Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 483: Tier Seven

Chapter 483: Tier Seven

After going through six months of arduous training, Xiang Nings willpower had long since been polished sharp. He merely creased his brows at his wound and smiled as he saw the monster right in his face. If it was before, he would have panicked.

Itll be so much easier if he gets into my range.

He threw away his weapon and grabbed the paw that was currently embedded in his shoulder. Even though he was currently tier six, three-star, his strength was well within the middle ranges of tier seven. He clenched his hand as hard as he could and the sound of cracking bones filled the chamber.

The Qiuros hissed in pain and lunged forward, its jaws aiming for Xiang Nings neck. Xiang Ning reacted just in time and punched the Qiuros' face, breaking two of its teeth in the process. Unfortunately, it wouldnt be so easily deterred. It was still a biological weapon made by the Hairo Empire.

The Qiuros swept its tail across the floor and toward Xiang Nings leg. This time, however, Xiang Ning didnt react in time and was swept off the floor. He landed squarely on his back and as he struggled to get up, the Qiuros leaped up and stomped him, its strength on par with Xiang Nings.

Xiang Ning almost felt his body snap in half. If it werent for the training he had received, his body might really have been snapped in half. He grabbed the ankle of the Qiuros, raised his legs up, and tightly gripped it. With a single twist of his waist, the Qiuross leg was broken, its cries echoing across the chamber.

The Qiuros kicked Xiang Ning away with its other leg.

Xiang Ning almost didnt manage to protect his head with his arms in time. With that single powerful blow, he was sent flying off the floor and away. When he finally stopped, he was already seeing double as blood flowed from his ears. It was too powerful!

The Qiuros had already recovered. Xiang Ning struggled to get up and saw that it was already running toward him. He was now in a frenzied state. He had encountered eleven near-death scenarioshe couldnt die here! Not only had he trained his body to be stronger and more resilient, but he had also learned his own martial style. It had always been a weakness of his and now he finally had the ability to cover it up.

The Qiuros saw that he was standing up and ran faster. Just as it was about to reach Xiang Ning, its body bent slightly. Xiang Ning knew what it was about to do! This was the Qiuros signature charging attack, the one that had almost killed him before! Its speed was even faster than a snakes strike!

But Xiang Ning was also a tier six, three-star spiritual cultivator and had already analyzed the exact muscular movement of the Qiuros, down to every single minute contraction. Normally, someone locked in a charge wouldnt be able to change direction, but for some reason the muscle fiber of the Qiuros allowed it to do just that.

That was a problem. If the charge was fixed in one direction, it would be easy for Xiang Ning to counterattack. But since it could suddenly change direction, it was harder to do so. Still, he wasnt afraid. He licked his lips and decided to go all out.

Five minutes later, Xiang Ning was kicked by the Qiuros again. This time he landed near his weapon and he immediately picked it up. Just as the monster charged again, Xiang Ning brought the sword down in the nick of time and sliced off half of the Qiuross head. He originally could have cut off its entire head, but the Qiuros managed to change its trajectory at the last second.

Even though half of its head was gone, Xiang Ning didnt let down his guard. The Qiuros regenerative ability was immensely powerful.

But the Qiuros didnt get up and just lay there motionlessly on the ground. A hole appeared and swallowed the dead monster, its corpse completely disappearing.

Xiang Ning finally sighed in relief and fell to the ground. He was tired. The battle had been so intense, and had lasted for more than five minutes. He had almost fallen over due to fatigue halfway through. But Xiang Ning knew that this was just the beginning.

After the end of every training, the AI would give him time to rest and eat, and this time was no exception. At the very least, the AI wasnt absolutely heartless, like in movies where they would push a humans body to the limit. While it would have raised his strength even faster, it would cause a lot of irreparable damage down the road. It was similar to how an athlete would usually suffer from many chronic ailments after retiring.

Looking at the blob of white mass, Xiang Ning requested, Give me pork flavor. He bit into his food. The texture was like bread, but it tasted like pork. It was at the very least edible.

The training resumed the next day. Over the next two weeks, Xiang Ning would have to fight off one Qiuros every day. Soon, he had managed to advance into tier six, seven-star. The AI had also allowed him to gain EXP by being hit by the Qiuros. Naturally, he was still gaining battle experience and willpower by fighting against a strong monster day after day and was advancing at twice the speed.

One day, Xiang Ning managed to defeat a Qiuros in under thirty seconds, then had to face off against three of them the next day. He was mentally unprepared! How could the AI raise the difficulty by such a large margin?! He thought that he would have faced off against two at the same time, not three!

While Xiang Ning had more or less grasped the technique to fight against a Qiuros, it still took him more than ten minutes to kill off three of them. It was extremely difficult to defend himself against all of them at the same time!

His body was tattered by the time it was over. Still, he would be miraculously healed after the training. He didnt know what had happened to his body; it was either the AI helping him, or his body healing itself naturally. It was much more likely the former, since he hadnt been augmented in any way. He didnt have the regenerative capacity of a Qiuros, either. But he didnt think much about it and just accepted it with gratitude.

Soon, another month passed. Instead of three Qiuros, Xiang Ning had to face off against seven of them! Naturally, his strength had also increased to tier six, nine-star and he was just one step away from advancing into tier seven.

Everything below tier seven would be nothing but an ant to him once he broke through, as his body would undergo an entire metamorphosis into a higher being!

On the eighth month and seventh day after being trapped in the ruins, Xiang Ning finally advanced into tier seven after eliminating ten Qiuros at the same time. In that instant, he felt like his world had changed, as if he was in a different dimension. It was something hed never experienced before.

The system rang the moment he had advanced into tier seven.

Congratulations on advancing to tier seven

Upgrading system

Upgrade duration: three months

Xiang Ning was actually hoping to get something, but as he heard the system was undergoing an upgrade, his surroundings became silent. It was a bit awkward, but he didnt let it bother him too long. He sat on the ground and started to inspect himself. He started meditating and focused on his body.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Tier 7! MC has reached tier 7!

Everyone's fucked

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