Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 468: No Mercy - Part 3

Chapter 468: No Mercy - Part 3


Lerrin was frozen to the floor. Reth knew about the mind-link? How was that possible? It was a secret that had been kept for millennia.

Hadn't it?

He opened his mouth to brush off the request, to plead ignorance of what Reth spoke, but… something held him back. Their eyes locked. If Reth truly knew about the mind link and Lerrin lied about it, Reth wouldn't believe him on the other things. His only chance to be heard, to be a true help to his people was to affirm the breaching of this secret…

For the first time in a very long time, Lerrin found himself stuck, unable to determine which was the greater transgression.

Reth growled. "I had the mind-link confirmed by wolves who were deceived. They did not know that they confirmed what, until that day, were only suspicions. I bluffed and it worked. Do not blame some among your tribe for trusting more than they should. It is a reflection of their good hearts."

Lerrin snorted. "What does it say about yours, though?"

Reth crossed the space between them in a flash, standing over Lerrin, teeth bared, every ounce of sheer, masculine dominance wafting off him until Lerrin had to fight not to shake.

"It tells you that I held my suspicions until I was certain the breach was actually needed. It tells you prioritize the good of all over a single tribe. And it tells you that the fact I have shared this knowledge with you means I do not hold it expand my own power, you cowering welp!"

Lerrin growled, but submitted, dropped his eyes and rolled his shoulders forward. He didn't speak, but his posture said it all.

Reth snorted the scent of him from his nose and walked away, Lerrin still shaking with the restraint he'd needed not to fight back, not to challenge.

This was going to be a lot harder than he'd thought.

Neither of them spoke for a time. Lerrin worked his arms and hands, breathing, trying to bring himself back to calm. Reth paced the floor, muttering and casting dark glances at him.

Then finally the lion stopped and turned to face him from several feet away. "If you are true. If you hide nothing, prove it. Let me bring a wolf to you and you open your mind fully. You hide nothing. I will ask them questions and they will answer for you."

"How do I even know if this wolf can be trusted to tell you the truth? Clearly he's loyal to you. What if he decides he will end this for you by lying about my intentions?"

Reth's lips twisted. "That will not occur. Wolves are wolves first, even you know that." Lerrin didn't answer, but Reth saw the truth of it in his eyes and it made his own light with righteous anger. He strode to cover the space between them and Lerrin forced himself not to flinch when Reth didn't stop until he was at Lerrin's toes. "This will be a trust exercise for both of us," he said, his voice a low, husk. "I am already certain of my trust. Therefore, I will allow you to examine them first. Ask any question you please. Examine their mind for deceit, or ill-intent. If you do not trust their motives, we will abandon the exercise. There is only one wolf I would trust with this. Unless you trust them too, and open fully, it is pointless anyway."

Lerrin stared. "Who would you trust with this? I am not certain I would trust any."

"That will be a very disappointing end if that is where we land. But I pray it is not. Let me bring them to you. You can ask anything you wish, link with them, see their thoughts, yes?"

"That doesn't mean they can't hide. We all hold back something."

Reth frowned. "Can you tell when that occurs?"

"If I ask a specific question, or if their emotions are not clear enough, yes."

Reth nodded. "Then you will ask your questions first, and when you have been convinced that there is no trick, no agenda, you can offer yourself for questioning. If you are not convinced, it will not happen. I cannot force you."

That was pure truth, but Lerrin felt like he'd already spoken out of turn and revealed to much, so he only considered the proposal. No matter which angle he came at it, he couldn't see a risk any higher than simply saying no. Even if the wolf was not to be trusted, at least he had shown his willingness to try. And if he said no without trying, he knew Reth would suspect—as he would in that position—that his own agenda was at threat.

"Okay," Lerrin said finally. "I'll measure your wolf. Bring him in."

Reth nodded, then walked to the door, gave the knock, and exited the building.

Lerrin, left in silence, found himself suddenly exhausted. There hadn't been a moment to breathe for days and here he was at the hands of his enemies, helping them… He dropped his face in his hands and blew out a breath.

Creator, let this all be over soon, one way or another. Let Reth be the leader the people needed, and let Lerrin and Suhle reunite and disappear together to make a quiet life in the mountains, and never grace the trails of the Tree City again…

There were several minutes before he heard the footsteps of several males outside. Then the door began to open and one stepped in, peering around the door with his spear in hand to make sure Lerrin hadn't set an ambush.

Lerrin, on the other side of the tree, rolled his eyes. "Do you really believe I submitted, to get myself imprisoned, to pounce on you?" he asked dryly, to cover his nerves.

All other issues aside, he'd never let anyone but Suhle truly into his head before. What would it be like? What would they find?

His pride was pricked, remembering everything from the violence of killing the wolves that had pinned that sheep, all the way to the days in his adolescence when he'd discovered self-pleasure. Surely they wouldn't have need to delve into that?

He snorted at himself. The world was falling apart and he was worried a wolf male would see him masturbate.

It would have been funny. He might have laughed, but by then the four guards were back inside, edging around each other near the door to block Reth and his companion as they entered.

Just as Reth stepped aside from filling the doorway and Lerrin looked, curious to see who had gained his trust, a gust of wind blew straight in the door, ruffling the hair of the guards, and bringing the most beautiful scent in the world.

Suhle! She must be nearby! Perhaps even in the next tree—

Then the guard stepped aside to reveal Reth, his hand on Suhle's shoulder. She wore no hood, but stared up at Reth with a small smile—the kind she gave for those she cared about and trusted. As Lerrin gaped, trying to comprehend what he was seeing, they both turned to look at him, Reth's gaze wary, Suhle's pleading. He drank her in, checking her from head to toe for injuries or signs of harm. But there was nothing. She was safe. Unharmed. Safe. And… she trusted Reth. And he trusted her.

What the fuck was going on?

"Do you trust her motives, Lerrin?" Reth asked quietly.

Lerrin's entire body slammed to a halt. Including his heart.

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