Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 194: Citadel Of Lions (2)

Chapter 194: Citadel Of Lions (2)

Looking back on my memories of the game, the Citadel of Lions was one of the most intuitive ‘mini dungeons’.

The dungeon’s composition itself was simple.

Most of Sera’s main dungeon captures were divided into three phases; key items exploration, breaking through gimmicky traps, and boss hunt.

Calling it simple wouldn’t be so far off, since the only other feature it had was a restriction on their access that they had put up with heart and soul, to prevent anyone from entering it by accident.

However, though the composition itself was simple, the structure of the trap was brutal.

I could already tell just by looking at the lights that were pouring over my head.

Those bright lights poured from all directions, completely filling up the surroundings. They were spells set up to automatically track and attack the ‘intruder’ that they spotted.

The route was laid down densely so that their attacks would hit their target instead of wandering off randomly.

“You know, it’s strange.”

“Uh, sorry?”

“I mean, why would they need to install these things on such a large-scale here? The punks who used this place are all dead already.”


“They don’t even maintain this place properly.”

Considering that he was talking about his own death, that was a hella cynical remark.

Then again, he wasn’t wrong.

After the Guardians who were deployed into the Crimson Night Incident were annihilated, they became quickly forgotten. They didn’t even get a proper posthumous treatment because they didn't belong to any faction.

Looking back on the time when I played Sera, the posthumous measures they took for the Guardians weren't that good.

The reason behind it, well, like I said, was because they didn’t belong to ‘any faction’.

Such a phenomenon clearly reflected the current situation of the Empire—they might seem as if they were the most powerful of the Three Superpowers on the surface, but internally, everyone only cared about their own forces.

“...By the way, you.”


“How can you be so calm in this kind of situation…?”

That was definitely an appropriate question to ask him here.

Because, uh, you see, right now…

I was standing in the center of the trap I mentioned earlier, tanking all the attacks coming from all directions.

“Why shouldn’t I? This is some doable shit.”


“The training I went through back when I was active was way worse than this.”

Caliban, who was ‘operating’ my body, replied.

As I asked him prior to this, he was moving my body for me.

Despite the spells’ overwhelming presence of malice and murderous intent, he moved swiftly and deftly, finding and navigating through the narrow gaps barely wide enough for a needle to pass through.

Well, since it was a life-threatening situation, he was buffed by the EX-Grade Desperation, but that didn’t make him any less skilled.

He moved my body, walked a step forward, slightly lowered my head and moved sideways a little.

Just like that, he broke through the murderous trap with the least amount of movement possible. Fucking ridiculous.

This was pretty much the equivalent of dodging bullets from all directions by seeing the triggers being pulled. Some absurd shit, but he managed to do it so easily.

…Now I can see where Iliya’s monstrous sense came from.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Iliya’s potential skyrocketed after she grabbed the Holy Sword.

She wasn’t the ‘main character’ of this world for no reason. From that point on, she became the only being who could match the Devils, the most powerful beings in the universe.

And the thing that allowed her to showcase such a power was her ‘battle sense’ which was like a second nature to her, popping out at every moment.

It allowed her to make the closest move to the correct answer at all times, just like what Caliban was doing right now.

…And there are still punks that are stronger than this guy…

Those were beings who had been given titles like Saint 聖人—such as the Master of the Magic Tower or the Sword Saint.

Of course someone at the level of Margrave Kendride or Duke Tristan would be able to rival him to an extent, but still.

It came to a point where I realized how different the strong people’s perspectives on the world were.

“Nice. We passed this trap too.”

He said as we left the killing range of the lights that were pouring from all directions.

“By the way, your body’s good. You should be able to survive with this body.”


Of course it was.

It was buffed with EX-Grade Desperation. This OP skill literally enabled me to match the most powerful beings in the universe with my trashy stats.

Not sure what he meant by his words though. Survive from what?

“From those women who are trying to eat you of course. Not long ago, my sister—”

A cough echoed from somewhere.

At that moment, Caliban stopped talking.

“...Hey, Caliban.”


“I didn't hear that wrong, right?”

“You didn't. I heard it too.”

Every time Caliban, who had this strange feeling to hit his sister, said something about her, a strong reaction kept coming from somewhere.

I looked around with a serious look on my face. Maybe, just maybe—

“...Could it be that there's another Spirit Form nearby?”

There was a possibility that the Spirit Form of the other Guardians was still around nearby.

But, from Caliban’s expression that seemed as if he was pitying me, it didn’t seem like he was agreeing with me.

“Sometimes you just somehow turn into a dumbass, do you know that?”

He continued with a sigh.

“Like, with all those reactions, it’s weird that you couldn’t tell—”

Suddenly, he abruptly stopped speaking mid-sentence, as if realizing something.

Then, he alternately looked at my face and the direction where the sound was coming from.


Hearing his hum, I suddenly felt an ominous feeling creeping up my back.

“...What is it?”

I asked, wondering why he had let out such a sound. Instead of answering me, he only let out a smile.

“You know, if I’m being honest with you, while I hate to see it happening right in front of me, I’d like it if you were to get more intimate with Iliya.”


What the heck is he talking about all of a sudden?

“Well, it’s only natural, I guess. She’s my only family and all, I do want her to have a happy future. You…won’t be so bad as her partner, I think.”

“...Thanks for…the compliment…?”

This came from the person who usually called me trash, casanova, playboy and so on. What the hell was he even on about?

Maybe he had been thinking of me in such a positive light all this time?

“Well, you are trash, casanova, and playboy, but at least you aren’t the kind of guy who’d make her cry.”


“Oh yeah, you’re also a loser. You can’t even resist if a woman is asking you out first.”

Okay, now I really had no idea what he was trying to say..

His gaze kept on lingering behind me as he continued.

“That’s why it’s easy for them to catch you. You’re really weak when someone makes advances on you ‘sincerely’ instead of when they’re forcing themselves on you.”

It felt as if he was giving a ‘hint’ in that direction through his words.

“...What the hell are you even talking about?”

“Just things. Now that I think about it, I’m also a ghost, huh?”


Anyway, this was something I felt after getting him to materialize in this world.

The expression he made was similar to mine.

Did he get it from me?

“Do you have an idea who the Spirit Form is?”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

Caliban continued, twisting the corners of his mouth upwards.

“Anyway, since we’re at it, I want to ask you something. What do you think of Iliya? Be honest.”


When I saw his grin as he asked that question, I could feel my head throb.

“...Why so suddenly?”

“If you won’t answer me, I’ll stop helping you.”


That was a fucking scary thing to say when we were still trying to break through these traps.

I answered with a sigh.

“...I do feel the most at ease around her.”


“Like, she’s the only one who said she’d ‘protect’ me. I actually rely on her to some extent and I’ll probably continue to do so.”

She was the main character of this world, after all.

The fact that she liked me aside, there was also the fat that she was the most important person in this world. I had to rely on her, if anything.

“Does that mean you like her?”

Once again, I heard a gasp from nearby.

“...God, why do you keep—”

“Because a certain someone needs a little courage. People need that to make advances on someone, you know?”

"What the hell are you saying, Mister?"

“I won’t help you if you don’t answer.”


Seriously, this guy…

Though I felt embarrassed, I ended up answering him anyway.

“...Well, I guess, yeah, I like her.”

“Nice. One more time. Say it clearly this time.”

“You crazy fucker, what the fuck are you—”

“Alright I won’t help you.”


I repeated my words with a sigh.

“Yes, I like Iliya.”

A coughing sound, followed by the sound of someone struggling for air could be heard nearby.

“Again. A little more romantically.”

“...Dowd Campbell likes Iliya Krisanax.”

Whatever. I’d just give up and do everything he wanted.

Though I didn’t know why, since he kept threatening me that he wouldn’t help me, I had no other choice.

As soon as I said those words, the sound of someone not knowing what to do, while they were making sounds like ‘ah’, ‘auuh’, came from the same place.

“Ah. Haah, haah…”


A little bit later…

Lively breathing sounds, one that ghosts could never make came out of that place.

The voice sounded excited, almost felt like the person's entire body was filled with lust.

To put it bluntly…

It was the voice of a horny woman.


Is it really a Spirit Form?

Shit felt more and more off to me.

…Ah, whatever.

However strange it was, we had arrived at our target after we went through all those traps.

“...This place is—”

When he saw where we were at, Caliban’s expression turned stiff.

This was the deepest part of the Citadel of Lions.

The Hall of Fame for all Guardians who died while on duty.

Originally, it should’ve been a solemn memorial site, lined with urns and tombstones.



Both Caliban and I went silent at the same time.

The scene in front of us was sickening to say the least.

Destroyed tombstones. The Guardians' possessions, which had been ‘purified’ through flames.

No respect or courtesy to commemorate the deceased's eternal rest could be found here.

“...I kinda expected it to be like this.”

Caliban said bitterly.

All the Guardians died in the Karmic Fire created by the Red Devil. Which meant her stubborn Demonic Aura was also stuck to all of their possessions and bodies.

The Devil’s Demonic Aura in itself could be considered as a deadly poison, and it was even more so in the Red Devil’s case, as the Devil itself held such a deep hostility towards the ‘lifeform’ of the Material World.

“...It still isn’t very pleasant to see this after we went through so much trouble and threw our lives for them, though.”

“All of you have accomplished a great thing, Caliban.”

“Doubt that the Empire thinks so.”

Sadly, he was right.

Whatever the reason was, to treat them like this was unbelievably unfair.

The Guardians were heroes. Despite their human bodies, they threw themselves at the Devil and even miraculously managed to seal it in the end.

And yet…

Let alone honoring the people who had sacrificed their lives to protect the people by evoking such a miracle, they did this inhuman act instead—it was as if they treated those heroes’ bodies as victims to a plague, they burned them without any regards to what they had achieved.


After passing through such a scene in silence.

I went up the altar to find the ‘target item’.

In the altar, the name ‘Caliban Krisanax’ was engraved on it.

I went up and collected one item.

The full-body armor he wore throughout his life.

What I was aiming for was the lion breastplate embedded in the middle.

“...We came all the way here just to get that. That’s literally nothing, though.”

Caliban said while tilting his head.

Yes, he was right, this thing on its own would be useless.

Because this was nothing more than an accessory of an armor, it didn’t have any extraordinary abilities.



I answered calmly.

“That’s the point.”

As I thought so, I opened a window.

System Message

[ ‘Main Quest’ has updated! ]

[ Main Quest ]

〖 Chapter 4 – Crimson Night 〗

[ Block target ‘Faenol' from going berserk! ]

The Demonic Human in Chapter 1, the Boy King in Chapter 2, the Ancient God in Chapter 3.

And now…

…A Devil's Vessel going berserk in chapter 4.

One with three Fragments at that.

In the Final Ordeal of the Hero Selection held in the Holy Land, Faenol would definitely go berserk. Because that was the ‘boss battle’ of Chapter 4. It was set to happen no matter what.

It was a relief that she didn’t get to meet the Devil’s ‘body’, but considering the mess that happened in Forge of Struggle because Eleanor, who only had two Fragments, went berserk, it was still laughable to consider this a relief.

Well, at the very least, there was still some good news…

Since the future was already ‘determined’, I could take preventative measures.

Faenol herself had been very on guard not to make the Devil go berserk. There was also the fact that the Red Devil had been ‘overpowered’ before.

By the Guardians who wore this lion breastplate.

If I combined the two characteristics, I would also somehow find a way to calm down the Vessel with three Fragments when she went berserk.

“Caliban. I’m sorry to do this when you’re in the middle of witnessing such a sight, but…”

This… was a very small, secret dagger. A form of hidden card.

One that would work because Caliban and the Guardians had once succeeded in sealing the Devil, giving up their lives.

One that could result in a 'phenomenon' that wouldn’t have been possible without such a miracle.

It might seem small, worthless, and meaningless, but…


“You can look forward to it.”

It was a dagger that would absolutely pierce through the Heart of the Great Evil called the Red Devil.

“I’ll prove that what you guys did wasn’t in vain.”

As I said so, I put the breastplate into my inner chest /genesisforsaken

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