Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 388: Catching Up

Chapter 388: Catching Up

Fang Rou looked at Xiang Ning, who was cautious and careful as ever, with bright eyes. She really had been prepared for it and could only sit on the bed, staring at him in a daze.

Xiang Ning stroked her hair. Although Im a little hungry, Im not so hungry that Id eat you up. Lets wait until Im very, very hungry, then Ill eat you up. Is that okay? He lowered his head, his breath on her ear. Every word flowed through her like electricity and her face burned red.

She didnt burrow into the sheets, but instead rushed to the bathroom. Wait wait for me.

Xiang Ning was in a very good mood, watching the panicky Fang Rou. He sprawled himself on her bed, slowly taking in the scent she left behind. He had missed her so much when he was in Marsh City. Although they could video call on their communicators, people who hadnt tried long distance relationships wouldnt understand the pain. He could have returned at any time and been by her side once again, but he didnt. Fang Rou, Wu Rui, Li Zimo, and the rest needed to grow. With him there, while they would still grow, it wouldnt have been this fast.

It wasnt that he was very strong, or that they needed his protection, but rather it was Xiang Nings fault. He couldnt stand watching them get hurt or be in dangerous situations. Yet actual combat was the fastest way to increase their cultivation. Xiang Ning knew that, but still had the urge to protect them. Perhaps due to his childhood, he had the urge to protect everything he had. Even an onion growing by his door would be cared for.

That was why he had chosen to leave. Being with them wouldnt be beneficial to Fang Rou and the rest. And obviously, it had done them well. All five of them entering the Hunters Board was the sign that it was time for him to return.

When Fang Rou came out of the bathroom, she didnt know whether to laugh or cry when she saw Xiang Ning lying on her bed, his breathing even. He was sound asleep. She quietly walked up to him, then squatted by the bed, watching him sleep. Heh, hes like a kid. She took off her outerwear and gingerly climbed into bed, snuggling under the covers and hugging him in her arms.

Xiang Ning felt nothing, because he was in a state of injury and fatigue. Sleep was the time for his body to heal itself. That was why he had fallen asleep in less than ten minutes, and it was a deep sleep, too. However, he still sensed the warmthnot physically, but in his heart. There had never been a person who cuddled him to sleep in his life. Although hed slept in the same bed as his sister when they were younger, he had been the one holding her.

Now, he was just an injured small animal, gently sleeping in another persons arms.

Watching Xiang Ning snuggle comfortably in her arms, she lightly smiled. Soon, both of them were asleep.

The next morning, sunlight streamed through the curtains onto Xiang Nings cheek. He slowly woke, and the first thing he saw was Fang Rous tranquil, sleeping face... with a droplet of drool on the corner of her mouth.

He indulged in the moment, with both of her legs wrapped around his. There was less than five centimeters between their cheeks; they were even breathing on each others faces.

Perhaps because she felt him watching heror they just had a connectionFang Rous eyes slowly opened. When she looked into his deep, dark eyes, she instinctively wiped her mouth and gave a silly grin.

Xiang Ning kissed her.

Hey! Fang Rou shoved him, then whined in disgust, You havent brushed your teeth.

Hmph, you were drooling and I didnt complain, he chuckled, pinching her nose.

I wasnt.

You were.

Do you have proof ooph! He kissed her again.

A minute later, he finally let her go. She pouted and, without putting on outerwear, skipped into the bathroom to wash up.

Xiang Ning sat up and stretched. Hed had a great sleep.

Thirty minutes later, both of them left the room together and saw Wu Rui. When he saw Xiang Ning, he heaved a sigh of relief and laughed, I thought youd gone missing. Then his eyes darted between the two of them and the smile turned creepy.

Alright, lets go eat breakfast.

Fine, Li Zimo and the rest are waiting.

The three of them walked to the cafeteria together. They passed many people along the way, all of them casting admiring gazes at Xiang Ning. This teenager had directly joined the battle after he arrived, even displaying sheer, raw power on a scale that not just anyone could.

Along the way, Wu Rui talked about their time at the fortress over the past months while Xiang Ning listened quietly. Fang Rou made occasional comments as well.

At the cafeteria, the six of them were finally reunited again. Their pillar of strength had returned and a weight was lifted from their shoulders. Many people had asked why they worked so hard during these past few months and their answer was always: this is nothing. The ones who knew understood, the ones who didnt would ask more questions, but they would never elaborate.

Are your injuries alright? asked Li Zimo, chewing his bread. He had changed a lot during the past few months, too, becoming much darker and stronger than before. Anyone could feel the killing intent radiating off him, a murderous aura that had accumulated from killing countless beasts.

Im fine, I just need one day at most and Ill be able to fight again, Xiang Ning said as he ate his porridge.

The rest of them looked at each other. If any one of them had his injuries, they would be lying in the recovery capsule by now. This guys a monster.

They chatted about the events of the past months and their brushes with death.

You dont know how close it was, I thought I wouldnt be able to see you again. Wu Rui dramatically gesticulated; Xiang Ning wanted to kick him.

Tell me about recent events. I just arrived, and although I know a little, its all just surface information, said Xiang Ning.

Well. Wu Ruis expression darkened.

What? Xiang Ning had a bad feeling.

Wu Rui didnt speak. Instead, Liu Ruoxue, who was usually the quiet one, spoke up. The number of Beast Kings kept increasing. We used to only encounter tier six Beast Generals at most, but in the past month or so, weve started seeing Beast Kings. There have already been more than ten of them over the past month alone. Every fortress is very anxious.

Xiang Nings brows knitted.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Its so cute when they woke up together!

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