Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 315: Sleeping & Spies

Chapter 315: Sleeping & Spies

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RETH - Anima

All he wanted to do was sleep. To rest and perhaps find Elia in the dream again. The drag on his body and mind, the constant urge to simply walk away and roll into his furs was a moment-by-moment battle.

He had to talk to her. He had to understand for certain what she was facing. Make sure she knew that this was real—could she scent? Would she know if he… he was able to touch her?

Creator's Mane, he wanted to touch her.

He groaned in his chest and Behryn turned to look at him. They were both seated at the dining table in the Royal cave. Reth hadn't wanted to start meeting there—it was harder to concentrate with Elia's scent still hanging around in places—but with the market and outbuildings full of citizens from the more remote areas, and the Royal cave closer to the center of the city, and more easily defended, he couldn't deny it was the best choice.

He just wanted to sleep.

He pushed the thought away and, ignoring the look of concern on Behryn's face, sat back in his chair. "So… we have the bears in the portal region without fighting?"

"There were small skirmishes, but again, just as they've done here, the wolves seemed more interested in testing their strength than holding the ground. The bears have almost made it to the portal. They're taking a mile or more every day. They'll own the entire valley soon."

Reth frowned. It made no sense. At minimum, Lerrin knew what the ground held—and they all knew that the Queen had been there, along with her Cohorts. Why would Lerrin give it up?

He rubbed his face with both hands. "I'm missing something."

Behryn tipped his head back and forth. "I'm not sure either. It feels too easy. But we both know Lerrin wasn't intending on holding that ground. Maybe he just never gave the commitment to it?"

Reth shook his head. "No. Either they've decided to give it up—which means that they have another plan they think is going to win it back for them. Or they're up to something. My bet is on the latter."

"Yes. Much as I wish Lerrin were that na?ve, I just don't think so."

"So what are they doing that they don't mind losing control there?"

Behryn frowned. "I'd say either preparing for an all-out assault in which they need all their soldiers, or… I don't know. I have to think… I have to hope they wouldn't decide to use the bear's hibernation against them?"

"The wolves hate the bears. Lucan was forever snarling at me about even meeting with them. I doubt Lerrin's completely skipped his father's prejudice."

"I know he hasn't," Behryn sighed. "He was at our planning meeting before they brought the petition. He was calm about it, but everything in him bristled. He didn't want you aligning with the bears."

Reth scowled. "Then it makes even less sense that they're giving up the ground. Are they actually retreating? Or just not fighting hard?"

"I don't know all the details, but the scouts said there's been very little bloodshed. Where the tribes have met face to face the wolves have only fought hard enough to keep the bears from pursuing. But there's more than one account of Gahwr's people sighting the wolves as they leave. So… I guess the question becomes, how far are they retreating? Are those wolves returning to the encampment? Or just sitting on the boundary the Bears set?"

"That's our next step then. When they reach the portal cave, you send a fist of trackers. Ask Gawhr to let them through to follow the wolves."

"We can't, Reth," Behryn said, his eyes sparking. "You told them we wouldn't enter it except on the trail. That the bears could have the land freely."

Reth blinked. Holy shit. How had he forgotten that? "Well, then… I'll write a message and ask Gawhr if he'll send some of his own after them—or let ours through just for that purpose. It can't hurt to ask."

"Are you certain? The bears are… unpredictable."

"Aren't we all when we're at war? Isn't that the point."

"Yes, but the bears are bad on a good day. You risk the life of whoever you send if Gawhr's in a temper."

"Then I'll go myself," Reth muttered.

"Like hell you will, Reth. What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you forgotten everything you know about war, and combat?"

"No, I'm just sick of this whole fucking thing and I want it done!" he roared.

Behryn straightened, eyebrows arching. He glanced over his shoulder towards the door to see if it was still open. Whether the guards outside would have heard. Certainly those in the bathing pools cavern would have. Then he turned back to Reth.

"I know this has been a difficult few weeks—"

"No, Behryn. You don't. You're still going to home to your mate every day."

"Every day, Reth, knowing that on any one of them I might not get to go home—or I might find the wolves have targeted me through my weakest point. So you can just back the fuck off with the self-pity. You were the one who chose to send her—and it was the right decision!" he rushed on when Reth opened his mouth to argue. "But the whole reason for putting her there safely was so that you could focus here. Getting reckless with your own life, or any of your people, isn't going to help."

"I'm not getting reckless," he growled.

Behryn snorted. "You'll go meet Gawhr yourself?"

"We need to know what the wolves are doing. We need to understand—"

"And we will. Worse case we can send some birds out to scout until they find them."

"I don't trust the birds."

"One bad apple, Reth—"

"We don't know how many bad apples there are, Behr, so don't give me that steaming pile of shit."

They both glared, then Reth sighed. But he didn't drop his eyes. He did, however, drop his voice so no one who wasn't as close as Behryn would hear him. "Have we heard from any of our spies? Do we know how many we got into the encampment?"

Behryn's lips thinned. "We're pretty confident we have at least two. But we've had nothing. Not so much as a squeak. And that doesn't sit well with me. I'm afraid either they've been discovered, or they've actually followed the wolves after all."

Reth grimaced. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. The wolf-packs are pretty tight. It takes time to infiltrate."

"But that was the point. They were already in. Already trusted. That's why we chose them. If they haven't been able to send any news… I fear for their lives. Or that Lerrin is keeping those close to him under such tight rein that there is simply no way for them to get out and communicate."

Reth swore. "Obstacles at every road, delays around every corner. I need to finish this, Behryn!"

"What you need, Reth, is to win this war—no matter how long it takes. And to remember that you can be grateful your mate it out from under wolf eyes. Not all of us are so blessed by the Creator."

Reth knew his friend was right, but that didn't stop the truth burning in his chest.

He needed Elia here. He needed to watch over her, help her. If she was starting to shift because of Elreth, what if she got loose in the city and was shot?

Reth had never told the Anima about the technology and weapons available in the human world. He'd always feared someone might try to bring them into Anima. But what if…

No… he refused to even consider it. Elia was definitely safer there, especially hidden by the Guardians. He just needed to speak with her again.

which meant, he just needed to sleep…


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