Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 419: A Roar That Pierced The Heavens

Chapter 419: A Roar That Pierced The Heavens

Xiang Ning was gradually being pushed back, but he stayed calm. After being beaten back by a combined attack from the Shura warriors, he pulled even more distance between them. He had a hunch that if it werent for the little girl he was holding, he would have suffered even more attacks.

The little girl gripped his clothes and huddled as close as she could. In an attempt to calm herself down, she dug her face into his chest. She didnt know whether Xiang Ning was a bad guy or a good guy, but at the very least she knew that the alternative was much worse.

Damned human! Give her to us!

Let her go and Ill let you leave here alive, but no matter what, your arm will be left here today. The Shura warrior pointed at his arm that was still cradling the little girl.

You damned inferior species. You have no right to touch us, the Shura warriors chuckled. To them, this was the best mercy they could give to an inferior species. The Shura were aliens that had dominated so many others that they viewed the life of other species as nothing but an object they controlled.

The little girl looked at Xiang Ning as he remained silent. He gently put the girl down. The final glimmer of hope flickered out from within her eyes as she felt darkness slowly enveloping her but then she felt a sudden softness from her head.

She looked up and saw the human softly patting her on her head.

Stay here and dont move. Ill take care of them. Xiang Ning retrieved a healing potion and handed it to the little girl. He wasnt sure if it was effective on aliens, but it should at least have some effect.

The little girl took the healing potion and drank it after eyeing it for a moment. She felt a warm sensation in her stomach. It felt good.

You! How dare you consume the food of an inferior species! Well clean your guts out and remove all those impurities when we capture you! one of the Shura warriors howled.

The little girl was spooked, but she realized that the healing potion was mending her wounds! She felt warm and safe as she chugged down the rest of the healing potion and ignored the threats.

Every single one of the Shura warriors was angry.

Rargh! Ill not only chop off your hands, but your legs, too!

Fury Points +672

Fury Points +599

Fury Points +821

Xiang Ning took one out for himself and chugged it. He endured the pain and pulled out the rhomboid-shaped metal from his thigh. He threw it at the Shura warrior and it flew like a bullet.

The Shura warrior chuckled and easily blocked the metal but he suddenly felt something was wrong. Why were his men warning him? It was because Xiang Ning had activated Eight Gates the moment he threw out the metal.

Gate of Joy, Open!

His strength was now at tier six, three-star!

Activate the Sovereign's Throne!

Xiang Ning's speed was brought to another level. The Shura warriors who had thought he was slow were now shocked to see how fast he could move. It was as if he had taken physical enhancement drugs!

They sensed danger coming but they had no idea where it was from.

But before they could figure it out, Xiang Ning had already arrived at the Shura warrior closest to him and forcefully kicked him. The attack connected and the Shura warrior flew across the area before crashing down some distance away. The other three Shura warriors snapped back to reality and attacked.

Three bayonets came down as Xiang Ning attempted to block them. Peacock Dance! The sound of clashing metal echoed as he forcefully blocked the attacks from all three Shura warriors. Just as he expected, it was almost impossible to block all of them just like that.

Yin of Tai Chi! Xiang Ning activated his constitution and a gentle energy flowed out from within him. It softly flowed through his arms and the Shura warriors felt that their weapons were stuck to the Devourer. They wanted to remove their weapons but were unable to do so! Just as they panicked, they were pulled down by the mysterious force as well.

Xiang Ning swiftly took the chance to kill them. Triple Slash! Mountain-Splitting Slash!

Three slashes lashed out with the force to split mountains and sever rivers. The Shura warriors thought they could easily block it, like last time, but Xiang Nings strength had increased by a lot! Still, they werent killed, but only pushed back as they suffered damage.

Xiang Ning found out that the clothes they were wearing boasted incredible defense as he didnt feel his sword cutting through flesh.

Looking at Xiang Ning, who had exploded in strength, the little girl was trembling as she clutched the healing potion close to her chest. She wasnt trembling in the excitement that the Shura warriors would be defeated, but from a pressure emanating from him. Indeed, the little girl was feeling pressured by none other than Xiang Ning and she didnt know why.

A sudden gust blew behind her back. She turned around just in time and saw that Xiang Nings flying knife had deflected one of those weird metals again.

You! You arent human! The Shura warrior that had been kicked away by Xiang Ning stood up and approached him again. The other three also stood up. While they had suffered wounds, none of them were fatal.

Youre no inferior human! Who are you? Are you from the Eternal Silver Kingdom? No, that cant be! They dont know of the existence of this planet!

They had speculated as such since Xiang Ning not only understood them, but spoke their language, too. No humans had ever done that before.

But regardless of what the Shura warriors were thinking, Xiang Ning felt a pinch of anger when he heard that. While it wasnt the first time he had been called inhuman, to think that they would call him a being higher than human! He hated that; he was a human through and through. He also believed that there was no such thing as being inferior or superior among species.

Hehe, he irritatedly chuckled. The other reason they thought he was inhuman was due to the effect of the Sovereigns Throne. It was effective against all living organisms, just that its effect varied between different species.

While he didnt know much about the history of the interactions between the Shura Tribe and humans, he at least knew that they were the invaders. He needed to chase them all away!

You may leave, but the person behind you belongs to us. Hand her over. The Shura warrior didnt demand an explanation. Their objective was the girl behind him and Helos. The other objective was to establish this area as their initial base of operations. As for the things after that, it depended on their progress.

The tone of the Shura warrior sounded much more courteous, but then they saw Xiang Ning laughing and mocking them. What are you implying? Why are you laughing?

You think you can win against me?

Even if youre someone from the Eternal Silver Kingdom, without your fleet and crew theres no chance of you winning against us. Indeed, what Xiang Ning didnt know was that there were hundreds of battleships waiting on the other side of the dimensional rift. In fact, if it werent for needing a lot of energy to establish a magnetic field to stabilize the surrounding region for their arrival, their first battleship to enter the dimensional rift would have been strong enough to obliterate a tier nine martial artist!

Just as the Shura warrior finished speaking, the earth violently shook. A magnitude eight earthquake was in full swing!

An ungodly cry pierced through the heavens!

Xiang Nings Combat Instinct immediately alerted him of the imminent danger and alarm bells rang at maximum capacity from within his head. It was hundreds of thousands of times more dangerous than anything he had experienced before. His mind was crippled by the pain as he felt countless needles pricking him.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts


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