Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 163: Branching Point (1)

Chapter 163: Branching Point (1)

Branching Point (1)

This is our goal, right?

Iliya said after seeing the huge stele in front of us.

This was the landmark wed see when we arrived at the deepest part of the dungeon where the First Ordeal took place.

The Heart of Mystery embedded in the deepest part of every dungeon.

Normally, when you made contact with it, the dungeon boss would be summoned, and youd have to engage it in battle.

Yes, to put it simply, it was a device for summoning the boss.

Aha, so they have something like this too in the artificial dungeon?

Lana approached the stele, circling around it while inspecting it from various angles.

Thanks to all thehardships she faced on the way here, her uniform that showed her affiliation to the Holy Land was in tatters.

While I was giving the girl a blank stare, Iliya, who was next to me, poked my side roughly and gave me a piercing stare.

Actually, rough didnt cut it. Her poke hurt me so much that it felt like I lost my breath. My whole body even staggered because of it.


Stop giving that kid such perverted looks.

Why dont you stop slandering me instead?

But I never did that.


Hearing my words, she gave out a deep snort before turning to look at Lana with her still narrowed eyes.

Despite having gone through so many perilous incidents just now, that girl seemed unconcerned. Hell, there wasnt even a hint of anger on her face.

Does that kid not care at all about getting hurt?

I know right?

While rubbing the side where she hit me, I barely managed to agree with her.


Suddenly, she spoke up in an expressionless voice.

There was a heavy sense of guilt in her voice and gesture, which was rather surprising of her.

We have to apologize to that child later.


Yes, I know she doesnt seem to be hurt, and she herself agreed to it without any objections, butit still feels as if were taking advantage of her genuine and pure kindness

Uh, well, that was why I did that in the first place.

Because she wouldnt mind such things.

Thanks to that, we managed to clear the dungeon at a quicker pace than others.



From inside the Soul Linker, Caliban called me out with a sigh.

[Theres something slightly off about you, you know that?]

Excuse me?

[Sure, Ive been teasing you about how trash you are and whatnot, but lately it really feels like youre becoming even trashier than before.]

No, if its about the matter of the aftermath, this is actually the safest

[Its not that.]

His words stopped me in tracks.

Because his current atmosphere was completely different from the usual one he had whenever he teased me.

[Normally, you wouldnt resort to such methods unless its absolutely necessary. The Dowd Campbell I know hates seeing others get hurt, especially in this case where he doesnt even dislike the kid that he hurts. Hed rather sacrifice his own body instead.]

[While you might sometimes make irrational decisions in confusion because of the dire situation you were in, you had never willingly sacrificed others.]

Come to think of it

He was right.

If it were the usual me, even when I knew that she couldnt feel pain and was okay with it, I still wouldnt have gone to such extreme measures to accomplish my goal.

Just like he said, it was as if my psychological resistance to hurting others had significantly decreased.

[I think I know what the reason is for that. And Im sure you already know it as well.]

His words were followed by a sigh.

[Your races change, this is the side effect of it. Am I wrong?]

[Your body isnt the only thing it affects, but your mind too, right?]

Yes. It was the first symptom shown by humans who began to be encroached by Devils.

An extreme decrease in aversion to inflicting violence on others.

How do I know, you ask?

Ive seen it.

In the game, this was the very first symptom shown by Vessels consumed by Malevolence.

Gradually losing their aversion to committing inhumane acts under the pretext of how it was necessary for the people around them.

The prime example of that was Eleanor.


Im becoming like that?

It was certain that I, who had begun to be affected by the Fallens Seal, was not free from this either.

Since that was the case


I nodded in sincere agreement to Iliyas words.

Ill apologize. Lets do it together.

Hehe. I knew you would listen if I said something, Teach.

To Iliya, who laughed frivolously as she responded

I then added another point.

And one more thing.


From now on, we will never do such things again unless the person involved really deserves it.

I was required to develop the powers of the Fallens Seal, even if solely due to the Prophet.

And being influenced by it, I might choose methods I normally wouldnt.

However, I must not do that.

Change originally came as subtly as a drizzle soaking ones clothes. If it werent for Caliban and Iliya pointing it out at the same time, I might have thought it natural to use Lana in such a manner, considering it the most efficient approach.

In that regard

If it ever seems like Im about to do something strange again

That was why

I spoke as such to Iliya while scratching my cheek awkwardly.

Make sure I dont cross that line.


Because when it comes to this, youre the most trustworthy person I know.

Among everyone I knew

If there was someone who was the most human out of them all, the one person that could prevent me from going astray

It would be her.


Iliya responded in a low voice.

There was a tremor in her eyes, as if deeply moved by what I said.

Why is quitting such shitty behavior not an option for you?

Have you truly given up on any chance of rehabilitation? Has your way of thinking become completely different from ordinary people?

Maybe because they were siblings

Their way of grilling me was getting increasinglyfierce.

No, its just


Like a gut feeling that I would have no choice but to end up doing such things? I guess that was how to put it.

[You have no choice?]

[A fucker like you, who seduces my little sister as naturally as breathing, has no choice?]

Shut up.

What do you mean seducing? I aint done nothing to her!

Haaa. Whatever, this is the kind of person Im attached to, it cant be helped

What did you say?

Its nothing, you blockhead.

She then bonked my head.

Why the hell did you hit me?


Following that, she spoke with a wide smile.

Thank you for trusting me, Teach.

I could see from her words

I will definitely protect you, Teach. No matter what.

That they were felt with an indescribable warmth. It was clear that she was touched by my words.

As if those words made her truly, truly happy.

[You wanna know something?]

What is it now?

[You are the definition of human trash.]

[Please, just go die.]

You just said that you only called me trash as a joke.

But why the hell did your voice sound so sincere?

!! Butterfly Effect !!

[ Favorability Level Check of target Iliya is successful! ]

[ The current states of the Devils Vessels are being verified! ]

[ All conditions met! A butterfly effect occurs! ]

[ As a result of all your actions, the First Branching Point will soon occur! ]

[ Successfully resolving this event will change a part of the Ending! ]

Suddenly such a window popped up, making me dazedly blink at it.

What the fuck was this? Why this all of a sudden?

Did Calibans words jinx it for me?

Branching Point? Was it some kind of special event? What the hell was it?



I furrowed my brows at the word that appeared out of the blue as I scanned the sentence.

Though I was confused as the window sprung up without warning

The text heavily implied that a major event was imminent.


And before I could even ponder deeply on it

Lanas bewildered voice echoed, it sounded as if she was at a loss for what to do.

Following that

The stele she had been inspecting began to vibrate wildly.

Judging by the threatening black magic swirling around, it was clear that she mistakenly triggered something.

What did you do?

There was a button that just begged to be pressed, so I pressed it down~

Ah, that.

That was the Boss Summon Button.

Why did you press that?

Am I not supposed to press that?

Also, the button was so stiff, so I did it three or four times.

Am I not supposed to do that either?

From what I knew, if someone were to press it multiple times

[ The challengers provocative will is acknowledged. ]

[ The Dungeon Defender of the highest difficulty is summoned. May luck be with you! ]

It would significantly increase the difficulty, just like this.


Iliya quietly brushed back her hair.

Her expression was filled with surging anger.

I think we can postpone the apology for later.

I know right.

How fascinating.

Eleanor narrowed her eyes at the thing being summoned by the black mana before her.

Having received permission from Lucia to enter the dungeon, she arrived at the deepest part early and was waiting, thus witnessing this scene.

Based on her prediction, since Dowds abilities would surely bring him to arrive in first place, it would be okay if they were to wait for him here.

-Uh, what if Mr. Dowd fail to get first place?

-How could that possibly happen?

Eleanor resolutely nodded in response.

-Well, if that does occur, I will make it so that he gets the first place regardless.

-How would you do that?

-That is a secret. But as long as it is something that he wishes for, Ill even lay down my life to help him.

-Youre willing to go that far?! Even when hes clearly doing all those wrongdoings!?

Considering how willing she was to risk her life to help him with his shitty actions, they were truly a match made in heaven.

To think that someone would risk her life to cheat for the man she was smitten with, even though this was a large-scale event on a continental scale.


Did they seriously implant a Spirit Entity into this artificial dungeon?

Eleanor muttered in disbelief as she observed the something that was taking shape amidst the swirling black mana.

Are Spirit Entities that threatening?

Indeed. Well, rather than threatening, it is more like they are impossible to defeat.

Existences from dimensions other than the Material Realm were generally considered a step higher in combat power than ordinary Demonic Creatures. But even among these, beings like Spirits, who were Thought Forms, were practically treated like disasters simply by existing.

At the very least, they were different in that they were hard to hunt.

Firstly, due to their nature as beings from another world, they were not subject to most laws of the Material Realm.

So, there was only one way to defeat them.

In the Material Realm, one must endure all attacks unleashed by the Spirit Entity, employing either Mana or Divine Power at a high level to penetrate the Mental World the Spirit inhabited, and then defeat it there.

That was why, they might be the most suitable opponents for the Hero Selection in a way, as they allowed a comprehensive evaluation of combat skills, Special Power Masteries, and mental strength all at once.

Im not sure if he can properly go against it, though

Eleanor murmured as her eyes narrowed.

No matter how exceptional Dowds skills may be, the risk associated with a Spirit Entity, given its direct connection to the mind, was considerably high.

If it seemed like something bad would happen, she might have to directly intervene to help.

Um, isnt Ms. Iliya, the Hero Candidate, supposed to be the one dealing with it in the first place?

That may be, but do you truly think she is stronger than Dowd?

There wasnt anything she could say to refute that.

As Yuria awkwardly smiled while thinking that, Iliya nodded as if she had expected that response.

For now, let us move a bit closer. We need to be able to react immediately if something happens.


As Eleanor stood up, Yuria also rose from where she had been crouching on the ground.

Thanks to that, her field of vision opened up. Dowds tense expression as he faced the Spirit Entity was clearly visible.

Thats right. Without a doubt

He was very, very visible.


Eleanor let out a puzzled voice upon seeing Yuria, who suddenly became immobile.

However, Yurias gaze remained fixed, refusing to move a single inch from a singular spot.

On Dowds bare face that was not covered by a mask.


A sigh mixed with admiration, wonder, and delight inadvertently escaped Yurias lips.

Following that

[Found you.]

She uttered as such

Along with a heated white breath.

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