Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 322: Training

Chapter 322: Training

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He paced the tent, head spinning and stomach churning, waiting impatiently while she washed and dried the dishes, stacked them on the bench for the next day, then folded the towel and threw out the dirty water.

It wasn't until she returned to the tent from outside that she caught sight of him, still dressed and standing there, watching her.

"Are you in need?" she asked, surprised. "Can I help you so you can rest?"

"No, but I think I can help you," he rasped.

She looked down at the bowl in her hands, walked it back to the bench with the other dishes, then laid it down softly. "Lerrin, I am grateful you would wish to help me," she said without looking at him. "But… but this talking tonight has made me realize… I have been wrong."

He frowned. "How?"

She turned to face him, but kept one hand on the bench behind her, as if she needed something to brace against. "I… I lied to you in a way. I… I did not lie about why I wanted to be here, to serve you, to keep my cot in your tent. But… after that meeting… I did wish for the others to believe we were mating—" His eyebrows popped up, but she rushed on. "I did not intend to tempt you. I only wished to encourage the rumors!"

He wasn't angry. More baffled. She'd never touched him or been suggestive in the slightest way—never made the signals. He knew she wasn't lying about that. "Why would you want people saying that?"

Her throat bobbed, and something Lerrin's stomach clenched. "Because when the males here believe you have me, they would view touching me as a risk. They would not breach what is seen as your territory. They fear you. I owe you an apology because… I did not deny rumors when they were spoken near me. I… allowed males to hear them and believe. I used you. I am sorry. Please believe it was never my intention to seduce you. I only wanted to use the talk to my advantage." She kept her eyes down. In shame? She had nothing to b ashamed about!

His chest was cold. His hands were cold. Every time he turned around she surprised him. And this world—his people—took him by surprise too, but not for the better.

Suhle allowed herself to be viewed in a way she did not choose, just because it made her feel safer.

She worked in rooms and served males that made her afraid.

She sought his cover, but not his bed—and likely faced jealousy and spite from other females because of it.

And she apologized to him?

"I am the one who should be apologizing," he said, his voice husky. "I knew… I could tell that there had been difficulty in your life, and… I put off learning about it because I was afraid of what I would find. I was wrong, Suhle. I should have known this sooner. It will not happen again. Can you forgive me?"

Of course, she sent, her eyes soft. There is nothing to forgive. This is my story, not yours.

"Oh, it's mine," he muttered. But the knot in his chest loosened and he could breathe easier. It was time to move to solutions.

She had moved quickly and effectively, but if he hadn't been taken by surprise, if he'd braced correctly, her grip may not have succeeded in flipping him—and even if it had, she'd been a touch too slow to make the final blow—she'd caught herself. Something she couldn't afford when she was facing a true enemy. She needed to practice so she moved without hesitation.

If you'll allow it, he sent, I believe I can help you. I gather it's been some time since you trained?

Her eyes went guarded and he felt the trill of fear in her. She licked her lips nervously as she sent, Combat is not… I do not enjoy it. I never did. When my friends saw my difficulties with fighting, they taught me other ways of defending myself. Combat is a last resort.

Lerrin frowned. What other ways?

She wiped her hands the front of her tunic. "It is difficult to explain. Perhaps we could go outside, to the forest. I could show you?"

He blinked. For a split second his natural suspicion of any unusual event rose and he wondered if she was trying to trap him. But then he felt her through the connection—hopeful, hesitant, slightly pleading.

"Of course," he said aloud and turned to find his jacket thrown over the bedpost. "But you'll need to wrap up, it's much colder out there than—"

Jacket in hand, he turned back to face her, but she was gone.

Lerrin blinked. "Suhle?"

I am outside, she sent. Follow me. I will show you.

Shoving his jacket over his arm, he strode out of the tent, catching himself mid-stride when he ran into the guards just two steps from the door.

They both turned, surprised, and saluted him.

"I will return later," he snarled. "Don't let anyone inside."

They both agreed and Lerrin took another step, then stopped again. "Did you see anyone else exit the tent recently?" he asked.

The guards looked at each other nervously. "No, Sire. Only you since the Council members left. Is there a problem?"

"No, no," he said through his teeth. "No problem. I only… nevermind. I will return. Please keep your places."

He wasn't sure why, but the revelation angered him. He couldn't see her, but he could feel her, out there. Moving. Their connection still strong, which was baffling to him.

How did you leave without them seeing you? he sent.

He could feel her amusement.

Sometimes the best defense is when no one even knows you are there. Come, she sent. Tell me where you would have me meet you. I will show you what I can do.

Lerrin's jaw tightened, but he managed a cold smile. The east sentries, he sent. The encampment is barricaded there. Pass through without raising their alarm. There's a dead stump one hundred steps beyond the gate. Meet me there.

He felt her accept the challenge and smile in return. Easy. I will show you as I pass them.

Lerrin's eyebrows popped up. Not if I beat you there.

I would like to see you try, she sent back, laughing.

Lerrin picked up his pace.

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