Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 454: To the Death - Part 2

Chapter 454: To the Death - Part 2

YOU DID IT! You hit the 1,000 Golden Tickets overnight (give a special thanks to reader Benees_mae_basiga who gave 28 of the 60+ needed!!!), so I'm going to release FIVE chapters TOMORROW! (That's Sunday evening for those in the USA, Monday morning for those in Asia.) Thank you so much for all your support again this month. I am truly touched. And we are still counting Golden Tickets for the last half of the month, and for every 200, there will be another chapter added to the mass release on 30 September!



The moment Lerrin got him into the hold, Reth had cursed—and yet, he was nervous, but not despairing.

His shoulder ached and his elbow screamed, but Lerrin wasn't going to break the joint yet. He held the pressure as a threat—gaining himself time. So Reth would let him speak, but because that gave Reth time that the vowed he would use to prepare himself. Getting out of this hold would be painful, and he would take some time to heal—but he would do it.

He would do anything to bring his people home.

So as Lerrin braced behind him, Reth took a deep breath and enviusioned the twist he would need, anticipated the pain it would cause, and forced himself to accept that. To embrace it. Sometimes pain was needed in this life to achieve victory. Sometimes pain was worth the result it would bring.

This was one of those times.

He would use this to his advantage and bring the wolf to ground.

Creator, help me, he prayed silently. Do not let me flinch. He'd been taught this in training more than once—but they never completed the move because to do so would dislocate the shoulder. Once he began the turn, if he didn't complete it, not only would his shoulder pay the price, but Lerrin would have the upper hand.

It was all or nothing.

Reth braced for everything and with a hiss through his teeth, planted his feet and began the turn. But then, just as suddenly as he began to apply his strength, the pressure was gone.

Without resistance, Reth stumbled forward—his shoulder still intact—and caught his weight. He turned in a flash, ready to attack or defend. But instead… his eyes went wide.

The roar of the crowd would have been overwhelming, but he'd been so focused on his enemy, he hadn't even heard them, just felt them, their cheers and jeers vibrating in his chest. Suddenly, that sensation was gone and he watched as the impossible happened.

Lerrin, his eyes pained, yet pleading, sank to his knees, thudding to the dirt, his shoulders slumped and rolled forward, though his eyes still fixed on Reth's—the strength and power of the Alpha burning deep inside and, if Reth didn't miss his guess, pushing at him. The wolf trembled, battling his natural urge to dominate, to fight, to win. An urge Reth understood.

He was stunned speechless.

His mouth dropped open as he watched the male he'd hated, fought against, cursed, and judged, kneel in the dirt, humbling himself, shaking in restraint, every dominant hair on his body rising against what he forced himself to do: Submit to Reth.

And then, when Reth didn't immediately respond, Lerrin cursed and, jaw tight and twitching, he let his head fall back to bare his throat.

Lerrin bared himself for Reth to take his life. "Please," he breathed below the level of the baying crowd. "Please listen. I come to you for help. For peace." But his eyes… his eyes promised both submission, and payback.

If Reth didn't stay true to his word, this male would hold him accountable for it. Or make sure someone did.

Reth's hands began to shake. It was the ultimate act of submission, presented by his enemy, and it stole his breath.

"I am here," Lerrin rasped, "because I can't do it. I can't fix what is broken in my people. But you can. The wolves need… they need someone better than me, Reth." Lerrin shuddered, desperate and angry, grieving and resigned, but also resolved. His eyes flared with a light of hope, but also of anger. Despite the conflict within him, the instincts roaring at him not to give himself, Lerrin did not waver.

The hair on Reth's arms stood up. "Do you have any idea what you're doing?" he hissed. "Lerrin, this is a fight to the death!"

Lerrin nodded his head, his eyes screwed tight. But when he opened them, they were clear. "Yes," he said simply. "I offer myself for the good of my people. If you will save them, my life is a price I'm willing to pay."

Reth sucked in, then realized he could hear his own breath. He blinked and turned.

All around them, the bowl had gone silent—the wolves and their allies gaping in disbelief, while the citizens of the Tree City stared, too afraid to hope.

Reth knew the feeling.

But then he tensed. Think, he told himself. He had to think this through. As Lerrin watched, Reth considered him, there in the dirt. He'd released Reth from his grip. Was not fighting. Submitted. Was it a ploy? Could it be a strategy? But Lerrin had done this publicly. His own people—his own pack leaders—were watching, along with his enemies. It was a public declaration of his submission to Reth. Even if he were to leap to his feet and begin to fight now, very few of the people would see him as Alpha any longer.

And now Reth had to respond. To show mercy, or to kill. To take what belonged to Lerrin, or to offer something back.

Everything hinged on this moment.

This was the male who'd stood by while his mate was almost killed. This was the male who had led a rebellion. Who had sent warriors that killed Reth's people. Who had tried to kill Reth himself, and almost took his best friend.

This was the male who had almost taken the Tree City… but had given Reth the keys to his plan.

Killing him… tearing out his throat or breaking his neck… it would not solve the issues within the people. But it would shift the balance of power. Reth would stand Alpha over all, again. He would be Clan Leader in truth.

And he would be true to his word to root out the darkness, the cancer within the wolves. No more turning an eye of mercy upon the tribe that undermined and sought to kill others. Any Anima—no matter their tribe—that did not swear fealty, that worked in secret to harm, would be killed.

Just as Lerrin had done.

And just as Reth now had to do.

Killing him would bring all of Anima back to the Tree City. It would return their lives back to a society, rather than the preparation for war.

Everything Reth wanted stood on the other side of killing this male… who had just sacrificed himself for the same people Reth now sought to lead. It was the ultimate act of submission, and of love. Real love. The kind that gave of itself in order to save someone else.

Reth remembered the prophetic words...

There is no greater love than this: That a male give up his life for his friends.

His heart softened.

Then Aymora's face appeared in his head, along with echoes of her stern warnings.

No mercy. Mercy only convinces them that they can do wrong and not pay for it.

Reth steeled himself.

With Lerrin gone, the war would be over. Even if there were battles to be fought, it would be against this thread of cancer within the tribe, rather than between tribes and the peoples of Anima.

It would free him to bring Elia back.

And that thought—that thought of his beautiful, crying mate who'd clung to him and wailed his name, who was struggling and with child—his child! His poor mate who needed him… that made Reth's decision easy.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward to stand over Lerrin, let the wolf see the grief on his face. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice as low and humble as he could make it. "I cannot let you live."

Never breaking eye contact, Lerrin nodded, his throat bobbing.

"I'm truly sorry, Lerrin. I want you to know, I will remember this. I will… I will honor this. You have shown yourself a true Alpha today, whether they realize it or not."

Lerrin blinked several times. "Thank you." They stared at each other a moment longer, then Lerrin sighed. "Just do it."

As Reth reached for his head—he would make this as quick as painless as possible and snap his neck in a flash—Lerrin closed his eyes and his face paled. His lips began to move and his eyes squeezed tighter. His hands on his thighs fisted so hard they turned white.

Reth's breathing sped up as he fought with himself over showing mercy, his fingers clawing into Lerrin's black hair. But there was no room for mercy here. The fight was declared on Hallowed Ground, before the people. He had no choice!

Then, Lerrin sucked in a breath and whispered, "I love you Suhle!"

Groaning in grief, Reth braced his feet to give himself traction to make the break swift and painless.

***** END OF VOLUME 2 *****

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