Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 411: Don't Call For Me

Chapter 411: Don't Call For Me

Xiang Ning wasnt in a flatland, but a dry basin in the mountains. He had lured the tier six beasts there, causing the original beasts to run away in fear.

Looking at the five beasts in front of him, he chuckled. This was an excellent chance to earn some Experience Points. He also needed to feed the Devourer its favorite meal.

The basin acted as a natural fighting ground. The people from the Hydrangea Clan were standing on the rim and watching the fight below.

Looks like he has nowhere else to run.

Lan Quan, should we help him? We might be able to recruit him.

Lan Quan shook his head. No. Didnt you see him smiling again?

What? That cant be! Hes facing off against five of them, and theyre all tier six! Xiang Ning mightve killed three tier six beasts before, but they came out one by one that time! This will be a massacre!

Yeah. If five of them attack at once, even a tier seven martial artist might have a hard time.

Shh. Lets just observe. Prepare a sniper rifle and get ready to shoot on my command. Lan Quan instructed. He admired Xiang Ning and knew that if the boy grew up he would be someone who would shake the foundations of humanitys technology. No matter if he conducted research or entered the military, he would be a one-of-a-kind prodigy.

But what happened next almost made him slap himself for his ignorance. He was envious! Envious of the gap between them.

Xiang Ning took out the black metallic box and shattered the ground with it. The metal box hissed open and a fearsome weapon appeared. During the few days Xiang Ning had been resting in the fortress, Dong Qianyi and Chen Tianhua had decided to modify it even further. Thus, the single-use functions had been added.

Xiang Ning also had three Mk. 7 flying knives hovering behind him, a deadly white metallic sheen reflecting off of them.

A tier seven weapon was leagues above tier six weapons. Tiers four to six were more or less the same on the outside and required someone to control it before they knew the difference. But a tier seven weapon was markedly different. The design was slightly changed, but a dangerous hum could be heard when a spiritual cultivator used it. Its humming could be heard even while it was just levitating there.

Is the Earths Federation so rich? They could probably make a bioweapon as long as they had enough materials and beast cores, but Mk. 7 flying knives are a different thing altogether! Not only do they need the sharpest part of a tier seven Beast King to make one, but they also need an ore that could withstand the strength of a tier seven beast. Arent those ores rare on Earth?

Xiang Ning opened up six of the eight gates and prepared himself. The rest of them were already looking with anticipation. How could he fight against five beasts at the same time? Look closely. While the technology on Earth is incomparable to ours, their individual fighting power and control are far superior to ours.

This time, the five of them werent underestimating Xiang Ning. If they were in his shoes, they might have chosen to run. How could they fight against tier six beasts, and five of them at that! But the following scene caused them to doubt themselves. Did they inhale any hallucinogens since entering the wilderness? Because the scene in front of them was almost fake.

What happened to Xiang Ning? He was being stomped on by the beasts.

Lan Quan, I dont think we can mimic him.

Yeah. The difference between beasts and humans is too large.

Lan Quan, should we still learn from him?

Why do I think that he has masochistic tendencies?

Lan Quan wanted to slap himself. Xiang Ning was being curbstomped by the beasts. They swiped their tails and clawed at his body, but the boy wasnt dodging. Lan Quan thought to himself that perhaps today was the most embarrassing day for him. Dont tell me he really is masochistic.

Xiang Ning wasnt a masochist, but filling up his Experience Points. He felt good. One beast wasnt enough, and three of them werent enough either. He needed five of them before he could see his Experience Points rising. He could also dodge the lethal attacks, even though five beasts were attacking him at the same time. He needed to grow! He had seen how strong Lord Vulture was, so he desperately needed Experience Points. If he maintained his current strength, who knew what would happen if he ran into the cultists? And there was also the team from Azura. While they werent hostile to him, he still needed to be careful.

The five beasts werent holding back. Since Xiang Ning was enjoying their blows and wasnt breaking, the beasts concentrated on toying with him before eating him. They were playing volleyball with his body and wanted to kill him before eating him whole.

Experience Points +1826

Experience Points +1945

Experience Points +2067

Tier five, one star (267811/300000)

Xiang Ning saw that he was close to a breakthrough and smiled happily. It was good! He calculated the time and saw that just three minutes had passed. He could easily stay here for another half hour to earn Experience Points.

Just as he was doing some mental calculations, he failed to register the next attack. A beast slapped the back of his head, causing him to crash into the ground.

Experience Points +15829

Fuck, thats gotta hurt! Lan Quan and the rest on the top of the basin exclaimed.

Lan Quan, I think its time, the one responsible for sniping told him.

Lan Quan nodded. If that was him being smacked by the beast, it would take him at least a minute to stand up again. Then, just as the sniper was going to fire, he halted him. Wait, stop!

Shit, is he even human?

Xiang Ning stood up three seconds later after being slapped into the ground. He was staggering, but he looked fine?

Xiang Ning scratched his nose and saw some blood. He flexed his jaw a bit and smiled, blood streaming down from his face. He looked like a psycho.

Damn. Hes both a psycho and a genius.

The people from the Hydrangea Clan were now completely admiring him. How could someone who had yet to reach adulthood play with five tier six beasts? If they were to tell this to someone else they would be called fools. A young man being surrounded and attacked by beasts could still prance around? That was unheard of! But now they knew why Xiang Ning had the moniker Humanoid Beast.

He is indeed a Humanoid Beast. Looks like Earth found a way to produce super soldiers, one of the men said.

The rest of them wanted to say otherwise, but found that it might be true. Wasnt this out of everyones expectations?

Five minutes later.

Lan Quan, should I save him?

Another five minutes passed.

Lan Quan, hes getting up again.

Once again, another five minutes passed and they stopped keeping count of the time, as they had already lost interest.

Lan Quan.

Dont call for me. Unless hes motionless on the ground for fifteen secondsno, make it a full minute. Dont call for me unless hes on the ground for more than a minute.

Everyone thought that was a bit overboard. If Xiang Ning lay motionless for a minute, it more or less meant he would be dead! And even if he wasnt, the beasts would have eaten him in that minute!

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

MC is crazy to them

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