Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 340: Remember When

Chapter 340: Remember When


Lerrin had swallowed the clinch of fear that struck him at the vicious expression on his father's face and shaken his head. "No, Dad, we can't take the Queen like that. You'll just martyr her then, and make Reth a figure of sympathy as well as strength. We have to take her head-on. Challenge her. Prove to the tribes how weak she is—and that her weakness weakens him! If we take her out, it makes us the villains and everyone else will see him as even more of a hero."

Eyes dark, his father's lip had curled away from his teeth. Lerrin knew—because he'd heard his father rant about it—that he was once again cursing himself for being the one who brought the human Queen into Anima.

A year earlier, when the Rite of Survival had been called by the people and King Reth was forced to take a Queen, Lucine had been chosen by the wolf tribe as their Sacrifice. But it was tradition for the humans to contribute a Sacrifice also.

As the second most powerful Tribe in Anima, the wolves were assigned the task of finding the best the humans had to offer.

Lerrin had known early on that his father had a plan. Had identified a female that, he believed, would both lose the Rite to Lerrin's sister, and in doing so, undermine the King's sense of his own strength. His father had thought it the perfect plan—bring the female from the King's childhood into Anima and let him watch her be slaughtered by the wolf Sacrifice. Let him know that they knew of his past, and that they, the wolves, had been the ones to bring out the downfall of the only female the King had ever held with feeling.

It was supposed to be the first step in the wolves' domination of Anima—immediately followed by Lucine taking the Queen's throne, and further undermining Reth's dominance through her own sheer force of will, and by bringing the wolves into leadership and power around him.

Lucan's plan would have taken years, but would have ended in Reth's emasculation, until he was King in name only—and Anima was truly ruled by Lucine, and the wolves.

Except… it hadn't happened. Somehow Elia had beaten Lucine—worse, hadn't killed her, leaving the decision in the King's hand. Of course, Reth chose Elia as his Queen and allowed Lucine to live—effectively declaring her incapable.

Lerrin had noticed the shadows in his father's eyes from the very first day he had returned with Elia from the human world. He'd scented the shadow that Lucan carried ever since. The scent was chilling, and somehow cold. But it also seemed to wax and wane on Lucan. There were whole days Lerrin forgot his worries about his father's mental state because he seemed to be himself again.

Then something like this would happen.

His father walked alongside him, muttering, snarling, whispering words that he knew must be threats. True, bloodcurdling threats. But against himself.

He blamed himself for bringing the Queen into Anima, and every time she, or her mate, the King, took another step forward, Lucan seemed to get lost in this self-hatred, and terrible, terrible anger.

The feeling it gave Lerrin reminded him of the days when he was a pup and might have peed on himself in fear.

His father spluttered another curse and an eerie growl erupted from deep within his throat.

Lerrin was so startled, he stopped walking. "Dad?"

"…cut her stomach open and spill her bowels!"

"Dad!" Lerrin said, grabbing him at the arm so he would stop. And he did. He jerked to a halt, blinking at Lerrin as if he hadn't been aware his son was there. "Dad, what is going on?" Lerrin whispered, looking around to see if there was anyone nearby. "What are you doing?"

His father blinked again, then took hold of his arms. "You must make me an oath, son," he said urgently, all trace of his rage gone.

"I mean, sure, but for what?"

Lucan reached to his belt for the knife he kept there and before Lerrin could even ask, he sliced his own palm, then handed it to Lerrin. "Do it," he said, low and hard.

"What? What for?"

"You will vow to me, an oath that will keep you safe and keep you in power, even if I'm gone."

Lerrin frowned, but there seemed to be more harm in resisting his father, than in doing it. His father was so erratic now, he hoped giving this to him might help him settle when he got odd ideas about Lerrin working against him. "O-okay," he said and took the knife, running along the heel of his own palm.

His father clasped his hand immediately, gripping him and staring into his eyes with a strange, fierce light. "You vow to me that should the need ever arise to enter the human world again, you will not go yourself—or send another wolf—unless it is the most dire of needs. Unless it threatens the entire tribe!"

"I… I will, Dad, but can you tell me why?"

"Do it!" he snarled, bringing all of his Alpha power and authority to bear so that Lerrin leaped to do as he asked without even thinking.

"I vow it!"

"What do you vow?"

"I vow that I will never cross the traverse to the human world myself, or send another wolf, unless it is for the most dire need—a threat to the entire tribe."

His father took a deep breath, then sagged, clapping his shoulder with his free hand. "And I vow," he said a moment later, his eyes still fixed on Lerrin's, "that no matter what comes, I will stand in your stead—leave you safe to pursue the dominance of the Lupine. You are our future, Lerrin. You and Lucine. I vow that I will give anything, even my own life, to see you both in power."

Lerrin blinked, confused and touched. But his father just gave a small smile then squeezed his shoulder again and began walking as if nothing had happened.

As they passed under the upward pointing leaves of one of the great trees, Lerrin stared at his own bloodstained palm and a tiny serpent of dread slithered through his gut. He wasn't sure what had made his father so anxious. Whatever it was, it had happened in the human world. He'd been different ever since he returned the second time.

He looked at his Dad, who walked alongside him normally now, no longer cursing or baring his teeth. But he knew it was only a matter of time. These moods seemed to take him more and more, especially when it had anything to do with the King and Queen.

Lerrin wished he had nothing to do with the Alpha power. It only ever seemed to bring heartache to people. He prayed that the Alpha role would remain Lucine's mantle to bear. She'd take it gladly, he knew. And while Lerrin outranked her in the hierarchy, his strength was… reluctant. He was glad his father was Alpha, and prayed if anything ever happened to him that another male would step in, capable to lead. Lerrin would let him take the Alpha authority gladly.

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