Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 51 Angering A Greater Opponent

She looked surprised as though she wasn't expecting me to possess this kind of strength.

Sensing that Toothless had reached our spot through my thoughts, I commanded her to show herself and open her jaws slowly.


To which she did. Her appearance pushed the water back with waves of ripples while I felt Clara's body shaking with shock and dread.

"W-haa--tt! What i-s this?" Clara said, her face showing enough wrinkles that did nothing but amp up the frightened expression on her face.

"You have every reason to be afraid of me because I have held your life twice in a row. Though you were saved once, that doesn't mean that the same miracle would happen again" I said, increasing my grip on her as I held her in place while the both of us watched as Toothless dramatically opens up her razor sharped jaw.

It's good that she understood what I wanted her to do and delivered exceptionally.

"Pri-n--ce Way-tt!! Wha-t a--re you doing? Prince Wyatt…"

She begged me.

Her words were shaking at the beginning but soon stabilized at the end.

It seems that she could still summon some amount of courage even in this situation. Impressive!!!

"You have every reason to be afraid of me because I am very much willing to offer up your soul to the devil that I know irrespective of the grace you possess from whichever god you serve" I said, using one hand to hold her two hands behind her back while I pushed the back of her neck lower towards the sea and into Toothless jaw.

"Prince Wyatt! Please!!….. Please let me go, I don't want to die like this"

She begged me, again and again.

But the satisfaction I needed wasn't yet complete and since I have already experienced my life flashing before my eyes, I have come to release that leaving someone like her would probably be like allowing someone like Knight Camille to plan my next assassination while I watched the scene from afar.

She was a threat. A venomous threat.

However, I wasn't yet ready to pick up a sword and slice her neck or pierce through her heart in such a very crude and barbaric fashion.

Instead, I will let Toothless, a man-eating whale execute such a task for me.

"You have every right to be afraid of me because I am willing to hand over your life to the person down below" I said pushing her until her body was upside down with her head facing the sea while I held up her legs.

"Yo-u c-c--an-'t!!! YOU CAN'T!!!" Clara screamed for her dear life as I watched her try to grasp the edge of the ship.

Yet, all I had to do to make her attempts were futile as I pinched those hands until she reeled them back in pain.

"Do you want me to give you any more reasons to make you believe why you should be afraid of me?" I said and watched as she immediately shook her head in disapproval.

"Please let me go!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS!!!" Clara responded with several quick gasps of breaths with snorts and mucus flowing out from her nostrils.

I thought that she wasn't afraid of death before since she had asked me to kill and was ready to die the first time we had faced off.

Looking down, I found the reason why!!

To me, Toothless was my tamed beast who would carry out whatever order I give her. But to others, especially Clara, Toothless looked like an enormous carnivorous beast who was getting ready for its next meal.

The meal was her.

Something which she is already aware of. In the end, she was ready to die, but not by having her body ripped and chewed to death.


Another wave of De Ja Vu hit me as this scene became familiar, with the only difference being that I wasn't the one on the other side.

At least I can say that I can somehow relate to how she is feeling right now.

"At this point, I believe that you should answer your question and tell me who you think I am. And what reasons do you have to be afraid of me, especially when your life is going to end any moment from now" I said.


"But if you still don't know, don't worry. Where I am sending you to, I will make sure to send you more souls to accompany you so that they can tell you who I am".

I released my grip....

And she fell.


Her face displayed shock as she wasn't expecting me to drop her.

If I was strong enough to the extent that I didn't have to worry about her betrayal, I would have kept her alive on a tight leash since she was a beautiful woman after all.

But since I wasn't, better to kill an aspiring Delilah before I commit the greatest mistake of my life. A mistake that I would surely regret.

Within a few seconds, I could still see and hear her screams as she plunged to her death.

A second that held two different meanings for the both of us flashed by until…..


Toothless closed her jaws as though the gates of hell had forcefully been closed shut.



My eyes twitched as I looked at the familiar man in front of me with an all too familiar woman in his arms.

You have got to be kidding me!!

Looking at the man with a glare as he locked his gaze with mine, I asked "What is the meaning of this Captain Crimson eye?"


"I think that I should be the one asking you that question Prince Wyatt. Can you tell me what the hell is going on here?" Captain Crimson eye said as he looked at Prince Wyatt before turning his gaze to the woman in his arms whose face was covered in tears and mucus.

'He has done a number on her' Captain Crimson eye thought as he directed his gaze back to Prince Wyatt.

At first, he was wondering what was making them waste so much time and had even suspected that something bad must have happened.

But when he remembered Prince Wyatt's strength, he held himself back and waited for them to return.

But that was until he started hearing screams and phrases of plea.

At first, he had thought that the Prince must have found the rapscallion and was giving him a befitting punishment, So since he could trace the direction the sound was coming from, he followed it and walked over to the edge of his ship only to see that he couldn't be any more wrong.

In front of his vision, was Prince Wyatt holding Clara Davy, a woman who was all too familiar with and the daughter of one of Captain Silver-tongue's fleet generals.

The way he held her upside down towards the mouth of the monstrous Tiger Whale was enough for his body to jerk up in shock and wipe out any confusion he felt at that very moment.

At first, he shook his head, thinking that Prince Wyatt was bluffing and was only threatening her, but his body froze in shock after he saw his hand let go.

At that very moment, the mana in Captain Crimson eye was circulated to the extreme as he immediately jumped towards the falling Clara with one kick to the floorboard, an action which was easy for him considering how far he had trained his body as a fighter.

Catching her body within those few seconds before she landed in the jaws of the Tiger Whale, he then proceeded to use one of the Tiger Whale's opened fangs as a landing platform.

He pushed off into the sky once more before landing on the ship successfully.

Any second less, and both of them would have been gnawed to death.

Meanwhile, seeing the confused expression and glare that Prince Wyatt was directing at him, Captain Crimson eye said "Do you know who you have just tried to kill, Price Wyatt?"

Listening to the Captian's question, Prince Wyatt nodded his head and said "Yes, I do. Isn't she Clara, Captain of the Poisonous maids' crew?".

Sighing as he had confirmed that Prince Wyatt knew what he was doing, Captain Crimson eye narrowed his eyes at him.

"Since you know her name and identity, I am sure that you know who her father is?" Captain Crimson eye said.

"Is that what this is?" Prince Wyatt replied as he could understand what Captain Crimson was thinking since such thoughts had already passed his mind before he attempted to kill her.

However, he replied nonetheless.

"Her father is Captain Davy".

Nodding his head in response, Captain Crimson eye responded "Yes, her father is Captain Davy. The second strongest General and second largest vessel in Captain Silver-tongue's fleet. He is also the Captain of both the Bottomless sea and Shell grain sea, which are among two of the biggest seas in the 9 seas in the 'Depths of Levethian'. I am sure that you can understand what that means".

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