Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 123: Seal (3)

Chapter 123: Seal (3)

Seal (3)

What did you say? Black Devil?  

Narrowing her eyes, Tatiana spat out those words.

What a load of nonsense. How could beings like the Devils be created so easily?

Anyone with a certain level of knowledge about Material Realm and other dimensions could easily understand how ridiculous of a notion that was.

Even the Ancient Gods, beings who possessed the power to blow up the entire Forge of Struggle, were only as powerful as a mouse in front of a cat compared to those beasts of the Astral Realm or the Pandemonium.

And said beasts could be reduced to dust with a thought by the Devils.

The Angels of the Astral Realm.

And the Devils of Pandemonium.

They were the most powerful beings in the entire multidimensional universe. Godly existences whose mere manifestation could turn the entire Material Realm upside down.

Yet this guy was trying to imply that such a being was artificially created.

Strictly speaking, he is not really a Devil.  

Talker said while sweeping off all the ornaments hanging on one of his arms.

Rosaries, Crosses, Charms, Relics of Saints, Bracelets engraved with Ouroboros

A variety of ornaments, each containing sorcerous and religious symbols, filled both his hands in an instant.

Each and every one could be treated as a national treasure in any country.

But he treated them as if they were disposable items, easily worn and discarded.  

True Devils will invoke a greater impact than this. The moment their true bodies manifested, both of us would be sent straight to the underworld. In other words, its an express ticket to our demise. But, that isnt happening right now, as you can see.

It was a bit shameful to say this, as even among the true Devils, the most powerful one resided within Lady Tristan and he had leisurely subdued it with a single ornament just a moment ago.

But that was only because Lady Tristan herself had a remarkably low proficiency in handling that strength.  

However, this bastard  

Was a little different.

He couldnt really say that he possessed the inherent overpowering presence of a True Devil.


The intimidation that he gave off sent shivers down Talkers spine, before spreading through his whole body.

It was enough to tell him that he was something far beyond an immature Devils Vessel.

And both Talker and Tatiana realized that

If they couldnt subdue him here and now, a great disaster would befall them later on.

Its too late to purify him.  

Talkers brain whirred as he observed the black aura enveloping Dowds body.

There was a stark difference between his aura and Ladys Tristans immature one.

From that, Talker could tell that the man was on the level where it was possible for him to facetank his abilities without even giving them a single glance beforehand.

Then again, Dowd immediately severed his ability with a blast of wind the moment he sensed Talker was about to use it. In other words, trying to do the same thing again would be futile.


Even if he were to use his True Speech, Devils were in a hierarchy incomparable to anything else in the multidimensional universe. Mere sorcery of the Material Realm could never control their power.

In other words, if Talker couldnt even suppress the Devils Aura that had fully bloomed and materialized to that extent  

Then, we just need to fight and beat it to submission!  

After all, the fact that it didnt feel like a True Devil meant there was a high chance that its combat power was lower.

With that in mind

Talker started the first exchange.

Several ornaments that he pulled out all shone at once. They aided a Cursed Speech User, who could converse with the laws of the world, in communicating more smoothly.

And the Cursed Speech User could now deliver a much stronger wish than before.

As a result 

-Song of Songs1The Song of Songs, also called the Canticle of Canticles or the Song of Solomon, is an erotic poem, one of the five megillot in the Ketuvim, the last section of the Tanakh., I wish.

-Song of Songs, I wish.

-O Flame, that lights a loveless life.

Light up the world.

He could now perform such acts.

As the flowing sentences ended, Tatiana let out a shallow moan at the sight of the flame materializing in the air.

The Primordial Flame.

Something that was known to be able to melt even the scales of a Juvenile Dragon.

A technique known to be used by the Angels of the Astral Realm. In the Material Realm, it was practically a technique from legends.

And this bastard

Just recreated it right on the spot in a matter of seconds.  

His understanding of sorcery, knowledge of the multidimensional universe, combat experience, all of it is  

Completely overwhelming.

Tatiana never enjoyed being involved with this man, but she had to acknowledge his skill.

Indeed, he was a monster even among the Chosen Ones; The Executives of the Devil Worshippers. It was to the extent that his reputation for being able to subdue even the Boy King in an one-on-one didnt seem exaggerated at all. 

Shall we see how you handle this extremely incompatible match-up!  

With such a spirited shout, fireballs immediately flew towards Dowd.

The powers wielded by the Angels of the Astral Realm were, naturally, abilities that formed a supreme polarity with the creatures of Pandemonium.  

At least, as far as Talker knew, it boasted the power to completely burn a Vessel with a single Fragment without there even being a chance to resist.

That bastard would have to brace for significant loss if he wished to use the Devils Aura to suppress this.

Beneath the dark aura wrapped around Dowds body, something flashed.

It was an amulet shining on his wrist, even while he was in such a state.

Simultaneously, several Arrays floated above his arm.

Though they were Arrays made of merely five Tattoos, insufficient to block the Primordial Flame, they were still capable of slightly diverting their trajectory.

Originally, the attack should have struck its target instantly upon launch, but Dowd moved through the gap created by these minor disruptions.

He avoided all attacks with acrobatic movements, traversing the ceiling and wall as if gravity applied differently to him.  

Forbidden Sorcery? Are you kidding me?!

Talkers voice erupted in disbelief upon seeing the ability used to dodge the Celestial Flames.

A Devil who drew out enough Demonic Aura to cover their entire body was usually in a berserk stake, and even if they werent, maintaining rationality and sanity with such aura surrounding a human body was extremely unlikely.

Yet, Dowd chose the most efficient within his own arsenal, instead of just blindly believing in his own power and running amok. It was as if this ability to make such choices were ingrained in his very instinct!  

Apostle! I need backup!  

With that one exchange, Talker already understood something. There was a high probability that hed end up failing to kill Dowd by himself.

And so, he needed one more card in his hand!  

In that state, hell only be focused on me! Get closer and unleash anything, Weakening Curse or whatever, just throw anything you can at him!

Dont order me around.  

Despite her grumbling, Tatiana leaped forward, following Talker command.

After all, she knew it was futile to hit such a mobile opponent directly with her curses.

To increase the hit rate, even by just a little, she had to get close while that mans attention was wholly on Talker.

And at that moment

Dowd moved.  

He closed the distance in an instant, appearing right in front of Tatianas nose.

It happened before Tatiana could even fully register his movement in her consciousness. 

As if he had already anticipated her actions.


She raised her wand in horror.

His move was something she had never imagined at all. 

Dont underestimate me!

Though not in the level of Talker, Tatiana was also one of the most educated people in the continent when it came to knowledge related to curses. She knew countless ways to block such a simple charge.

From generating Dark Matter to reduce any damage from attacks of the demonic attribute.

Or a Curse that could reflect all physical damage.

Even a Phase Shift to absorb all damage this body received and created a whole new body at a designated coordinate.

However, all those numerous abilities she possessed  

[ Forbidden Sorcery: Seal ]

[ The targets skills are sealed for 0.03 seconds. ]

Were sealed by the Array that appeared again on Dowds arm.

It forcibly made it impossible for her to use any abilities. For a brief moment, she completely forgot how to use her abilities.

And that alone was enough to stop her from putting up any kind of countermeasures.

There was no doubt that, until now

She had never seen him using such an ability.

Despite him being involved in so many hardships in the Forge of Struggle. Despite him fighting against three Ancient Gods. Despite even being almost bisected by a Devil just moments ago

He never used the ability even once.

As if

Showing it even once to her might lead to him leaking his countermeasures.

Almost as if, until this very moment

He had kept it hidden.

As if he had anticipated such a situation from the very beginning!  


In that short time, nothing could stop his assault. No, it wasnt a mere assault anymore, this attack was enough to be classified as a killing blow.

Seeing the fist flying at her face, she hurriedly clutched her wand in horror.

It was a spiritual object passed down through generations as a devotee that served as the Apostle of the Reversed Sea.

She herself couldnt use any of its abilities, but the features built into this wand remained intact even if she couldnt exert power.

It was a perfect decision for a judgment made in less than a fraction o a second.

Or at least it would have been

If only Dowd hadnt bloomed a grey aura right in front of her eyes.  


Tatianas eyes widened as she felt her body slowing down.

Time was slowing down. Her consciousness stretched out before she could even do anything with the wand in her grasp.

It was akin to

The Grey Devils Authority, Corruption.

How in the world is he controlling

This kind of ability

Its a different Devils Authority


While such astonishment and horror was voiced by Tatiana

Dowds arm was then enveloped in blue aura

Similar to

The Blue Devils Authority, Pulverization.  



Struck by that, Tatianas head

Burst into pieces, like an exploding balloon  

Silence settled in the surroundings.

As Tatianas headless body collapsed

Dowd caught that corpse with one arm.

The other arm reached near the neck where the head had once been.

Immediately after

Something was pulled out from inside there. It was the Spiritual Aura that constituted a human soul.

As if even the souls of the deceased were not free from that man.

As if he was filled with malice that demanded such actions.  

This feels like utter shit.  

Talker spoke in a low, sunken voice while looking at this scene.

It wasnt necessarily a feeling of sadness for a fallen comrade.  

You. Are you fucking around with me right now?  

The bastards actions made it clear. Ill be a fool not to realize this.

From the very beginning, his goal was not to fight Talker, but to kill Tatiana.

The way he acted as soon as the opportunity arose proved it.

Not attacking immediately, despite being capable of doing so, was to make Talker misunderstand that he had lost his reason.

This guy, from start to finish, had Talker dancing on his palm.

He had predicted his actions, reactions, and how the situation would unfold, even in that state.

In the end, Talker was manipulated into cornering Tatiana with his own hands.  

To be honest, I meant to just deal with you adequately, without trying too hard.

And it wasnt just that.

Right now, this bastard

Used the Authorities of two different Devils simultaneously.  

It makes no sense.  

Setting aside how that was even possible


Just if

If it was possible to simultaneously handle the powers of two different Devils

Did that mean controlling more than that was also possible?

Then what in the world was the final point? 

This was a stretch, but

Could he wield the powers of all the Devils?


Exactly how much of a monster did that make him?  

I really need to kill you right

Stop, Talker.  

Talker turned around incredulously at the voice that restrained him.

There stood the Prophet, still looking dazedly at Dowd.  


I said stop.  

The Prophet continued with a sigh.  

We cant kill that. At least not in that state. If he can use multiple Authorities, it means his very attribute has changed from a human.

How do you know that? Wait, what does that even mean in the first place?  

The Prophet shut her mouth tightly.

Her actions seemed filled with an emotion like a deep wound was being gouged.

As if

Dowd, in that form, evoked some terrible memories in her.  

Well retreat for now. We can always get another chance.  

The sentence that followed, thought, carried none of that emotion.  

But next time  

Her gaze lingered on Eleanor, embedded in the wall.  

Well make them pay.

Her voice was undoubtedly filled with firm hatred.

Talker looked back and forth between Dowd and the Prophet with an incredulous look.

Though his face was blatantly expressing the question, Have you lost your mind?

The Prophets demeanor remained unwaveringly obstinate.

Ugh fine. Have it your way.  

In the end, Talker raised his hands in resignation.

The Prophets gaze lingered on Dowd, who was crossing his arms while watching them.

Having achieved his goal by killing Tatiana, he seemed to indicate he had no intention of fighting them further.

It was as if Just like how she couldnt kill him

He also couldnt kill her.

It was an attitude that both sides knew each other very well.

See you next time, Mr. Dowd.  

Upon seeing his intention, the Prophet continued with a sigh.  

I had no idea you would make such a contract using yourself as collateral, but  

A portal tearing through space opened.

It was the effect of one of the artifacts the Prophet possessed. A hyper-spatial transporter that teleported her anywhere regardless of distance.  

I hope you attain the future you desire  

Unbefitting of her  

The last sentence the Prophet left was

This time.  

Spoken in a voice tinged with something akin to sorrow.

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    The Song of Songs, also called the Canticle of Canticles or the Song of Solomon, is an erotic poem, one of the five megillot in the Ketuvim, the last section of the Tanakh.

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