Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 458: Scanning Progress

Chapter 458: Scanning Progress

Xiang Ning clapped, sighing, That was awesome, so awesome. He wondered when it would be his turn to make a grand entrance like that, though after thinking about it, he dismissed the thought since he had never been on a plane.

In the next moment, he suddenly cocked his neck to one side and said, Hey, thats not polite. I just called you awesome, and its fine if you dont compliment me back but isnt attacking me a little unreasonable? Just after he had clapped, a knife had flown directly at his head. Thankfully, he constantly had Combat Instinct activated in the wilderness, alerting him of danger, or he definitely would have been hit.

The air was filled with dust and smoke from the landing, and after he spoke, two people clad in all-black battle armor emerged. One man and one woman. Why? Well, anyone who wasnt blind could tell based on their figures as one was very well endowed.

You shouldnt come to places like this alone, kid, came a cold, female voice from one suit.

Hey, Tia, dont say that, a magnetic voice came from the other suit. Just based on his voice, he sounded like he would be a handsome man.

Perhaps because both of them saw that Xiang Ning was alone and very young, they werent very cautious and deactivated their armor.

They were indeed one man and one woman.

Mm, a handsome man indeed. After glancing at the woman, Xiang Ning eyed the man. The blue-eyed lady with large, blonde curls was displeased by the treatment, and although she didnt usually care what people thought, she was a little annoyed by it.

Xiang Ning gave the man a score of ninety out of a hundred, based on his looks, height, and sunny disposition. The man had the determined countenance of a Chinese person and the chiseled features of a European. He was handsome.

Hey kid, we apologize for what happened before. My names Tian Junhe and this is Tia, my girlfriend, Tian Junhe said in fluent Chinese.

Tia spoke in Hebrew, God, we should be the first to arrive. Ignore the kid. If he tries to stop us, just kill him. We need to hurry and get inside, the black box is very important. She wasnt speaking softly, clearly not taking Xiang Ning seriously.

Tian Junhe looked at Tia and patted her hair, speaking in Hebrew, Were in China right now. Best not to cause trouble, if possible, and he doesnt look weak either. No ordinary person could have dodged your attack just now.

Tia thought about it and agreed, nodding. Tian Junhe smiled and gave her a peck on the forehead.

Hmm, the handsome man is smart. As for you, miss, youre too negative. If you continue being like this, the handsome man will break up with you when he cant take it anymore. Xiang Ning had already spent fifty thousand Fury Points to master the Hebrew language before he spoke.

The couple was very surprised, then slightly embarrassed.

What did you say, punk? Furious, Tia looked like an angry lion with her flaring curls.

Tian Junhe was deep in thought. Although Hebrew was common where he was from, they were currently in China. Hebrew speakers here should be very rare, and how old was this kid? He wasnt some descendant of a powerful family, was he? Although Tian Junhe had Chinese blood, he hadnt grown up there, but he still had some understanding of the culture of inheritance in huge Chinese families.

Xiang Ning smiled, not because he surrendered, but because he felt no difference in arguing with a housewife in the streets. All he had to do was use his facial expression to make her feel awkward.

If Wu Rui was there, he would have pointed at Xiang Ning and said, Did you see that? I was right! Xiang Ning keeps his thoughts and evil all inside him!

You! Tia was about to strike when Tian Junhe stopped her. None of them actually had a true conflict, so he didnt waste any more time. I apologize in place of my girlfriend.

Xiang Ning waved without a word and turned to head into the ruin.

Tian Junhe held her hand while she stomped her foot when Xiang Ning left. She turned to Tian Junhe and said, He was alone! With our abilities, we couldve taught him a lesson about respecting women!

Tian Junhe knew she was right. Both of them were at tier six, or they wouldnt have dared jump out of a plane when hundreds of beasts flocked around them. That meant they were both strong, and confident in their own abilities.

Alright, Tia, its time to keep that temper of yours in check. He didnt cross any lines. Lets hurry up and get inside before other people show up.

When they crossed through the Heavenly Door, they saw Xiang Ning sitting on a rock at the door, as if he had no intention of going forward. Tia looked at him, who also looked at her. But before she could blurt What the fuck are you looking at?!, Tian Junhe dragged her off.

Xiang Ning obviously had witnessed their greatness, so instead of slowly exploring on his own, it was better for him to wait and see to save time.

Good god, that punk is treating us like scouts! Are you going to let that slide?

So what? Because of that, hell get inside after we do. The weak will remain weak. Remember, people of our level shouldnt be afraid. Theres a Chinese saying that goes, always distinguish between the important and trivial. Well only exhaust ourselves if we spend our efforts on dealing with trivial matters, dont you think? Tian Junhe smiled.

Although Tia was stunned by his explanation, she understood his general meaning. Staring at his handsome features, she nodded in a daze, following him like an obedient kitten. She lowered her head, burying her face into Tian Junhes chest. She never saw the flash of icy mischief in his eyes.

But Xiang Ning saw it and smirked. It looked like that man was another superficial liar.

As time passed, more and more people entered the ruins, including military personnel.

They were all powerful and influential people; even Xiang Ning sighed, Indeed, people of high status get more things than the average person.

People like them received more opportunities than the rest. Just like what had happened to Qi Longxiangs team. They were the first to discover the ruin, but they had no right to even enter. Their silence had been bought, and in the end, they had to forget about it.

If Xiang Ning was the first to arrive, why hadnt he entered first?

Scanning 91% Complete

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

The author always makes sure we know who is the woman in the story dhsjakdha

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