Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 361: Drawing the Line

Chapter 361: Drawing the Line

(August 2021) READER SHOUT OUT: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for the very, very generous gifts you gave in July. I am always a little embarrassed when readers give extra on top of paying for my content. I am truly humbled. I want to say a special thank you to these readers whose generosity made my jaw drop:? PBMamaRae, MoonGoddess21, DaoistPrvZp, Jak_BeQuick, S_courge, April_Jo_Perez, Stacey Moncrief3242



Lerrin didn't let himself move or show any reaction.

Hern's face was grim. "Horche was killed by Reth. He let his beast… hunt him."

"Reth personally killed a prisoner?"

"Tortured and killed him, yes."

Suhle spoke and Lerrin almost jumped. She rarely spoke when other males were there. "Is it possible this is rumor rather than fact? Something… something t-the Cat set up for you to hear to… spark you to retaliate?" she said softly from the other side of the room. Hern looked at her oddly, then turned back to Lerrin.

"My eyes and ears were very close. They listened to the screams. Only the King and two of his guards were in the building, and only the King left with blood on him. Plus, they heard the Lion claim its kill."

Lerrin swore, rage surging into his throat to choke him.

Reth? The same Reth that swore to his face that they could make peace between them?

The one who banished the wolves for having a strategy against the Queen? Who spouted pretty speeches about bringing the tribes together? Who claimed he never killed except in defense of self or others?

That Reth killed a prisoner in cold blood? Tortured them?

Even Lerrin was stunned.

And fucking furious.

He could feel Suhle in his mind, her confusion and fear for what this would bring. She was at heart a peace-lover and did not want to see Lerrin bring the pack against the Tree City. But if Reth had discarded his scruples about killing, Lerrin had to step very carefully.

What would be next? Would the Cat finally bring an all-out assault against the encampment?

Lerrin hadn't realized how much he'd assumed Reth's desire for peace would hold him back. How little he'd considered the idea of the Tree City descending on them where they stood.

He sucked in a breath and tried to focus.

He was torn down the middle, his mind fighting for clarity. He needed to talk to Suhle to understand what had just happened between them. But this… this was war. This was strategy. This was the mental game.

This was what he was good at.

His body still tingled, yearning to go back to Suhle. But his rage screamed for release. The Cat was killing!

In a moment it became clear… it was high time Lerrin did the same.

He hesitated, that small voice in his head urging him to caution. But he knew when his people heard about this, they would require blood for blood.

This was no soldier killed in battle. This was murder. Lerrin had no choice.

"Call the Security Council here. Now," he said, low and sharp. Hern nodded. "You can give us all the full report and we'll decide the best way forward."

But—Suhle sent, then cut herself off. Suddenly she was gone from his head as if she'd never been there and Lerrin almost turned to look at her. Almost gave himself away.

Instead, he called after Hern who was already on his way out. "Oh, and Hern?"

"Yes, Sire?"

"I'm removing Daryn from the Council. Either gather them without him, or if you already know a good, solid male to replace him, bring them along. But that male does not step foot in my quarters again, and he is not given authority over others—especially females. Am I understood?"

Hern looked at him a moment, expressionless. "Understood. Though, can I ask why?"

"I will fill you in later when we have dealt with this. But there will be many changes in the coming days. Be prepared."

Hern nodded, then stepped out. Lerrin turned to Suhle immediately, to ask her why she'd cut herself off from the link.

But she was gone.

Lerrin blinked at the space in front of the bench where he would have sworn she was. Where she'd gone when Hern entered.

Hadn't she?

Suhle? he sent.

But she didn't answer. And he couldn't feel her listening.


Lerrin sat in the circle with the Security Council and wanted to claw his hands down his face. The combination of rage and excitement in the wolves was reaching a fever pitch. Even Hern was affected, though he battled to keep himself in check, as Lerrin did. The others though… Lerrin could smell their bloodthirst.

With Suhle gone, Lerrin had had to set up the chairs himself, and there was no calming lavender tea. So the males had joined him, and Hern had filled them in—to a chorus of snarls and growls, and threats.

While no one had actually leapt from their seats, the suggestions for retaliation had become almost ridiculous. But Lerrin sat through it all, stone-faced, and tried to bring them back into logical thinking. He was loathe to connect minds with them all, but he would do it if that's what it took to bring them back under his hand.

"Enough!" he snapped, when the idea of burning the city was raised again. "We will not self-destruct just because the Cat has lost his mind. This is time for cold strategy and determination. Hern, do we know where the Bird is being held?"

Hern shook his head. "We have a rough idea, but we do not have the specific building. I believe she has been moved."

"How much does she know?"

"Very little. She was briefed on the operation itself, but she has had no contact with the wider strategies or plans. She's stayed close to her tent and her Tribe until they left on this attack."

Lerrin nodded. That as good. Their plan had worked. They'd been careful to keep the other tribes at the outskirts of the encampment and away from the councils so there was no chance of them carrying information back if any of them defected back to the Tree City.

A move Lerrin assumed Reth would have welcomed—what with all his talk of mercy and unity. But perhaps he had finally snapped?

Lerrin supposed it would only help them if the people here learned that Reth was becoming ruthless. Less chance of them would leave, taking important information with them. The males around him continued to debate the merits of different approaches, but the sinking dread in Lerrin's stomach was telling. He knew what had to be done. He'd just been hopeful that these males would come up with an alterative that hadn't occurred to him.

Instead, they sat here, slavering over the idea of sinking their teeth into their enemies.

If he wanted any kind of balance or caution in this, he was going to have to do his job as Alpha and take the reins for this one.

"I think the time has come," Lerrin said quietly.

All discussion stopped immediately. Even Hern looked at him with sharp eyes. "What do you mean, Sire?"

Lerrin shifted his weight and looked around the room, aching for Suhle to be there, so he could get her perspective on all of this afterwards.

He shook his head. He needed to focus.

"I think," he said quietly, "the time has come to stop playing at the edges of war, and to lead the charge. It's time to take this fight to his door."

The wolves began to howl.

Lerrin felt sick.

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