Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 480: Nocturnal Creatures

Chapter 480: Nocturnal Creatures


In the end it was harder to get Elia's beast out of the suite than it was to get her out of the house. Once Elia had her moving, she seemed not to want to stop. Gahrye had to rush ahead, while Kalle stayed at her side to keep her on track as she trotted through the house, down the stairs, and across the massive entryway, down the much thinner hallway at the back to the grounds behind the Big House.

Kalle had already made sure all the garden gates were closed. Though it was a still a large two-acre, walled plot, at least they didn't have to worry about her getting loose.

Well, they did if she went to the eastern corner—or if she proved to be able to leap to the top of the ten-foot walls that circled it under the trees. But Gahrye decided he wouldn't borrow trouble.

Once they got her moving, it was only a couple of minutes before they had her in the short hall—Gahrye at one end with the door outside and his own bag slung over his shoulder, Kalle at the other to block her from turning back, and Elia's bag on hers.

"Okay, Elia, we're going outside now," Gahrye whispered. The lioness had stopped walking, but she was panting, open mouthed, and her eyes were fixed on him—and not in the good way. "You have to stay close. But if anyone else turns up, hide. Don't let her attack, don't let her run. There's trees and bushes most of the way that are large enough for her to hide behind or within, but we'll have to go into the open to get to the Portal itself. So… keep her on track. Please. We can't… we aren't going to be able to keep her contained with only two of us. You're going to have to do this part."

There was no visible response from the lion, except that flicking tail, that never stopped lashing until she was moving. So after a moment, Gahrye met eyes with Kalle down the hall, then pushed down on the door handle and opened the door into the cool, dark night.

He turned to peer out of it and make sure none of the staff had decided to take a late night walk, or—

Suddenly a massive body pushed him out of the way from behind and as he stumbled forward there was a flash of warm fur and puttering growl, then she was outside and fleeing into the thicket of trees that marched alongside the path for the first hundred feet.

Even with his eyesight, Gahrye could only just make out her movement between the trees, she blended so perfectly with nature.

But he saw her dart into the undergrowth, then stop, crouching.

It was unnerving how silent she could be. He'd barely heard her great paws on the grass at all. Gahrye swallowed and prayed the Beast didn't overwhelm Elia and decide that he was prey.

Then Kalle reached him and put a hand to his back. "Are you okay?" she whispered.

He nodded and took her hand. "Let's just try moving first and see if she'll follow. If she doesn't… I guess we'll get the meat out."

They started along the path, moving slowly so she could follow them easily, even if she needed to move around trees or obstacles. Gahrye kept watching in the bushes, catching the odd flash here and there of movement, but otherwise, nothing. She was amazing.

Kalle's grip on his hand was cold and clammy. Her breath was shallow and she walked stiffly, as if her joints didn't want to bend. Her heart pounded mercilessly, but he knew it was because she feared the moment of goodbye. Feared that something would go wrong or… just feared.

He did too.

As they walked quietly through the dark, he started to whisper to her. "Just in case this happens quickly, I want to tell you this now," he said, placing his feet very carefully on the grass path and watching ahead for when they would turn and the Portal would come into view.

His heart was pounding, too.

"Okay," she said. There were not tears in her voice, for which he was grateful.

"First, give me the bag, just in case. I don't know how this is going to go, so… now that we're out here, I'll take it."

Reluctantly, obviously feeling like it was a link to him, Kalle slipped the long hand of the bag off her shoulder, then offered it to him. He had to let go of her hand to take it and swing it up with the other one. But then he found her fingers again immediately.

She hugged his free arm as they walked.

"Elia said she would ask Reth to release me from the blood vow so that I can return."

"That was before she knew about the prophecy."

"I know, but it's another obstacle. So… no matter what we have to do, I'll be working on that right away so there's no chance of getting stuck if… if anything happens.

"If anything puts Elia back in danger, Reth might not want to release me. I just want you to know I'm going to ask him to do that right away. But I won't be able to leave until we know what we're facing and how we're going to help the disformed."

"You have to help them become Protectors?"

He nodded. "But without telling anyone—even them—what it really means."


"I don't know. I just know that if we tell anyone, it won't work. They'll be destroyed and then all of Anima will die. So it's me and Elia and you. And since we'll be working with the traverse…" he turned to look down on her. "I'll be coming back, Kalle. I don't know how quickly. But I will be coming back. You count on that."

They had just reached the bend in the trail that would swing them around to face the Portal. Kalle forced a small smile and opened her mouth, but another voice cut through the dark night and growled, "I wouldn't be so certain."

Gahrye whirled, putting himself between Kalle and the voice that had come from the same side of the trail as Elia—but there was no sign of the lion as Gahrye half-crouched into defense position and Shaw stepped out from behind a line of tall, pencil pines that lined the path.

**** Privilege Warning & Mass Release ****

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2. Your Golden Ticket support has earned an additional mass release chapter! But because I've been so touched by all your support--reading, commenting, gifts, and summoning pens--I'm going to release FOUR chapters on the last day of the month to say THANK YOU! (that's 30 September on Webnovel, 29 September in the USA.)

Thank you again for everything you do to help me and Reth & Elia continue to thrive. You are a gift to me!

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