Fantasy: My Skills Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 72: Continuous upgrades

Chapter 72: Continuous upgrades

Early the next morning.

Jiang Heng took out the Qi Gathering Pill he received yesterday, swallowed one, and sat quietly in the room, with the [Yuanshi Creation Gong] operating to its maximum.

Ding! During practice, your potential points increase by 10 points!

Ding! During practice, your potential points increase by 10 points!

Densely rising sounds sounded in his mind.

ten minutes later.

The Qi Gathering Pill has been completely digested.

Jiang Heng looked at his potential points: 33,000.

He remembered that after upgrading yesterday, he only had 3,000 potential points left.

In other words, the Qi Gathering Pill just now increased the potential point by 30,000, which was three times higher than the Qi and Blood Pill, but the time consumed was only doubled.

In other words, the efficiency has increased by 50%.

Jiang Heng frowned.

After leaving the house, go to the trading hall and find the number of contribution points required to exchange the Qi Gathering Pill.

Qi Gathering Pill: 30 contribution points.

Jiang Heng secretly shook his head.

The price is three times that of the Qi and Blood Pill, so its not a good deal.

Ordinary people practice, they also pay attention to absorption efficiency and loss rate, but I have a system, there is no loss at all, and there is no need to go through two transformations.

For me, the price/performance ratio is far inferior to that of Qi and Blood Pill.

He turned around and left the trading hall and came to the master's training hall.

After the announcement, I met Bai Haocang.

Master, I would like to exchange the Qi Gathering Pills received by the true disciples for Qi and Blood Pills of equivalent value in the future, is that okay?

"no problem."

Bai Haocang still had his eyes slightly closed, as if he was sleeping.

Jiang Heng hesitated for a while and then continued to ask:

In addition, after reading a lot of books in the Buddhist Scripture Hall, I have a question, and I hope Master can answer it.

In the Taisui Realm, the Holy Land is high and high. Although it ignores secular affairs, it still firmly controls all order within the entire dynasty. No sect or warrior dares to openly exceed it.

"And there has never been any war between the Holy Land and the Holy Land. Does this mean that there is a more powerful existence on the Holy Land that controls the order of the entire Tai Sui world?"

This is a question Jiang Heng had before.

Its just that as I read the book again yesterday and learned more information, this doubt has deepened.

He always believed that where there are people, there will be war.

The entire Tai Sui world, from the holy land to the sect, has always been peaceful.

Even in the Holy Land, there are higher-level managers, and there will inevitably be various interest disputes among them.

This kind of dispute will inevitably lead to the interests of the lower-level Holy Lands, which will eventually lead to war.

Unless there is one situation - there is a foreign enemy!

The existence of external enemies that can threaten the Tai Sui world has transferred the internal conflicts of the Tai Sui world, allowing the Tai Sui world to maintain peace and stability.

So, he was somewhat eager to know whether all this was as he thought.

After all, if his conjecture is true.

That means that there really is a mysterious foreign enemy that has been threatening the entire Tai Sui world for thousands of years.

As his strength rapidly improves in the future, he is likely to face these things.

So, when a top sect figure like Bai Haocang could answer his questions, he couldn't wait to ask.

At the moment Jiang Heng finished speaking.

Bai Haocang suddenly opened his eyes, with a fierce sword intent bursting out from his eyes.


Jiang Heng groaned and couldn't help but close his eyes.

During this period, Bai Haocang remained silent.

Half a while.

Wait until Jiang Heng opened his eyes again.

Bai Haocang then said:

These things have not yet been known to you.

When you break through the Xiantian Realm and complete the tasks I assigned you, I will tell you everything you want to know.

You go down first!

Jiang Heng bowed and left in silence.

After returning to the house, Jiang Heng put down his thoughts.

No matter whether his conjecture is true or not, as long as he has enough strength, all problems will be solved.

He completely calmed down and devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation.

Qi Gathering Pills and Qi and Blood Pills were taken one after another, and the potential points increased crazily!

Just four days later.

Jiang Heng frantically consumed the 30 Qi Gathering Pills and the 480 Qi and Blood Pills he exchanged, and his potential points skyrocketed by 5.7 million!

He opened the system panel and started the continuous upgrade.

The first is the current shortcoming, the earth-level movement and martial arts [Wind Step].

Ding! 1,000,000 potential points have been consumed. The exercise is being deduced, please wait!

Ding! The deduction is complete! Please name the new technique!

Countless information streams appeared in Jiang Heng's mind out of thin air, giving him a deeper understanding of body movements and martial arts.

He came back to his senses, feeling the new movement skills he had mastered instantly, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Today's new body technique has completely broken away from the shackles of the previous Wind Step, and has almost undergone a radical change.

He said in his mind:

Flash of light!

Ding! Naming successful, learn [Quick Flash (Introduction)]!

Jiang Heng looked at the remaining potential points again, and there were 4.7 million left.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided not to upgrade my Qi cultivation level yet.

His previous cultivation speed was already so fast that it was completely different from ordinary people. Further improvements would not increase his combat power much, but would instead attract more attention.

As for the mission mentioned by Master Bai Haocang, what he wants is to wait until his strength has increased significantly again and he is more fully prepared before going.

So, he continued to upgrade his martial arts.

Ding! Spend 1 million potential points to learn [Quick Flash (Proficiency)]!

Ding! Spend 1 million potential points to learn [Breaking Heaven Fist (Proficiency)]!

Ding! Spend 2 million potential points to learn [Breaking Heaven Fist (Mastery)]!

Todays personal dashboard can be said to have a completely new look.

Host: Jiang Heng.

Physical cultivation: fifth level of mortal transformation (the third level).

Zhen Qi cultivation level: the tenth level of Zhen Qi realm (the second level).

Physical martial arts: [Breaking Heaven Fist (Heaven-level proficiency)], [Flash of Light (Heaven-level proficiency)].

Zhenqi martial arts: [Qiantian Yiqi Sword (Earth Level Perfection)].

Main practice: [Yuanshi Creation Kung Fu (Heaven Level Perfection)]. [Vajra Kung Fu (Xuan Level)].

Secret method: [Golden Body Technique (Third Level Heaven Level)].

Remaining potential points: 703,000.

Although his cultivation level has not improved, it can be said that his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, his explosive power, movement skills, and physique have completely exceeded the scope of the innate realm.

If he faced Wu Mingxuan again, he would no longer have to fight for as long as before. Instead, he would directly catch up with the opponent and kill him with one punch!

After completing the upgrade, Jiang Heng returned to the eighth peak and found Wen Qingxue and Bu Hanyi respectively.

Now, his sect contribution points have been consumed to only 50 points, and the next 100 points per day are completely insufficient compared to his consumption rate, so naturally it is time to earn contribution points again.

Once he goes deep into the Shiluo Mountains, Bu Hanyi will be an indispensable helper for him.

Wen Qingxue is a good friend with whom he shares secrets and a comrade-in-arms who works closely with him.

The three of them have formed a closely cooperating task team.

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