Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 18: Fei vs Black Fei

Chapter 18: Fei vs Black Fei

"What the hell is going on?" Fei asked himself in hesitation, but next moment his system interface appeared.

'Five Elemental Dragon'

Level- Unknown

Initiate ability 1- Burning sword, Ice Cage, Earth Barrier, Wind Wings, Metal Body. (Locked)

Unlock condition- Level 3 Concept of five elements

Additional ability- Thunder spear (Due to mutation)

Description- Can control five elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wind).

'Blue Dragon'

Level- Unknown

Initiate ability 1- Void Concealment

Description- Unknown

"Holy hell"

Fei felt like, he got thunder. Twin martial spirit, was not something Fei could think off after all its benefit was not something one could imagine.

People in Zhen Qi continent, some of them do possess dual martial but dual martial spirit and twin martial spirit is totally different concept.

Dual martial spirit can let them practice faster and also have most initiate ability but they are not identical to each other whereas twin martial spirits do.

It is said when person reach very high realm, their martial spirit slowly became useless, but twin dragon can totally ignored this fact.

When martial artist with twin martial spirit reach higher realm, he can directly merge both to create powerful martial spirit which can grant powerful initiate abilities.

Fei was very excited on this matter; he made copy of five elements dragon on his clone. With five elemental spirit roots and five elemental martial spirit, his clone can start cultivating very fast.

For now the only problem was art that his clone can practice, as per dragon elephant art, god force art, he practicing right now, he absolutely he can't give up.

Suddenly an idea came in his mind, ignoring his clone he stood and look at altar dark. This altar was actually a trial altar and except Fei no one can see it until Fei dies.

Though, Fei became master of immortal pagoda, he can't control it or more like only level 0 is unlocked. If he wants to unlock higher level, he needs to finish corresponding trial on the altar.

He went near altar and said "I want to try first layer of pagoda"

Truth is that Fei required power level of soul refining to cross level first but now with so much of hidden techniques, Fei can easily cross it.

In front of Fei, a black Fei appeared as it seems he needs to defeat himself. Fei smiled and look forward to this fight.

Fei only had one and half day to finish everything, estimating time the beast tide would arrive.

Fei took initiative to attack with sword in his hands; he broke out level 10 sword aura from his sword which was powerful as materialized sword intent.

With red dragon emerging out of his sword, Fei swing a powerful strike "Hidden dragon claw collides"

Not surprising enough, black Fei also let same attack with same power, as both attacks cancelled out each other. Fei smiled and anticipate a powerful battle.

Fei attacks didn't stop, he immediately let out another powerful attack "Dragon Tail flings"

Two red dragons cancelled each other attacks, both landed at their initial place. Since place was not dark, it was empty room with light. Fei smiled grew and his strike too.

"Ferocious Dragon Hunts"

"Ferocious Dragon Hunts"

Fei and black Fei, both were using very powerful attacks, estimating to fight hard. Fei strike was much lighter than black Fei so he sustained so injuries.

Now Fei starts getting serious, he didn't have any powerful sword art since other can duplicate everything means, they can also duplicate flood dragon arts.

Due to its consumption Fei didn't dare to use very often previously but after reaching peak of Qi refining, he knew he could at least play few times.

Fei ready his posture as his body release overbearing aura. It was flood dragon aura. Fei and black Fei were ready to strike, since it was hard battle none of them give any time to each other.

"Flood Dragon Murdering Sword"

"Flood Dragon Murdering Sword"

Both had same power means, both had same consumption, since so Fei decided to let him deal some serious damage.

"Dragon Elephant Phantom"

With the emerging of dragon elephant aura when both strikes were already done. Black Fei didn't have time to retreat.

A powerful fist had already arrived in front of his stomach.

"Black Dragon Fist"

Fist collides with black Fei stomach, as black Fei fell very hard on its back very far. More than that, Fei was ready for next strike.

A golden cell in his body shone, of course it can't be seen in out. His strength got additional ten thousand pounds force. If they were playing simple moves, Fei would be injured because every art used by Black Fei reached perfection.

So Fei need to insert extra power in his strikes which is the reason why he was getting hurt. If Fei couldn't give extra power in time, he would be injured.

While striking each other both were on their peak but slowly Fei was getting injured, why? In reality he couldn't cancelled out every strike of black Fei leading some minor injuries on him.

Fei punched out very hard. It was like having additional strength of 10000 pounds, which was enough to kill anyone under soul refining realm.

But Black Fei was different, due to powerful body like; he could take one or two of such attacks. That doesn't mean, he can endlessly take such attack.

Except, bloodline, martial spirit and physique this black Fei had almost everything. Since he could practice any martial arts to the realm of perfection his attack didn't make much damage.

Black Fei stood up, his body was damaged but it didn't affect his strength that much. Fei was little exhausted due to that attack.

"Black Dragon Fist"

Black Fei launched a perfection realm black dragon fist, with the artificial body supporting its burden; black dragon fist was much more powerful than previous one.

Fei also saw attack coming, he already dispel his golden cell means his strength is now at normal level but Fei didn't retreated he still had trick in his sleeve.

"Bronze Body"

After getting Immortal Buddha bloodline, he also got Indestructible Immortal Body. For now he can only use tiny power of immortal body but it is still enough for him.

With his cultivation grows, Immortal body will also grow. Between Heaven and Earth, his body is indestructible.

With his cultivation, Fei got three types of body for now. Bronze Body, Silver Body and Golden body, and for now he can only summon bronze body.

Bronze body is further divided into three types like an art Fei need to improve it by training.

First level is Bronze skin where his skin color turned bronze and he can play 20000 pounds force from it. When Fei summon bronze skin his strength is increase by 20000 pounds.

Second level is Bronze Muscles, where his muscles got hard like bronze, unmovable and his power is increasing by 30000 pounds.

Finally Third level is Bronze Bone which makes his bone like bronze, unbreakable. Not only can that Fei also turn his whole body into bronze at third level. Third level adds 50000 pounds force in his strength.

There is additional advantage of bronze body. Fei can look for bronze essence which can increase his strength by 50000 pounds after merging with bronze body.

Silver body is same like bronze except of strength increased by it. Same for golden body but Fei can only play silver body after golden core realm and golden body after spiritual sea realm.

Fei didn't know realm after spiritual sea realm but he believes he reach there soon.

"Bronze Skin"

Fei skin color turned bronze as he punched out "Black dragon fist"

Both fists collide and both retreat. But at this moment Fei disappeared. Black Fei was confused as he moved towards Fei after not seeing him, he frowned.

At this time some words rang in the empty room

"Dragon Elephant Phantom"

"Dragon Cell"

"Bronze Skin"

"Sword Aura + Thunder"

"Flood Dragon Murdering Sword"

A sharp sword shines with red aura covered with domineering action. It wasn't like sword instead like saber slash up to bottom of black Fei.

This moment, Black Fei didn't get chance to dodge, as its body was cut down in half. It was artificial body like made out of paper.


Seeing Black Fei dies, Fei fall on ground in his back, lifting his hands towards sky he laughed "I won"

This was his martial spirit ability, with void concealment Fei hid himself in void waiting for correct time. He launched everything he had on one strike. This was his strongest attack.

After black Fei died, altar shook and Fei appeared in a garden, more like small grassland. He was lying down on grass, didn't even had energy to get up.

In Fei hand, a purple pill appeared, it was stamina pill which could refill his stamina. This pill wasn't from Zhen Qi continent instead from system.

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