Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 318: Under Cover

Chapter 318: Under Cover

LERRIN - Anima

It was night. Despite the extra lamp that Suhle had found and installed, the white walls of Lerrin's tent looked gray because of the darkness pressing in behind them. Usually, when he wasn't at war, this was his favorite time of day—or night, as the case may be. When the darkness had descended and the air had cooled, but before weariness took over.

At least, that's how he'd felt at this time of day before he went to war.

Lerrin held himself strong and scanned the men of the council who sat in the circle in his tent again. While things between them had mostly calmed, there had been more and more disruption among the people in the encampment. Reports of fighting between fists, and the first question of a group of males possibly mistreating a female had reached his ears that morning, though not through these men.

Because they didn't know? Or because they were hiding this from him? Lerrin wanted to bare his teeth, but held himself in check.

Suhle had taken to offering them all lavender tea before their meetings began—without telling them why. Lerrin had to stifle a grin every time one of them said yes. And she'd been right. Things seemed to have been more civil since they'd been taking the tea. Fewer flares of temper. Fewer arguments. But the underlying tension remained.

When Suhle offered him a cup, he waved it away, though he supposed he needed it as much as the other men did. But he didn't want his edge taken off today.

Today he wanted to remind them all why he was Alpha.

"Report," he barked. Let them get the practicalities out of the way, then he would start snarling.

But Hern was too old to be intimidated by his abruptness. He only sat up straighter and leaned on one knee. "The first fist that was tasked with the assassination is in place. We expect them to return tomorrow at the latest, victorious."

Lerrin's heart pounded. "Wake me if they return overnight—victorious or not—do not delay. Do we have the others ready and prepared to take their attempts if this group fails?"

Hern nodded.

"Good. Do not let me learn of their progress from anyone else, Hern. They report to you, you report to me, directly."

"Of course."

"Very well. Continue."

Hern's self-satisfied air faded to frustration. "The wolves that were posted where the Queen was killed are under pressure. The bears have worked through the higher grounds and are on their way down. They'll meet within the day if we don't pull them out."

Trying to buy time, Lerrin had told the soldiers to pull back to the portal valley in case the bears didn't make it that far before they were forced to sleep. But I looked like they were staying up this Autumn, at least for a time. Interesting.

"How long until they enter the clearing if they're unchecked?"


"And do we know whether they're taking the width of the valley, or is it only the territory surrounding the trail?"

"We've been retreating, so we don't know how hard they'll fight for it. But so far, they appear to be keeping their entire tribe on the move. They've spread themselves out to cover the breadth of the valley. I believe they plan to take all of it."

Lerrin nodded, cursing under his breath. "Very well, tell them to pull out—but find the lines the bears will draw for themselves, and remain there. In the shadows. They are not to let the bears know they're there."

"Are you certain you want to give the ground, Sire?" Hern asked, his voice sharper than it should have been.

Lerrin met the male's eyes. "As we discussed, I wish for the bears to believe that we are giving ground. Have you followed my instructions?"

Hern nodded stiffly. "They've engaged only in skirmishes, allowing it to appear that they were surprised. But, Sire—"

"No buts, Hern. That is good and well. Continue with the plan. Let our wolves draw blood, but not take life. They should appear to run, frightened when they retreat."

Hern muttered something about wolves tucking their tales, and snorted air from his nose.

Lerrin waited. When the male didn't speak up, he leaned forward. "Speak your mind, Hern. I do not want to revisit this. What aggravates you?"

"Sire, the bears have clearly aligned with the Cat. If we simply back away, we embolden our enemy—and lose our easier access to the royal cave."

"We cannot afford to fight a war on two fronts," Lerrin growled. "And the bears, while perhaps working with the Cat, are not… reliable. What say all of you. Let's get this done. I am sick of running in circles like I chase my own tail."

"I say you stick with your plan to retreat," one of the younger males said. "But do as much damage as possible on the way out. Don't hold back. Let them think we have truly fought for it."

"And potentially lose wolf brothers and sisters to… theatrics?" Lerrin said through his teeth.

"Our fighters are gifted. If they cannot engage without death, it will be on their own heads."

"Fool," Lerrin snarled. "You only demonstrated your inexperience. War is always unexpected and full of risk. Even the most skilled males and females can be killed. I do not see a gain that makes the risk worthwhile."

"We should retreat as you suggest," Daryn, the dark and angry youth, said, "but wait on the line until they sleep, then return when they're truly asleep and take them in their beds."

There were several growling chuckles and whines of approval for this plan. Lerrin fought not to let his disgust for the idea show. They could not see weakness in him. No wavering.

"This wouldn't be difficult to achieve. Though I believe we should bring most of the wolves back here for the weeks until we're certain."

Lerrin turned to look at Craye, his spy runner. It was rare for the older male to speak up in meetings. Lerrin had always suspected the man had spent so much of his life in the shadows, that he often forgot others could see him—or perhaps, didn't want them to.

The man raised his hackles, but there was no doubt he was effective. "What would be the purpose of bringing our people out of the land?" Lerrin asked. "Is that not simple retreat?"

Craye nodded. "And everyone outside of this room will believe so, as well, which means their spies will relay that. I can win this for you before anyone even knows it has happened, Sire."

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