Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 449: Magnasaevus

Chapter 449: Magnasaevus

Looking at the transformed beast, Xiang Ning suddenly thought of something and chuckled, I think I know what we should name it.

The first person who discovered and documented a beast would be given the right to name it. As for whether people would adopt that name or not, that was a different story. Potatoes, for example, were called different names in different regions. As for whether they were the same strain or not, only those who studied them would know.

Lets defeat it first. Zhou Yuanyuan readied her combat stance and her muscles rippled and hardened. Unlike female bodybuilders, her muscles werent bulging, but toned instead. It accentuated her already-attractive body.

Li Qimu recovered and got ready as well.

Let me assist you. Xiang Ning controlled three flying knives to protect the two. He was taking the chance to rest, as the beating he took just now wasnt a gentle massage. He felt his body aching in multiple places. If he took off his shirt, he would have seen his body covered in bruises everywhere except for his face and crotch.

As Zhou Yuanyuan and Li Qimu engaged in battle against the beast, Xiang Ning came over and sat beside Qi Longxiang, who was recording the fight, then took out a recovery potion and drank it.

Qi Longxiang was so focused on recording the fight that he didnt take notice of what Xiang Ning was doing. Xiang Ning was just as absentminded as he focused on the battle.

Li Qimu and Zhou Yuanyuan were supporting each other very well as they weaved around the beast to distract and harm it. Their teamwork was immaculate. It was surprising to see an alpha beast being suppressed so easily, especially by Zhou Yuanyuan. Her strength easily pushed the beast back.

Xiang Ning felt that his flying knives were more or less useless. Still, he used them to hurt the beast from time to time and restrict its movement as much as he could.

Two minutes later, the beast was finally killed with a blow to the neck. Zhou Yuanyuan had literally snapped the beasts neck in half with her fist. Of course, it wasnt an easy battle. Against a cornered beast that was desperate for survival, Zhou Yuanyuan and Li Qimu hadnt emerged from the battle unscathed. They were injured and bleeding from various places, though it was minor.

As I expected, theres a core! Qi Longxiang disassembled the beast and found a core.

Here, this is yours. Qi Longxiang threw the beast's core toward Xiang Ning and continued disassembling the beast.

Xiang Ning caught the core. I cant have this! A tier five alpha beast core can be sold for forty to fifty million dollars!

Its alright. We arent ungrateful bastards. If it werent for you exhausting the beast, and even heavily injuring it, we wouldve paid a larger price to kill it. Dont worry about it. The beast core is yours, but well keep the corpse. Truth be told, youre the one losing out here, Qi Longxiang chuckled.

Xiang Ning thought about it and found that it was true. An undocumented beast was extremely valuable, especially if it was an alpha. If they were to sell its corpse, it would easily fetch a hundred million dollars from research institutes. The research institute could easily cover the cost if they found out that the beast had medicinal properties or certain body parts that could be forged into weapons. The value of the beast's corpse would skyrocket by then!

Thank you. Ill gladly take it. Half of the reason why Xiang Ning had come here was to collect beast cores. He could easily increase the strength and durability of the Devourer after feeding this core to it.

Aww, man. The eyes of this beast are such a beauty. Too bad you stabbed one of them out. Qi Longxiang playfully elbowed Li Qimu as the latter rolled his eyes.

Oh right! Xiang Ning, what was the name you came up with?

Magnasaevus. Xiang Ning drew inspiration from the beasts fierce, savage look and hulking body. It wasnt a nice name, but it was apt.

Well, it's a suitable name for the beast! Let me register it in the database. Qi Longxiang registered the beasts new name into the database. From then onward, the world was introduced to a brand new beast.

After thirty minutes of resting, the rest of them continued their exploration. Initially, they had immediately wanted to leave as the smell of blood would have attracted beasts. But as it was still dawn, the nocturnal beasts were already returning to their nests and the diurnal beasts were still sleeping. That was why they gave themselves some time to rest before leaving the area.

Ten minutes after they left, a large shadow passed over where Xiang Ning and the rest had fought the Magnasaevus. The remains of the beasts corpse disappeared in an instant with only a pool of blood left on the ground.

The team maintained their triangle formula as they continued deeper into the valley. Ever since the appearance of the Magnasaevus, all of them were extra cautious.

Xiang Ning, how old are you? Qi Longxiang suddenly asked. He could hold it back no longer, especially after witnessing Xiang Ning using three Peak Mastery martial techniques.

He was craving for the answer! How did Xiang Ning manage to raise his mastery of his techniques to Peak Mastery? Talent was important, but if Xiang Ning had a master to teach him, he would encounter fewer mistakes and could even expedite the process of finding the correct path. Peak Mastery wasnt something achievable with just talent.

Zhou Yuanyuan and Li Qimu were eavesdropping as well. They were curious, too, but didnt know how to ask the question.

Xiang Ning didnt mind, since he had taught many students in Marsh City. I dont think youd believe me if I were to say my true age, so lets just say Im twenty. He shrugged.

Then whats your true age?


Alright, Ill just take it as youre twenty years old. Qi Longxiang didnt mind being lied to. Many others loved to say they were still eighteen when asked what their age was.

Why do I have a hunch that youre thinking Im over thirty years old? Xiang Nings voice sounded in the earpiece.

All three of them answered at the same time. Nonsense.

Xiang Ning rolled his eyes. He was telling the truth!

Then how did you raise the proficiency of your martial arts to Peak Mastery? Is there such a strong dojo? I want to study under your master! Qi Longxiang asked.

Many people asked me before, but I really dont know the answer. I guess it's just a feeling? He had the system, so he didnt even need to train! But how could he tell others about it? Everyone would think he was a deranged idiot.

Qi Longxiang and the rest believed him. If it were that easy to achieve Peak Mastery with just someone teaching them, they would have had Peak Mastery martial techniques as well. Feelings huh.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Fyi: Magna- means 'great' and -saevus means 'savage' in latin. I came up that name myself!

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