Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 327: Gate of Death

Chapter 327: Gate of Death

Charging Toss! Xiang Ning roared. Three tier four Beast Generals landed in a pile twenty meters away, saving an exhausted fighter.

Heh I cant believe I needed your saving in the end. I take back what I said, you guys are good!

Wu Rui laughed, then picked up the man and put him on his back. Without glancing at Xiang Ning, he charged out via the same route he had come by.

Xiang Nings blades followed him. This was the tenth person they saved. During that time, three fighters had already died from being trapped by the beasts. Xiang Ning only grew crazier as time passed.

Wu Rui laughed to cover the discomfort he felt. He truly didnt understand what Xiang Ning was thinking.

Some people thought he was pretending, some thought he had gone mad, and others scoffed. But Xiang Ning never gave them a thought. As long as it didnt affect the people he cared about, no matter how anyone saw him, all he would do was smile.


After saving their eleventh person, Wu Rui lay on the ground in exhaustion, unable to move. Xiang Ning glanced at him and said, Thank you. Then he rushed into the crowd again.

Wu Rui covered his eyes with his hands, his breathing ragged, but gritted his teeth and wanted to force himself up when a soldier pressed him down. Get some rest. Ill go.

The soldier followed Xiang Ning. When they had watched Xiang Ning save his sixth person, the people in the fortress could no longer sit idly by. More people started registering for battle, but they had a request: they must be allowed to go rescue the other fighters. To hell with staying at the line of defense! If there were no more people, whats the use of a defense?

But did Xiang Ning relax because of that? No. The soldier behind him was stunned, watching him from afar with admiration. From close up, he looked like a madman. Even closer, Xiang Ning reminded him of a wild animal. When the beasts detected his animalistic aura, they didnt dare come close, but at the same time they felt an urge to block him.

It was an instant kill whenever both sides came into contact. Therefore, there were no beasts within five meters of the soldier. He didnt have to do anything, nor did he worry about any ambush. All he had to do was follow Xiang Ning.

Was the boy so crazy that even beasts stayed away?

Suddenly, he realized something was off, because the beasts, for some unknown reason, started slowly retreating. That was extremely unusual. No matter how powerful Xiang Ning was, and no matter how he suppressed the beasts with his aura, they hadnt retreated. But now, they were slowly moving backward.

The soldier felt his heartbeat speed up and heard dull footsteps. He suddenly understood and turned to see a beast in a full royal coat of golden fur, even larger than an adult lion that had appeared less than three hundred meters away from him.

It wasnt a lion-type beast, but a mutant that had appeared after the Great Disastera Simian Sage! It was a primate-type beast, and its capabilities to his alarm, he realized he couldnt tell!

Online, the viewers went insane again.

What beast is that? Why havent I seen that before?

Its smiling, the beast is smiling!

Why does it feel so creepy? Its smiling at Teacher Xiang Ning!

Teacher Xiang Ning is in danger, the beast might be targeting him.

According to sources, this is a Simian Sage. Its a beast thats as intelligent as humans and is very good at imitating them! Its the king of the mountains and very powerful... unbelievably so!

No way, it doesnt look that strong. Its smaller than an Iron Tank, are you sure?

No matter what, thats no ordinary beast. Not a single beast next to it is making a noise, its as if theyre all subordinate to it!

The netizens were worried, but the people on the battlefield were even more concerned. Simian Sage, tier six, three-star. Just what the hell did the people in the city do? Whyd a Simian Sage appear?!

The elderly general looked at the primate. Other people didnt know, but he did.

Simian Sages never appeared in front of humans. They were intelligent enough to despise war, but now... just what had the city done that made such a conflict-averse beast show itself?

HUMANS GIVE MY CHILD BACK! The Simian Sage thumped its chest and roared in rage, then the rest of the beasts roared in assent. The power radiating from it almost made the soldiers knees give out.

When Xiang Ning, who possessed Language Proficiency, heard the first sound it made, he instinctively activated the skill and understood what it meant. He frowned. The child it mentioned might be a reference to the batch of younglings with the Seven Deadly Sins.

He squinted and said, @#%%.....&* (If I help you find your child, could you make the army retreat back into the wilderness?)

The soldier next to Xiang Ning was stunned. Whats going on? Whats Xiang Ning saying? Is he speaking to the Simian Sage?

The Simian Sage obviously didnt expect Xiang Ning to know their language, and it started to doubt whether he was human.

That isnt up to me. Give my child back now! The Simian Sage shook its head and angrily beat its chest; the thumping sounded like muffled thunder.

Xiang Ning didnt reply. He understood that this battle couldnt be avoided.

HUMANS! roared the Simian Sage. It was a tier six Beast General, after all. The power it radiated pushed the soldier to his knees on the ground.

Quick, get the tier six masters to chase the Simian Sage away!

Sir! Another two tier six beasts appeared on the other fronts, all the tier six masters are there. We have none left!

What?! The elderly generals heart almost stopped.

Sir! Look! Xiang Ning! The fighters eyes widened in disbelief. Was he going to throw his life away?

The person closest to Xiang Ning felt it the most. He heard the word death faintly.

Xiang Ning had opened the seventh Gate. Eight Gates! Fifth Gate, Gate of Resolution! Open!

Sixth gate! Gate of Joy! Open! When Xiang Ning opened the sixth Gate, he felt a shudder in his heart. This was his fifth time opening six gates, but he had never experienced such a reaction before. Was his body really unable to withstand it?

Seventh gate, Gate of Death open!

AHHHH! Blood coursed through his veins, his muscles bulged, and his heart madly pumped. He had broken through the limits of the human body and it felt like it was about to jump out of his body.

Status: Tier five, eight-star martial artist

Negative effects: Damage to internal organs, body under extreme pressure

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts


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