it.

Juliet hesitated for a moment.

Could it be that youre asking me to request for the nobles votes?

Im not dreaming of anything like that. Rather, I would be grateful if you could persuade His Highness.

Me, persuade?

Didnt he say that he would listen carefully to Miss Juliet?

Juliet chuckled.


Elliot sent her a pleading look, but Juliet gave a bitter smile and glanced at where Lennox had been sitting.

Lennox seemed to have left his seat for a moment.

Over the past two days, the atmosphere between them had not been as harmonious as one might expect. Elliot had even asked if they had argued.

Even when they had shared the same carriage on their way to the banquet, they hadnt exchanged a word.


Juliet sighed lightly and then smiled.


How many noble votes do you need?

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