Forced Bride Of The Vampire Lord

Chapter 207 [Bonus chapter] Will He Hide Or Spill It?

The kids flinched and stared at each other as hesitation filled their eyes. They did not want to follow a woman who can kill without even touching the body. What if she was worse than the men who had kidnapped them.

But when everyone was facing confusion and anxiety. A few kids came out from the crowd and ran towards Hazel.

Wrapping their tiny hands around her waist they tried to get some comfort but they did not realize that they were the one who comforted her.

Hazel was unsure what had happened but the uncertainty had scared her. She had tried every possible reason to find how the body ended up into pieces but no matter what excuses she made, she knew that it was not the case.

The kids would never accept her in fact, she was not able to accept herself. So, when the kids hugged her and their fast breathes started to relax, she found herself leaving the breath she did not know she was holding since the start.

Her hands wrapped around the kids holding them and stroking their hair to show how much this affection mattered to her when a smile bloomed on the faces of kids. They were the same kids whom Hazel had helped and offered snacks in the market..

“Did you come to save us?” their eyes turned wet and their voice choked as they raised their head and stared at her with blurry eyes. Their faces were full of hope and their voices came strained as if there was still some lingering fear left.

She nodded her head as she patted their heads to show them everything was okay now and she would take them with her.

“Hazel, do you know, we were praying that you will come to save us like you saved us from hunger in the market.” more tears started to come out of the kid’s eyes as they spoke in their raspy voice while rubbing their head with her clothes.

Sniffing and crying, yet their eyes were filled with joy and relief.

When other kids noticed their intimate actions, they felt embarrassed to doubt a woman who killed the bad men for them.

Their cheeks flushed as they realized how selfish they had been in the name of their fears that they were blaming the hands who had tried to protect them.

Many of them came forward to apologize to her and soon everyone followed. They all ran towards her, but when she raised her head, they all stopped in their tracks, embarrassed.

They have shown their distrust, their fears to the woman. How could they expect to get forgiveness and love from her when they did not even apologize properly.

“Do all of you want to leave now?” as if sensing their worries, Hazel smiled warmly as she looked at them who stared back at her with disbelief.

How could she treat them so warmly when they doubted her and did not appreciate her efforts?

In fact, they behaved rude by showing that they fear her, yet she smiled so sweetly to them.

Many of them nodded their heads instinctively when her face softened further and she nodded back.

“Then what are we waiting for, let’s go back and find a safe place for all of you.” she encouraged as she did not want them to feel embarrassed. She could understand their fears as they were nothing but kids.

“But..” Lucian stared back at her with annoyance. She needed to tell the kids that they should behave and understand they needed to show appreciation to the one who cared for them but when he saw her shaking her head, he sighed.

Too much kindness was also dangerous!

“Shall we leave? Or shall I take the kids while you check this area and find what they were hiding here!” she asked in a grave voice.

Hazel was sure they were hiding something here or else they would have run away when she used a gun against them.

But there was something here for which they were ready to sacrifice their life. She wanted to know what it was but keeping the kids here was dangerous.

What if more of them come back suddenly. Then fighting with them freely while protecting the kids would be too much for them.

His gaze flickered as he had thought the same thing but sending her alone from there with so many kids!

“How about we leave together for now and then i would come back and explore the whole area later at night?” he offered but she did not reply as if she was scared that it would be too late.

What if they took away what they were hiding here. “You do not know where to take them. You can not take them to the palace.” he added and she finally sighed.

He was right. Though she had lived in this town all her life. She had no idea about it as if she had come here for the first time.


“I have a place I know. It would be perfect so do not worry.” With no other choice, she could only nod and as he guided her out of the room, yet she felt a strange uneasiness while leaving this place.

She turned to stare back at the room once again but she found nothing out of ordinary. The room was nothing but a dark place with no furniture or boxes to hide things yet she felt there was something her bare eyes were not able to notice.

“There is a small inn and an orphanage near the plaza. I noticed the places when I was looking for you in the morning.

The dean was kind enough to bring the kids of his orphanage to see the festival.

That would be a good place for the kids but first we should take them to an inn and ask what exactly happened in that dark room in case we fall into a problem in the future. We should be prepared for more attacks.”

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