Forced Bride Of The Vampire Lord

Chapter 222 The Wrong Deal


The door was opened and an old lady with a frown was staring at them.

“Why are you back here Luci?” although she was asking him, her eyes were set on the girl in his arms. Their position was looking rather intimate.

After staring for a few seconds she took an audible sigh, “and here I thought that you are in love with the girl you have come with in the evening. But here you are bringing another one in your arms in the middle of the night.” her words were filled with defeat and a hint of disappointment could be seen on her face.

With her words being said, she opened the other part of the door, so that they could come in.

“If you are here for.. Shall I arrange a private room for you?” she asked after some thought, “but it will charge extra.” her eyes arched suggestively making Lucian dumbfounded..

She let Glinda go and stood straighter while glaring at the woman who was spouting nonsense.

“Aunt, what are you saying? I am an honorable witch.” his voice came out rather complaining as he stared at the girl for explanation but she just blinked.

The witches are not like humans and vampires when it comes to their love and marriage. They swear their love for a witch and then love only her. Even if she died, they could not have another partner or they would lose their powers since they promised to love only one.

It was like a blood bond created between both of them.

“You have not swore your love against your powers to anyone yet. So what is wrong with trying a few. Kids these days are full of energy and…” she just shrugged her shoulders as she walked in nonchalantly while Lucian’s face was burning.

“You.. you speak too much.” he grunted as he held the hand of the girl who was playing the role of a statue and walked in.

“Where are the kids?” the woman snorted as she pointed at the second floor. She looked a bit annoyed but held her anger as she saw her husband standing on the corner.

“The girl had already asked so much. It was annoying. If not for Dante, I would have refused her and you. I did not understand what you were thinking when you asked us to bring humans here!

And that girl! Who was she? I have already sent the hair…” she stopped in her words when she felt the hands of Lucian holding her arms tightly and then pointed at Glinda.

The woman rolled her eyes but stayed silent. Glinda noticed that they both were looking at her. She was still not sure why he had saved her but it was clear that they all were witches.

They continued to walk until they stopped in front of a room. Glinda panicked, she fidgeted but did not take a step forward when they all turned to look at her.

“Come in, we need to talk.” Lucian’s stern voice and dominating aura made her scared further but she knew that they would not relent.

She felt her body was too heavy for her to drag as if it was frozen there.

But Lucian held her hands and took her in.

“So, what were you doing there and who was the other witch there?” no greetings or introduction! As soon as she sat on the sofa, Lucian asked her question while a couple in their mid fifties stared at her with vigilant eyes.

“If you stay silent, I will not be able to help you. This time not only that human but even vampires are looking for you. If I leave you, you will die.

And if you want to stay safe, you will have to speak the truth.” She knew he was right. But she was not sure if she could trust them.

“The choice is still yours. We will not force you to stay here!” That meant if he wanted to stay here, she had to tell them the truth.

“That vampire, he had killed many of us. Our whole coven was destroyed because of his whims. And tonight.. She was my master. She had taught me all the spells and she had taken care of me since I was a kid.

I.. we.. We wanted revenge against him. When our coven was robbed by humans. One of them came to help us.

He took us to their home and offered us a deal. He wanted us to help him in preparing the war against the vampires and in exchange he promised us a whole town only for us.

A place which we can call our home. He promised that he would free that area so that we can choose our own leaders and live there freely without the intervention of humans if we helped him in killing vampires.

We knew that it would have consequences but it was a tempting offer. We were tired of running away and a home for ourselves felt no less than a dream.” she covered her face as tears started to form in her eyes. She looked away and took a deep breath, but her sound was quivering while her body was traveling.

The old couple exchanged glances. The old woman tried to stand up but her husband held her hands and pulled her back on her seat. He held her tightly to calm her and assure her when she closed her eyes.

“Master did not want to accept the offer. She said we can not trust humans but me and my sister were desperate. We wanted to fight against those who had killed our family.

So, we agreed. Master had to accept it reluctantly because she did not want to leave us alone.

They.. if they have killed their master, I am sure my sister is dead too. I have not been able to contact her for the past two days. We.. not only failed the mission but lost our lives too and all because of that vampire.”

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