Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 890: Uliger's Speech

Chapter 890: Uliger's Speech

Chapter 890 Uliger's Extra Story

He is an illegitimate child that people look down on. He came from a humble background, but he was able to sweep North Vietnam and finally sat on the North Vietnam throne.

He is humble and polite, low-key and gentle. All officials support him, but he is not arrogant.

He was favored by Master Chu of the Xuanyan Dynasty, loved by the Prime Minister of North Vietnam, and praised by the people.

He has made outstanding contributions to the common people, and his deeds have been extolled from generation to generation in North Vietnam, endlessly.

He is Uliger. His life since the age of eighteen has been almost perfect. He is not only the king on the battlefield, but also the winner in life.

Uliger had a legendary life. He climbed out of the belly of a humble foot-washing maid to a king with outstanding military exploits.

The ups and downs of life he has experienced are full of tenacity and rise, open-mindedness and generosity.

These are worth learning for the North Vietnamese people. Uligers childhood was not as happy and carefree as others.

It can be described as gloomy or even tragic. Uliger's mother was the foot-washing maid of the Queen of North Vietnam.

Her father passed away early, leaving only five children and many debts, so her mother sold her.

At that time, the queen had not yet married the king of Beiyue. Seeing that the government had bought a little maid, she was chosen to be the foot-washing maid.

Because she was comfortable washing her feet, she gradually got used to her, and finally married into the palace and took her with her.

In order to show that her maid was comfortable washing her feet, the queen ordered her to wash the feet of the King of Beiyue.

The king of Beiyue also liked to use that maid to wash his feet. When the queen was pregnant with the second prince, the king of Beiyue favored that maid.

Afterwards, although the queen was very angry, the North Vietnamese king said he was drunk, but the queen also thought it through.

During her pregnancy, instead of letting the king of Beiyue pamper other concubines, it is better to let her servant girl sleep.

When the queen gave birth to the second prince, the foot-washing maid was pregnant. She was very good at protecting herself, and finally gave birth to Uliger.

The foot-washing maid did not have a separate bedroom, so Uliger was raised in the queen's palace.

The servant girl is not capable of taking good care of her son. The King of Beiyue has too many affairs and has no energy to pay attention to this son.

The eldest prince is nearly ten years older than Uliger, and he knew how to grind him since he was a child. When he grows up to five or six years old, let him herd sheep.

Let him ride horses for his younger brothers and sisters, and live in the queen's palace without dignity like this.

The other children in the palace did not take Uliger seriously, treating him like a slave.

After Wuliger grew up, he didn't want to be abused by his brothers and sisters.

Choose to live in a military camp. At the age of twelve, he was brave and good at fighting, attacking the small tribes around him, and conquering one by one.

Gradually he was appreciated by the King of North Vietnam, and he was given the title of Third Prince of North Vietnam. He was eighteen years old that year.

Give his mother the title of concubine, and finally stop washing the queen's feet, but still wash the feet of the North Vietnamese king.

She has been doing the same thing for decades, which can be said to be proficient, so the North Vietnamese king is used to her washing feet.

But in the next few years, she at least got her son's credit and lived a good life.

So, to grow up alone, it doesnt matter whether someone praises you or not.

In the end, Uliger still got his father's respect and approval, all of which he fought for himself.

To be a human being, you must work hard to achieve yourself, even if you don't get rewards from others, don't be upset.

Because I have reached a higher height, everyone should live well and yearn for the ultimate beauty, instead of living for others to see.

Live well, it is his own courage, it is the process of active maturity.

As winter comes, snow is bound to come, otherwise this winter is not perfect.

Of course, positive people, when encountering cold and snow, regard it as a test, so that their lives will shine brightly.

Seeing snow, some people will say that snow is a harbinger of a good harvest.

There is a lonely and comfortable in the snow, said to be a lonely boat and hat, fishing alone in the cold river snow.

In the eyes of the rich, snow is a beautiful scenery, but in the eyes of the poor, it is cruel, because the snow will freeze the poor to death.

Even some high-ranking officials and dignitaries will fall in the snow. The sadness of life and the coldness of the snow add together.

The most frightening thing is that, to make matters worse, this is the extremely cold weather, and it is also the extreme cold of life.

For example, Sun Kang of Jingzhao in the Jin Dynasty regarded the light of snow as a lamp, and did not feel cold at all.

Reading a lot, his whole body is warm and full of strength. When the ice melts and the snow melts, he will become famous.

Following the laws of nature, it will snow when it should snow.

Don't run away just because someone hates you, don't please someone just because you like it.

Because of a snowstorm in North Vietnam, countless horses, cattle, and sheep were frozen to death, making the people of North Vietnam even more impoverished.

But Uliger changed his life because of the snowstorm.

He met Lord Chu and Mrs. Chu, and Lord Chu promised to supply North Vietnamese food in exchange for horses, cattle, and sheep.

Although it was messed up by the second prince and the sixth princess in the middle, it also triggered a new round of war.

The North Vietnamese soldiers returned home in a disastrous defeat, and the King of North Vietnam appointed Uliger to come forward to negotiate the exchange.

He also sent an authoritative prime minister from North Vietnam to accompany him. On the way, he was hunted down by the eldest prince and almost died.

Finally, he was rescued by Master Chus people. The beautiful Mrs. Chu helped him heal and took him in for the New Year in the castle.

The harmonious scene made Uliger and the prime minister envious. They dreamed of living this kind of life.

Master Chu and his wife also promised to take them to the north to fly, provided that Uliger had to sit on the throne.

Wuliger, who had never dared to have this idea, developed a fighting spirit, and the prime minister was even more motivated.

The two monarchs and ministers reached a consensus in this way, and began to fight for the throne when they returned to North Vietnam. They had a steady supply of food from Master Chu and his wife.

For the Beiyue ministers and common people who ate grass all the year round, it was 10,000 people who supported the third prince to sit on the throne.

Beiyue monarchs and common people were of one mind, and soon pushed the old Beiyue king to the snow-capped mountains.

Uliger sat on the throne of the North Vietnamese king, and he actively cooperated with Chu Ye and his wife.

A man will meet many women in his life, but there are at least two women that men will never forget.

These two women may have different types, and their personalities are very different.

But a man will definitely like more than two women in his life, so I have to say otherwise.

One woman became the man's cinnabar mole, and the other woman became the man's white moonlight.

But Uliger really liked Mrs. Chu. When he met her, she was already married.

He knew he didn't have any chance, so he buried that love deep in his heart and said nothing to anyone.

He knew how to hide his emotions since he was a child. He didn't want others to know, so no one would be able to see it.

Jiang Xinyan, Mrs. Chu is Uliger's white moonlight, no matter how life changes in the future.

No matter what his state of mind is in the future, during the days when he was saved by her, Uliger really loved Mrs. Chu.

Madam Chu's position in Uliger's heart is unshakable, it is a kind of trust and dependence that goes deep into the soul.

There are some things in this world that cannot be truly forgotten just because they are forgotten.

Mrs. Chu didn't know that Uliger had loved her. If she knew, the two countries would not be so friendly and cooperative.

Uliger will never forget the relationship he only thought about. No matter what happens to her, he must always remember that he once loved her.

And it was not because of Uliger that Master Chu and his wife helped them in North Vietnam and helped them choose land to open up wasteland and grow crops.

It's because of the harmonious development of Xuanyan Dynasty and North Vietnam, they just like world peace.

But her beloved will inevitably think too much, even if others are not for him, he is still very satisfied.

He often thinks about her needs habitually, wondering whether everything he does can make her smile.

He is willing to beg for love, willing to be her reliance forever, whether she needs it or not.

There is no love and no worries, but the memory cannot erase the collision when she helped her heal.

The place where he felt his pulse seemed to still have warmth, but it couldn't resist his coldness and loneliness.

Memory always makes me want to cry, being alone is too lonely, and his love is so far away, but he lost his way.

After all the hard work, I have already given up the way back, but the love is deep but there is nothing left but helplessness.

Memories are a person's happiness, just like those orders she gave him, even though they were official orders on business.

Uliger managed North Vietnam very well, and the people in North Vietnam never froze to death or starved to death.

These are all attributed to Uliger, he is a good leader and a capable king.

During his reign, the people of North Vietnam lived a peaceful and prosperous life.

Uliger also lived a comfortable life, and he had a lot of energy to give birth to a daughter.

He wanted to help her give birth to a perfect daughter-in-law, to be filial to her, to live by her side instead of him.

Uliger is very careful in choosing his daughters mother. He not only needs to be beautiful, but also requires a gentle personality.

Uliger liked the girl named Suman very much, she was the cutest and gentlest girl he had ever seen.

Not only is he considerate to him, but also has a very good personality, so Uliger loves Suman very much.

They gave birth to a beautiful princess. Uliger personally named his daughter Uladha. The little princess looked like him, and also like her mother and concubine.

He watched his daughter's face getting more beautiful every day, and watched her slowly learn to walk.

Seeing her sensible calling him father, he felt that his heart was full of happiness and pride.

Although he has an untouchable lover deep in his heart, it does not affect his love for other women and children.

Princess Uradah is not the only princess of Uliger, but she is his favorite daughter.

Uliger gave birth to several daughters before, and they were sent to Xuanyan Dynasty after one year old.

In his heart, he wanted his daughters to develop a relationship with her two sons since childhood.

He didn't even take a good look at what those women looked like, but his confidant sent him a message.

None of the princesses are liked by Kangkang and Suisui.

Uliger felt that the daughter Ulada met all his requirements and all his dreams.

He wants to give his daughter more love and make her the happiest princess in the world.

So, he kept Uladha by his side, and he took the time to teach himself that Princess Uladha is very well-behaved.

Followed by his side since she was a child, he taught her to read and write, and taught her to ride horses and shoot arrows.

personally taught her to write and paint, taught her to play the piano and dance, and invited professionals to teach her to sing and dance.

He feels that he is so great, he is simply a saint, and he is very happy for the one he loves.

He didn't care whether she was touched or not. In the process, he was very touched and very happy.

He thought, when Wu Lada was fifteen o'clock, he would personally send Xuan Yanchao to marry him.

Princess Uladha's mother is a beautiful and charming young woman, she is very smart and wise.

Although she is nearly thirty years old, she is still magnificent and stunning, which makes Uliger like it.

Princess Uladha looks very much like her, especially those eyes. Princess Uladah is somewhat inherited from her mother.

There is a hint of charm in the corners of the eyes, and there is an indescribable charm in the eyes.

Princess Uladha's character is like her mother's, very gentle, kind, and very obedient.

She has a good temper and never gets angry. She just sits quietly and listens quietly.

Uliger likes Princess Ulada very much. Every time he sees her, he will touch her head and tell her with a smile.

"You are my father's favorite princess, and my father's favorite daughter is you."

Wulada also knew that when she was fifteen years old, she would be sent to Xuanyan Dynasty by her father.

She is also looking forward to it, because every two years, the little prince and virtuous king of Xuanyan Dynasty will come to play on their grassland.

The figures of those two teenagers were deeply engraved in Wu Lada's heart, which made her very fond of them.

She followed her father and became her father's right-hand man. She was a true phoenix on the grassland.

Princess Uladha is a very good and kind princess, and she is the pride and hope of Uliger.

Because he gave birth to more than a dozen princesses, and sent ten princesses to grow up in Xuanyan Dynasty, but none of them married her son.

Uliger could only watch helplessly as her son married someone else's daughter as his wife.

Because his Princess Uladha is not yet ready, her son has already married the princess.

Uliger felt extremely uncomfortable, but he was helpless. Since then, he is no longer keen on having children.

He didn't even like Uladha anymore, because his enthusiasm was wasted.

Before he was sad for a long time, Uliger suddenly received the news that Emperor Xuanyan had abdicated.

It was said that he was going to travel around the world, so he hurriedly abdicated to his eldest son, and brought his young and beautiful concubine with him.

That beloved concubine was not Su Man, because her daughter did not marry Kangkang and Suisui whom he had been thinking about.

So he didn't like their mother and daughter all of a sudden, and affectionate people are also the most ruthless people.

He said he didn't like it if he didn't like it. Uliger took his young and energetic concubine with him.

Pidianpidian went to travel around the world with Master Chu and his wife, not for anything else, just to see her a few more times.

But the eighteen-year-old favorite concubine is not one-tenth as good-looking as her, but he is full of joy.

Because she was there all the way, Chu Lixuan and his wife were warmly welcomed by the people wherever they went.

They lived in one place for a month or two, and left after finishing the local agricultural development.

They are not just playing, they are still helping the people of the world...

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