Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 159: First Ordeal (1)

Chapter 159: First Ordeal (1)

First Ordeal (1)

Yuria Greyhounders social circle was exceedingly tiny.

In fact, the only person she could call a friend was Iliya, and the only other people she conversed with regularly were her sister, Dame Ophelia and Dowd.

One would be justified to say that her social skill was utterly atrocious.

But even after considering that

The extreme unease she felt when facing the person in front of her was on another level.

U-Um S-Student Council President?

Desperately fidgeting with the new collar that Dowd had given her as a gift, she began to speak.

After all, it was the only thing that gave her some semblance of comfort when facing this person.

C-Can I ask what brings you here?

No answer returned.

Inwardly, she felt tearful.

After all, the other person had just barged in and pressured her like this, and she didnt even know why.

Worst of all was that her Big Sis happened to be out right at this moment.

They said the Hero Selection is today, right?

She did hear that the actual Ordeal would begin today. Dowd, Iliya, and the mage she saw before, Faenol, would all be there.

As Yuria was thinking this, Eleanor elegantly placed the teacup she was sipping onto the table.


Yuria couldnt help but let out a silent exclamation of awe.

Each of her movements was overflowing with grace, making her realize once again that the person before her was a genuine noblewoman. And not just any noblewoman, the Young Lady of Ducal House.

While she had behaved rather eccentrically a few times, she still possessed qualities that could enchant numerous men with ease.

Not only that, she was also a genius in swordsmanship and her position as the Student Council President spoke volumes of how intelligent she was.

And above all, she was beautiful.

Compared to Yuria, who was of a short stature and whose chest was lacking, she was enchantingly beautiful.

To put it simply

Their class was different.

Maybe, perhaps even in Dowds eyes, if they were placed side by side, Yuria would look like a little child compared to Eleanor.

Hell, in that situation, it would be a miracle if he were to see her as a woman.

Feeling such insecurity, she unconsciously gripped the collar that Dowd had given her tighter.

But still

What in her hand was a Token of Promise that he had given her. Something that reminded her how precious she was to him.

And, as she was thinking this

-Do you really think that is true?

A voice that always came to her when she felt this anxious, echoed loudly in her head.

This voice again

Previously, it only sounded like simple tinnitus, but lately, it had become clearer, as if it resonated within her consciousness.

As if there was another being living inside her body.

-You have no charm. You look like a little kid. Who would ever like someone like you?

And that voice

As always

-If you arent going to do anything, just hand over your body to me. At this rate, hell be snatched away by another Color. Youll be abandoned, ignored, stuck crying while watching another woman monopolizing him. Is that what you want?

-Arent you a loner? Youve been alone, cold, lonely and suffering for so, so long

It spitted out such hurtful words

-But now, youre willing to let that warmth you finally found be taken away?

-By another woman?

That gouged at her heart.



Yuria pressed down on chest and lowered her head.

As soon as she voiced that response, her whole body tingled. How dare someone like you try to defy me! It was as if something inside her body was trying to tell her that. Such a sensation appeared in her heart, and spread throughout her body.

But even so, she resisted. So strongly, so desperately.

I will never be swayed by you again.

She knew

That she must not listen to these words.

Because she had once committed a sin that threatened Dowds life before.

And she knew he would never betray her no matter what.

She bit her lip, trying to endure the pain sweeping through her body.

At that moment, Eleanor, who had been staying silent all this time, suddenly spoke up.

By any chance, do you also hear something akin to a voice?

Excuse me?

Hearing her words made Yurias heart drop, and made her involuntarily gulp.

It was a miracle she managed not to let her reaction be more noticeable.

Her sister had always reminded her to never reveal the fact that she was harboring something inside her body.

And more than that

She instinctively felt that she couldnt let this person catch on to that.

I-I dont k-know w-what youre talking about

As Yuria replied with cold sweat breaking out, Eleanors gaze coldly swept over her from head to toe.

It was as if the latter had seen through her lies already.

Hm, is that so? I was sure that youd have something similar to that.

But, judging by her words, it seemed like Yuria was mistaken to think that.


Yuria inwardly cried. Her hands trembled as she lifted the teacup.

She felt nauseous. Just being observed by a woman like her, a woman who exuded adult charm, was enough to make her feel pressured, to the point that it brought a sense of inferiority.

That was why, when the woman said her next words

She was so shocked, almost frightened even.

Well, it doesnt matter even if thats not the case. What I want to ask iscould you lend me your talents for a while?

She almost spit out the tea she was drinking.

Excuse me?

I am proposing for us to work on a certain task together.

Even while witnessing Yurias choking on her tea, coughing, her calm tone was still unchanged.


Such a perfect woman has something to ask of me? How?

Yuria pondered such a question that floated in her eyes, meanwhile Eleanors gaze was fixed onto Severer that was sheathed on her back.

A sword of considerable value, and you could handle it with such a familiar manner. I do not need to see your performance to know, as I can already tell that your skills are as formidable as the rumor goes.


There is a rumor among the First-Year students in the Knight School about a tiny slaughter tank that would slice anything that comes to her vicinity.

What kind of bizarre rumor is that?! Yuria inwardly made a tearful face once again.

A slaughter tank, of all things! I am a girl too! I had never done anything to earn such a terrifying nickname!

Originally, I would not have any reason to ask anything of a woman who stays close to that man.

Eleanor sighed as she spoke.

And Yuria smiled bitterly in response.

Finally, something that made sense.

She had definitely heard about how this person was stalking Dowd.

That was why it would only be natural for her to know whenever he came to meet Yuria.

But I have encountered an opponent I desperately wish to win against. Someone I absolutely do not want to lose to.

An opponent you wish to win against?

A thieving cat with the audacity to try and remove a stone that has already been lodged in. All because it believes it deserves the spot of the stone that was there first.

Even its color is detestable. Golden, annoying to look at.

Um, about that

From Yurias point of view, she felt the same way about Eleanor.

Because she was the closest person to Dowd, and the man most likely treated his meetings with Eleanor as a mere affair.

And she hasnt even been walked on a leash before!

With that peculiar sense of pride in her mind, she snorted at Eleanor.

Internally, of course. There was no way she had the courage to show such a sentiment openly.


A thieving cat?

If the woman was talking about removing something that was clinging to Dowd, then it was worth lending an ear to her.

Correct. That woman is surely plotting something for this Hero Selection.

Knowing how Chancellor Sullivan, Elenaor was certain that she would definitely have something in mind. After all, she had shown such an overt interest in Dowd.

This Hero Selection was the perfect occasion for such a plan.

She must have been cooking up some schemes here and there.

We should make that thieving cat understand her place.

Ummm, is it a very dangerous task?

There is no need for killing, that, I promise.

Yuria scratched her cheek slightly.

Still, the other person was asking for her skills with a sword, which meant there must have been some sort of danger involved.

And if she jumped into this without telling her sister, she was sure to be scolded later

As an advance payment, I shall give you a photo of Dowd.

What in the world is this person saying?

Arent advance payments usually in the form of money or valuables?

What on earth are you talking about? What in this world could possibly be more valuable than this man?

Do you think mere money or trinkets is more important than him? I only made this offer because I need a talent like you.

No, waither logic iscorrect?

But, while I would like a photo of him

As such thoughts crossed Yurias mind

Photos of him with sleepy expressions, photos of him smiling, exercising, studying, eating

Every time Eleanor spoke, a photo was laid out on the tea table

And each of them enamored Yuria, her gaze wandering over them.

So cool.

So cute.

So lovable.

Her heart raced.

She wanted to frame each one of these photos. She wanted to keep every one of them as a precious treasure.

Yuria swallowed hard.

They did turn out well, I guess.

Among over 300 shots taken a day, I have carefully selected the best ones. I brought them specially for you because I value your importance.

If there was one thing that Yuria was certain of

This person was a stalker. And an ultra-severe one at that.

And lastly. If we successfully complete the task

Eleanor then pulled out one more photo from her belongings.

Though it was a photo where only his back was visible

For some strange reason, even the white blankness of it seemed to captivate Yurias gaze.

I shall give you this.

W-What is that?

A photo of him drying his hair after taking a bath.

His upper body is exposed.

Iwill hear you out a little

Eleanor nodded.

There was never a doubt in her mind that Yuria would definitely give in to her demand.

System Message

[ Target Yuria and target Eleanor forms a Party! ]

!! Butterfly Effect !!

[ The formation of this Party significantly increases the likelihood of influencing other Vessels! ]

[ The actions of target Seras, target Riru, and target Sullivan are highly likely to change! ]

[ The interactions between targets intensifies! ]

[ The Main Quest is extremely likely to be affected! ]

The fuck?

What the fuck is up with the Butterfly Effect?

It seems like problems would come even if Im just sucking on my thumbs!

Cant they stop harassing me for a second?!

Just let me get through the Main Quest already

Thinking this, I looked around.

The first process of the Hero Selection was quite straightforward.

They simulated a dungeon that resembled actual combat situations as closely as possible. The one who reached the center of the dungeon first would earn the most score.

In normal circumstances, this is really dangerous, though.

Watching Iliya warming up at the starting line, I couldnt help but think that.

Having recently defeated a Demonic Creature at the level of an Ancient God, dungeon subjugations no longer made me feel anything.

But for normal students to do something like thisit was supposed to be something unimaginable.

After all, one little mistake could actually kill them.

Well, it should be fine.

The Hero Candidates, including Iliya, were a monster in their own right.

Especially this bastard.


When I turned at the touch on my shoulder

Talker was there.

The Cursed Speech User.

A monster that had lived through countless ages. Someone who even had a history of leading Valkasuss kingdom to ruin.

Look at this motherfucker, acting all friendly to me. Who the fuck did he think he was?

When I glared at him, he raised his hands, retreated with his tongue out.

Woah, chill. You look like youd take a swing at me, you know?

Instead of replying, I just sighed deeply.

The silver lining here was that Valkasus was currently asleep.

If he was awake, it wouldnt be strange for Soul Linker to go berserk.

Last time, it didnt happen because my mutation due to Fallens Seal left no opportunity for any kind of communication with him.

Anyway, for what reason did this bastard even come to me like this?

And? It isnt like we are on speaking terms.

Honestly, it was fucking ridiculous.

Yeah, I knew that there was some connection between the Holy Land and the Prophet, but for him to crawl around the Hero Selection and act as a candidate was utterly absurd.

But, I was the only person who knew of his true color.

Considering his combat power, it was better to ignore him as much as possible.

Even if I were to tell anyone else, including Atalante, it would only stir up trouble. After all, there was no one in Elfante capable of dealing with him right now.

Which meant, I had to be cautious to not fall for his provocations. And I should never lay a hand on him first.

I didnt know why the fuck did he approach me, but if he was going to stay quiet for now, there was no need to escalate things.

No, I just wanted to ask some stuff.

Saying that, Talker looked directly at my chest and spoke.

Hows the Apostle doing?

He was probably talking about Tatiana.

It seemed like he knew her soul was bound to me right now.

The Prophet probably told him something about my Seal.

Woah, woah. No need to give me such a fierce look! Ill get scared! Why dont we chill for the time being, okay?

I have no reason to be friendly with a lackey of the Prophet, though.

Hearing my words, the fucker let out a smirk.

Thats a bit sad to hear.

And his following words made absolutely no sense.

Seeing as how our boss sent me here to protect you, you know?



What kind of bullshit is

[All Hero Candidates, to your designated locations!]

At the same time as such an announcement echoed, Talker grinned.

Well, see you later. The other Hero Candidates are not to be underestimated either, so do your best not to fall behind.

Wait. Im not finished

See you later~

With a flippant tone, Talker disappeared swiftly.

His departure was so decisive and nonchalant that I couldnt even say anything.

I frowned as I looked in the direction he had gone.

He came here to protect me, he says?

Putting aside what the Prophet intended by sending him here with such orders.

What exactly was I even being protected from?

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