Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 148 Men in Apron

Chapter 148 Men in Apron

"What are you preparing for breakfast?" Yan Mei asked as she made her way to the kitchen. After their heated session Lei Zhao decided to cook breakfast while she takes a bath.

Lei Zhao turned around and Yan Mei blinked before bursting into laughter.

"What are you wearing? Where did you even get that?" She said as she strode towards him.

Lei Zhao grinned, "I thought women like men in apron." He commented as he glanced at the pink apron he was wearing.

"Hmm cute. Let me take a picture."

Yan Mei said and before Lei Zhao could retort she had already taken the picture.

She stared at the picture and her face broke out into a soft smile. Her husband was really handsome. She said inwardly like a fan girl.

"Let me see. Is it nice?" Yan Mei hide her phone behind her back and shook her head.

"No, it's really ugly!" She said sticking her tongue at Lei Zhao.

Lei Zhao shook his head helplessly.

"Yeah right….I'm sure you fell in love with me all over again just by looking at the picture."

Yan Mei rolled her eyes and set his picture as her screen saver. She nodded in satisfaction before looking up.

"So...what are cooking, Mr hot Chef?"

Lei Zhao smirked, "Did you just call me hot? What happened to you're ugly a few minutes ago?"

Yan Mei feigned innocence as she sat on the countertop.

"I said you're ugly? When? I don't remember!"

Lei Zhao chuckled and removed a frying pan from the cabinet.

"Guess what I'm preparing for breakfast."

Yan Mei looked at the oil, milk, flour, eggs and scratched her head. What can you prepare with these things?

Lei Zhao heaved a sigh seeing the confused look on his wife's face. When it comes to cooking his wife was really the dumbest.

"Your favorite breakfast." Lei Zhao gave her a hint to help her.

"Pancakes!" Yan Mei beamed as she said.

Lei Zhao nodded, "Yep. Do you want to help me?"

Yan Mei nodded and Lei Zhao wrapped his hands around her waist helping her down the counter.

They both walked towards the stove and Lei Zhao turned on the fire. He poured oil in the frying pan and he waited for a few minutes for the oil to heat before telling Yan Mei to put in the mixture.

"Becareful." Lei Zhao said softly.

The moment Yan Mei put the mixture in the oil, a sizzling sound was heard.

She jumped and hugged Lei Zhao, "Arghh!"

Lei Zhao panicked, "What? Are you hurt?" Lei Zhao asked worriedly.

Yan Mei blushed when she realized she was overreacting.

"No-I-I I'm okay." She cleared her throat.

Suddenly Lei Zhao widened his eyes and bursted into laughter.

"Oh my...you…" he said in between laughter.

"You got scared because of the noise?"

Yan Mei face burned in embarrassment as she fidgeted.

"Go and sit. I will serve you when I finish."

Lei Zhao ceased his laughter as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Yan Mei avoided his gaze and walked back to counter.

'Arghhh...so embarrassing!' She inwardly groaned.

Lei Zhao heaved a sigh before focusing on cooking.

After he was done, he served the food and Yan Mei bowed her head. Not saying anything. Honestly she was too ashamed to talk.

"Wifey, don't worry about this. I will teach you how to cook if you want."

Yan Mei looked up at him and her eyes sparkled in excitement.


Lei Zhao nodded. "But I'm afraid you would get hurt and get scars."

Lei Zhao frowned as he thought about this possibility.

"I will take care of myself. I really want to cook for you."

Looking at the expectation in her eyes, Lei Zhao nodded.


"Hurry and let me drop you to work. I don't want you to be late."

Yan Mei shrugged, "I'm the CEO, who dares complain about me being late?"

Yan Mei said confidently taking a bite of the pancake.

Lei Zhao shook his head.

"Yes madam."

"Any leads on the person responsible for your accident?"

Yan Mei asked, looking at Lei Zhao.

Lei Zhao frowned and shook his head.

"No, but very soon. We would find answers."

Yan Mei frowned but nodded.

"That..I was thinking we should invite dad for dinner or lunch one of these days. What do you think?"

Yan Mei's heart felt warm and she nodded. Hearing Lei Zhao call her father dad made her very happy. It shows he is accepting them no matter who or what they are.

"Hmm let me call him right now.". Yan Mei said excitedly. She couldn't wait for the two most important people in her live to meet officially.

Yan Mei dialed her father's number but it rang for a while no one picked it. She frowned, 'Did something happened?'

Her father always picked up her call no matter the day, hour, minutes or seconds she calls.

"Is everything okay?" Lei Zhao asked when he saw the worried frown on his wife's face.

"Yeah, it just my dad. Weird he didn't pick my call. I will call his assistant maybe he is busy."

Lei Zhao nodded and gave her a ressuring smile.

Yan Mei called her father's assistant and he picked up on a single dial.

"Young Miss!" He greeted polietly but Yan Mei heard the panic in his voice.

"Where is my father?"

Yan Mei asked bluntly. She felt a little uncomfortable.

"Master….he….has gone to take care of some business. He said if you call I should tell you to be careful and he would be back soon."

Yan Mei didn't quite believe him.

"If I find out you're lying to me…."

Yan Mei said darkly sending shivers along the man's spine.

"Y-yes I'm not lying!" The assistant said hurriedly wipping his sweat.

"Hmm." Yan Mei hung up the phone and sighed.

Her father was too powerful, with that thought she relaxed.

She hopes nothing is wrong with him.

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