Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 547: Come Back to Me

Chapter 547: Come Back to Me

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Gahrye had closed the door when he left, for which Reth was grateful. The conversation left him sick—and the way Elia's beast reacted to Gahrye as opposed to how she's responded to him left him uneasy. But there was nothing he could do until his mate came back to him.

Elia's beast was clearly angry—and probably uncomfortable. Pregnant, tired and scared.

Reth could relate.

He couldn't risk doing anything that would take her back into labor. He had to try to keep her calm and bring her back. He stepped forward, intending to take her face in his hands and ask her to return, but Elia's beast took a lightning swipe at him, claws unsheathed and her fangs open wide with a low, but menacing roar. Reth jumped back only just in time, his heart pounding.

She'd almost caught him. Elia had almost taken his arm off.

Elia. What the hell was happening?

For a moment he wanted to rage. Did she think he took pleasure in saying no?! Did she think he was careless of the consequences of his decisions? His decisions led to nothing but consequences!

Did she think he'd been flippant in making that agreement with the bears, that it was convenient for him? No! He'd wanted to cross himself and had held back. And now he wished he could allow Gahrye to go. But he couldn't bring the entire Anima back to war for the sake of one Cohort! Gawhr would have ways to discover if he was betrayed, Reth had no doubt. The male was cunning and strong.

If he allowed Gahrye to cross, he would have broken the vow and that would give the Bears the portal territory forever, unless they fought a war over it.

Did she really think he wanted to say no?!

His scent must have betrayed his anger, because her ears went flat back against her skull and she lowered her chest to her forepaws, as if she would pounce.

Oh him? She'd stand to protect the disformed equine, but claw him?

What was happening to them? Reth raked both hands through his hair and dropped his chin, shaking his head. He couldn't be angry with her. She'd been through so much and she was so scared…

"Please, Elia," he said, his voice low and soothing. "I never meant to hurt you or Gahrye. I will help him. With everything available to me, I will help him. Just… just give me time, please."

The lioness growled and when he took a step toward her, she hissed again, but at least she didn't try to harm him this time.

It was strange, the grief that broke open within him, then. She'd been back what, a day? And he couldn't keep her calm and happy for that long?

With a heavy sigh, he held her gaze until she stopped hissing. But she didn't raise out of her half-crouch, and her tail continued to flip back and forth.

"I'm sorry, Love," he breathed. "I'm going to shift to be close to you—but I won't press. I just… I just need to be near you. Feel me, Elia. Come back. Please. Come back to me. We will work this out. We will. The Creator has a way, I know it."

She blinked at him, but she'd stopped growling. So he gave over to the shift…



She was home. The air was fresh and the smells entirely natural. None of those harsh lines, no prison. The cave smelled of her and him and their love.


The Mate was here! But angry. It wafted off him like dust in the air. He was hard. He had hurt the prey that was kin.

Nothing was as it should be. But the mate was here in the strange body with the added scent… but then he appeared as himself, and everything within her relaxed. He was fully here. His calming, scent, his strength, his power. He was finally here. And no longer angry. He gave her his eyes and his scent and she could breathe again.

He would protect her. Protect the cub.

She began to pant, her body reminding her of the tension within. The ache. And the ticking clock. There wasn't much time. The cub would come soon. But until then… she was so tired. Her body yearning for sleep and food. The gnawing within her would be over soon, once the cub was born.

But she needed to be protected. It would not be easy. Something within her was not as it should be.

Her mate prowled before her, displaying himself, to remind her of his presence. When she didn't hiss, he rubbed himself against her chest, his dark mane thick and deliciously wrapped in his scent. His tail ran under her chin and she breathed him in.

Then he gave the call that reached her heart. He gave the call that spoke of their bond and she huffed, then called him back.

He called again, a question, and she responded, coming out of the crouch to meet him when he turned. They met noses first, smelling each other, taking each other in, then she rubbed on his face, owning him, asking for his cover, his protection for her and the cub. Giving herself, if he would have her.

And he called again, walking alongside her, rubbing on her fur to leave his scent, licking behind her ears and on her face.

Soon she took the low jump up to the soft space and settled. Her body ached. The cub would come soon, and she was tired. She needed rest.

Too much rest.

She groaned and laid flat.

He groaned too, and shook his head, pacing back and forth over her for a moment, huffing. He nudged her head, but she didn't move. She was tired. So tired.

Then he circled her to lay at her back. Not flat, as she had, but to stay upright, to watch. He would watch over her while she rested. Protect her and the cub.

She groaned her thanks.

Her mate was needed.

Her mate was here.

Now she could sleep. Now she could rest.


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